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Hours spent sitting by computers or swiping on phones have taken a toll on people’s hands and wrists. Our hands are valuable tools that we often take for granted. We use them to brush our teeth, open doors and wash our dishes. Menial tasks that most of us complete without a second thought. However, if your wrists are worn out for any reason - be it a disease, syndrome injury or overstrain - these
Overstock of aftermarket parts in Africa at Sandvik Stationary Crushing and Screening
Title: Overstock of aftermarket parts in Africa at Sandvik Stationary Crushing and Screening Author: Mattias Johannesson Supervisor: Fredrik Olsson, Division of Production Management Background: An increase of customer expectations such as demand for more customizable options, shorter lead times and availability puts more and more pressure on a company's logistical processes. With fluctuat
Church and Belonging, Learning from lockdown
During the COVID-19 pandemic governments worldwide went into lockdown to stop the spread of the virus. Lockdown severely challenged the preconditions assumed necessary for the development and retention of a sense of belonging. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the components of belonging, how they interrelate, and critically examine ruling assumptions about the creati
Att etablera nyktra vanor - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om behandlares arbete med återfall i öppenvården
Studies have shown that the majority of substance abusers relapse within the first year of completed treatment. The aim of this study was to examine how professionals working with substance abuse in outpatient treatment describe their experience of working with relapse cases. The method chosen was qualitative semi-structured interviews with seven different professionals working with substance abus
Kvinnojourers stöd till kvinnor i kontakt med socialtjänsten. En kvalitativ intervjustudie.
Domestic violence is a widespread social problem. Although studies show that support from social services can be a key support to able to leave a violent relationship, few seek this help. Reports of social workers who fail to help females subjected to violence show that something has to change. This study has aimed to examine how the support from women's shelters is designed for women who seek
“Det finns två sidor; antingen så undrar de vad jag gör där, eller så blir jag hyllad” - En socialantropologisk studie om mötet mellan unga kvinnor och Försvarsmakten
This thesis examines the encounter between young women and the Swedish Armed Forces, with emphasis on three marketing campaigns whose aim is to attract young women to the male dominated authority. Primarily, this thesis focuses on how young women negotiate their willingness to take part in the Swedish Armed Forces. This is done by investigating what stereotypes young women have about the authority
Scientific collaboration amid geopolitical tensions: a comparison of Sweden and Australia
Significant collaborations with research partners in China are seen in many Western countries. With increasing US-China geopolitical tensions, governments, research institutions, and individuals in established scientific systems are increasingly required to address a proliferating array of risks and challenges associated with collaboration with China. Academic researchers are only beginning to des
Measuring Niche-Associated Metabolic Activity in Planktonic and Biofilm Bacteria
Most pathobionts of the respiratory tract form biofilms during asymptomatic colonization to survive and persist in this niche. Environmental changes of the host niche, often resulting from infection with respiratory viruses, changes of the microbiota composition, or other host assaults, can result in biofilm dispersion and spread of bacteria to other host niches, resulting in infections, such as o
Principle, practice & pragmatism: Gender and development mediations in Danish non-governmental organisations
Despite the long-established commitment to gender mainstreaming in global development, its transformative potential remains questionable in practice. This thesis explores how development practitioners tasked with gender mainstreaming responsibilities in Danish non-governmental organisations mediate between ideal and practice in their daily work. Through twelve semi-structured interviews, I bring t
The Bioarchaeology of Impairment and Disability in Medieval Helsingborg - A Population Analysis of the Skeletal Material from the Convent of S:t Nicolai
Disability is an aspect that forms a significant part of the human condition. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) an estimated 1 billion people worldwide live with a disability. That accounts for roughly 15 % of the entire human population, and therefore it has been sometimes referred to as the world's largest minority. The presence of people with disability is a phenomenon that i
Gillhög ur ett paleopatologiskt perspektiv - En paleopatologisk undersökning av det humanosteologiska materialet från gånggriften Gillhög (Barsebäck socken, Skåne).
The purpose of the analysis was to study the health of early farmers. To achieve this, the aim was to make a paleopathological analysis of the osteological material from the passage grave Gillhög in Barsebäck parish (Skåne). By recording and analyzing the bone material from the passage grave, the aim was to investigate if the bones showed any paleopathological changes and which ones. Hopefully, th
Gymnasieelevers resonemang kring kemisk jämvikt
I denna artikel beskrivs en studie av hur gymnasieelever använder kemiska symboler och begrepp när de resonerar runt kemisk jämvikt. Studiens mål var att undersöka hur elevernas prestationsnivå och vetenskapliga språknivå är relaterad till deras förmåga att skapa mening i kemi.
An Assembled Message : Matthen on the Content of Perceptual Experience
Mohan Matthen holds that visual perceptual content is divided into descriptive and referential elements. Descriptive content is our awareness of sensory features belonging to objects located in the visual field. Matthen conceives of this in terms of an image. The referential element is a demonstrative form of content, by which we pick out those objects as particulars and assert their physical pres
Memorable and Digital: Exploring Young Audiences Needs for Cultural Experiences
This thesis explores the provision of memorable digital cultural experiences (MDCEs) for young audiences, thereby addressing the existing gap in the literature concerning the experience economy, digitalization in the cultural sector, and memorability of experiences. Based on qualitative in-depth interviews, the research explores cultural consumption trends, uncovers factors contributing to the mem
Unravelling the Complexity Puzzle: Evaluating the Relevance of Traditional Change Management Models in a Complex Environment
Traditional change management models have been widely used to manage organisational change. However, this integrative literature review paper questions their relevance in environments characterised by complexity due to the intricate nature of challenges and uncertainties in these contexts. A novel framework is developed, encompassing key elements required to facilitate change in complex environmen
Parental Leave Practice in Sweden and Gender Equality: A Qualitative Study on Dynamics in Swedish Parents' Leave-sharing choices
A lot of research has shown varied contributors to Swedish parents' leave-sharing choices, including income, profession, and gender norms. However, there is an absence of studying the contributors as connected and interacting aspects. In this sense, this research aims to identify the dynamics of parents' choices on leave-sharing and gender equality. Specifically, the research explores what
True Crime - En Socialantropologisk studie om en etisk gråzon i en stigande trend
True Crime har blivit en växande trend, men har funnits sen femtonhundratalet, (Nationalencyklopedin, 2023). I dagens samhälle finns det en mängd kanaler du kan ansluta dig till för att kunna ta del av ämnet. En av det mest populära är podcasts, som nu börjar få kritik för användningen av materialet de samlar in för att kunna göra en berättelse. Kritiken som många true crime podcasts utstår är frå
"Jag kände att jag hade kommit hem" - En socialantropologisk studie om att välja Jehovas vittnen
Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för vad som får människor i Sverige i dag att välja att konvertera till Jehovas vittnen. Samtidigt vill vi undersöka hur processen av att konvertera går till samt vad det är som gör att man fortsätter att vara medlem inom organisationen. Studien baseras på åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med både aktiva och före detta medlemmar av Jehovas vittnen från södra