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Could Quality of Life Impact the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome? Results from a Population-Based Study of Swedish Women: The Women's Health in the Lund Area Study.

Abstract Background: The metabolic syndrome is regarded as an important risk factor for diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Metabolic syndrome could be associated with impaired quality of life (QoL). Methods: The Women's Health in the Lund Area (WHILA) project covers 10,766 women born between December 2, 1935, and December 1, 1945, living in the Lund area, of Sweden by December 1, 1995.

Binding of two intrinsically disordered peptides to a multi-specific protein: a combined Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics study

The unique ability of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) to fold upon binding to partner molecules makes them functionally well-suited for cellular communication networks. For example, the folding-binding of different IDP sequences onto the same surface of an ordered protein provides a mechanism for signaling in a many-to-one manner. Here, we study the molecular details of this signaling mec

An Architecture for Integrated Test Data Compression and Abort-on-Fail Testing in a Multi-Site Environment

The semiconductor technology development makes it possible to fabricate increasingly advanced integrated circuits (ICs). However, because of imperfections at manufacturing, each individual IC must be tested. A major problem at IC manufacturing test is the increasing test data volume as it leads to high automatic test equipment (ATE) memory requirement, long test application time and low throughput

EuroQol-5 dimensions utility gain according to British and Swedish preference sets in rheumatoid arthritis treated with abatacept, rituximab, tocilizumab, or tumour necrosis factor inhibitors: a prospective cohort study from southern Sweden.

The development of EuroQol-5 dimensions (EQ-5D) utility over time in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, treated with biologics other than tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi), based on the standard British (UK) and the new Swedish (SE) EQ-5D preference sets, has not been previously described.

Modelling Chemical Weathering in Different Scales

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kemisk vittring har en avgörande betydelse för hur näringsämnen frigörs, ansamlas och kan utnyttjas i mark/växtsystemet. Vittringshastigheten har därför stor betydelse för hur skogs- och jordbrukare kan optimera skogsskötseln och skördeuttaget, inom ramen för ett uthålligt skogsbruk. I avhandlingen studeras vittring av epidot och lermineral för att vidareutveckla den geChemical weathering is one of the most important processes supporting life on Earth. Chemical weathering continuously contributes macronutrients and micronutrients to the soil solution. These recycling, essential elements are used as building blocks for all organic living matter. Chemical weathering is a vital factor in the analysis and understanding of a large number of important environmental is

Improvement of the plasma lipoprotein pattern after institution of insulin treatment in diabetes mellitus

Plasma lipids and lipoproteins were studied in 26 nonobese diabetic patients, either newly diagnosed or unsatisfactorily controlled by oral antidiabetic treatment. Measurements were performed before and 3-4 mo after the institution of insulin treatment. In a subgroup of seven patients, the activities of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hepatic lipase (HL) in postheparin plasma and the elimination rate

Restriction in social participation and lower life satisfaction among fractured in pain Results from the population study "Good Aging in Skåne"

The aim of this study was to describe social participation expressed as accomplished ordinary activities, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and life satisfaction (LS), among elderly men and women with osteoporosis-related fractures with and without pain, compared to non-fractured controls. The study was a population-based case–control study conducted at a university hospital, including 408 su

Asymptotics for sums of random variables with local subexponential behaviour

We study distributions F on [0, infinity) such that for some T less than or equal to infinity F*(2)(x, x + T] similar to 2F(x, x + T]. The case T = infinity corresponds to F being subexponential, and our analysis shows that the properties for T < &INFIN; are, in fact, very similar to this classical case. A parallel theory is developed in the presence of densities. Applications are given to ran

Lung function in adolescents with alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency

Children with alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, screened at birth, were followed prospectively. At 16 years of age, 150 adolescents (103 PiZ, 1 PiZ-, 1 PiS-, 45 PiSZ) were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire and asked to participate in an extensive lung function study including part or all of the following tests: FVC, FEV1 before and 15 min after four inhaled doses of salbutamol, TLC, RV

Pearl and Contemplative Writing

This dissertation places Pearl in the context of works by the English fourteenth-century contemplative writers (‘mystics’), as well as of patristic and other theological treatises, focusing on the theme of comprehending and speaking about a transcendent divine dimension. The purpose is to show that Pearl and the works of Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, Walter Hilton, Richard Rolle and the author

Are regional variations in ischaemic heart disease related to differences in coronary risk factors? The project 'myocardial infarction in mid-Sweden'

In a previous report, a large regional variation was reported in total mortality and mortality rate from ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in mid-Sweden. In this report, IHD prevalence and risk factor data are presented. A postal questionnaire was sent out to a random sample of men aged 45-64 years in each of 40 communities. 14,675 men (88%) responded. Based on a validity study, IHD cases were defined

Usefulness of spoligotyping To discriminate IS6110 low-copy-number Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains cultured in Denmark

Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains cultured in Denmark have been analyzed by IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) on a routine basis from 1992 and onwards. Due to the influx of immigrants with tuberculosis, the number of strains harboring only one to five copies of IS6110 has increased steadily. Since the discriminatory power of IS6110 fingerprinting for such strains is p

Transition probabilities for the UV0.01 multiplet in N III

We report on large-scale ah initio multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock calculations for the UV0.01 multiplet, 2s(2)2p(2)P(J)-2s2p(2 4) P-J', in N III. The resulting transition probabilities agree very well with recent semiempirical calculations, and the lifetimes for two of the three upper levels agree with experiments. The deviation for the third level is discussed. Comparisons made with the highest