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Urban Design and Space Use. A Study of Dar es Salaam City Centre.

Albeit there is a general consensus that urban design in the twentieth century failed in relation to space use, systematic research on this aspect has been very limited or at most inadequate in the developing countries. This study focuses on the above failure of urban design in this century with specific reference to the developing countries through an analysis of Dar es Salaam city centre, Tanzan

Synthesis, Function, and Inactivation of Blood Coagulation Factor V.

Blood coagulation factor V (FV) is a 330 kDa plasma glycoprotein. Activated FV (FVa) is a non-enzymatic cofactor to activated Factor X in the activation of prothrombin that occurs during coagulation. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of the quantitative FV deficiency associated with the FV R2 haplotype (a common genetic variant in several populations), four missense mutations identified in

Calcification and cellularity in human aortic heart valve tissue determine the differentiation of bone-marrow-derived cells

Human bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are responsible the remodeling of human tissue. However, damaged aortic valves are lack the ability to regenerate which is an active cell-mediated process. Diseased aortic valve remodeling has similarities even to bone formation. In this study, the prerequisites for cultured MSCs to undergo osteoblastic differentiation on aortic valves were ex

Superdeformation in Tc-91

A high-spin rotational band with 11 gamma -ray transitions has barn observed in Tc-91. The dynamical moment of inertia as well as the transition quadrupole moment of 8.1(-1.4)(+1.9) eb measured for this band show the characteristics of a superdeformed band. However, the shape is more elongated than in the neighbouring A = 80-90 superdeformed nuclei. Theoretical interpretations of the band within t

Engineered bacteria based biosensors for monitoring bioavailable heavy metals

This work presents an integrated analytical system based on immobilized engineered microorganisms and bioluminescence measurements for monitoring of bioavailable heavy metal ions (Cu being chosen as a model ion). A strain of microorganisms from Alcaligenes eutrophus (AE1239) was genetically engineered by inserting a luxCDABE operon from Vibrio fischeri under the control of a copper-induced promote

Bone graft proteins influence osteoconduction. A titanium chamber study in rats

Although it is often emphasized that the matrix of bone grafts contains several growth factors, it is not known if these factors become activated and play a role in bone grafting. We therefore compared ground defatted bone which had or had not been deproteinized by heating with water to 270 degrees C at an autogenic pressure of 55 bar. This is a careful ceramic procedure which leaves the mineral u

ZZ production in e(+) e(-) interactions at root s=183-209 GeV

Measurements of on-shell ZZ production are described, using data from the DELPHI experiment at LEP in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-mass energies between 183 and 209 GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 665 pb(-1). Results obtained in each of the final states q (q) over barq (q) over bar, nu(ν) over barq (q) over bar, mu(+)mu(-) q (q) over bar, e(+)e(-) r(+)r(-) q (q) over ba

Participation and Independence in Old Age - Aspects of home and neighbourhood environments

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var utforska de allra äldstas upplevelser av delaktighet och självständighet med speciellt fokus på hemmet och närmsta omgivningen. Dagens debatt om åldrandet handlar mestadels om kvaliten i vård och omsorg, dess kostnader men också om bristande omsorg. Även boendefrågor debatteras, men då är det oftast bristen på s k särskiThe current trend in Sweden is to support older people to remain living in their own homes as long as possible. Older people spend much of their daily life within the home and neighbourhood environment. It is well known that participation and independence is important in experiencing well being in old age. Thus from a health-promotion perspective it is interesting to uncover aspects within the hom

Glycerol-3-phosphate transport in Haemophilus influenzae: cloning, sequencing, and transcription analysis of the glpT gene

The presence of a functional glpT gene in Haemophilus influenzae could be questioned, since there is only what appears to be a truncated glpT (HI0686, 143 nt in the 5'-end) available in the H. influenzae Rd genome database (Fleischmann et al. , 1995). For cloning of the glpT gene from H. influenzae type b strain Eagan, an isogenic glpT, rec-1 double mutant and a selective medium for detection of t

Characterisation of the leukaemia-associated ETO homologues

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cellerna i blodet har en rad skilda funktioner, såsom att transportera syre, levra blodet vid behov eller att på olika sätt delta i vårt immunförsvar. Alla blodets celler härstammar från en s k stamcell som har förmåga att genom en rad förändringar mogna ut till vilken typ av cell som helst i blodsystemet. Leukemi är en sjukdom som drabbar blodet och som uppstår p g a aAcute myeloid leukemia (AML) is commonly associated with balanced chromosomal translocations. Characteristically, these translocations lead to the fusion of two unrelated genes, resulting in the expression of an aberrant fusion protein. t(8;21) is one of the most common translocations found in patients with AML. It results in the expression of the chimeric protein AML1-ETO. AML1 is a transcription

Acute respiratory viral infections aggravate arterial endothelial dysfunction in children with type 1 diabetes.

Despite improvements in therapy for children with type 1 diabetes, the prevalence of cardiovascular morbidity in adulthood due to accelerated atherosclerosis remains significant (1). Similar to other cardiovascular risk factors, the diabetic state facilitates arterial endothelial injury, a primary event in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (2). Although several pediatric studies have reported an

Net heterotrophy in Faroe Islands clear-water lakes: causes and consequences for bacterioplankton and phytoplankton

1. Five oligotrophic clear-water lakes on the Faroe Islands were studied during August 2000. Algal and bacterial production rates, community respiration, and CO2 saturation were determined. In addition, we examined the plankton community composition (phytoplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellates) and measured the grazing pressure exerted by common mixotrophic species on bacteria. 2. High respir

Validation by computer simulation of two indirect methods for quantification of free water transport in peritoneal dialysis.

BACKGROUND: In peritoneal dialysis, approximately 40% of the total osmotic ultrafiltration (UF) induced by glucose can be predicted to be due to "free" water transport across aquaporin-1 (APQ-1). Theoretically, it would be possible to assess the fraction of free water transport in the early phase of a hypertonic dwell, when UF rate is high and the relative contribution of Na+ diffusion is low. La

Hur forskbar är Jesus?

Man kan inte få reda på hur Jesus såg ut och exakt formulerade sig – t.o.m. ”Fader Vår” har vi i två rätt olika versioner. Hans egna verbala mönster skiner dock igenom evangelietraditionen, och går, liksom ett stort antal innehållsliga temata centrerade kring gudsriket, sannolikt tillbaka till Jesus själv. Två inflytelserika forskningsidéer, den om den obegränsade formbarheten i muntlig tradering

Green Concurrent Engineering: a model for DFE management programs

Popular Abstract in Swedish Miljöhänsyn vid produktutveckling hanteras alltmer inom ramen för arbetet i certifierbara miljöledningssystem exempelvis enligt den internationella standarden ISO 14001. Detta innebär att industrin i allt högre grad sätter mål och delegerar ansvar för en kontinuerlig förbättring av produkters miljöprestanda inom ramen för speciella miljöledningsprogram för produktutveckEnvironmental considerations in product development are increasingly dealt with in the framework of certified environmental management systems such as ISO 14001. This allows industry to set objectives and assign responsibility for continuous improvement for DFE activities and environmental performance of products in DFE management programs. This thesis presents a general model for DFE management p

Influence of protein phosphorylation on the electron-transport properties of Photosystem II

Many of the core proteins in Photosystem II (PS II) undergo reversible phosphorylation. It is known that protein phosphorylation controls the repair cycle of Photosystem II. However, it is not known how protein phosphorylation affects the partial electron transport reactions in PS II. Here we have applied variable fluorescence measurements and EPR spectroscopy to probe the status of the quinone ac

Cigarette smoking accelerates progression of alcoholic chronic pancreatitis

Background: Smoking is a recognised risk factor for pancreatic cancer and has been associated with chronic pancreatitis and also with type II diabetes. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of tobacco on the age of diagnosis of pancreatitis and progression of disease, as measured by the appearance of calcification and diabetes. Patients: We used data from a retrospective cohort