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Your search for "*" yielded 532186 hits

Tests of association between the humoral immune response of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) and male plumage, testosterone, or reproductive success

We explored the potential relationships between male traits, reproductive success, testosterone levels in the breeding season, and Immoral immunocompetence in male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus). Males responded to a single injection of diphtheriatetanus vaccine by producing antibodies to both antigens. The primary responses to each antigen were positively correlated with each other,

Antihyperglycaemic treatment of type 2 diabetes: results from a national diabetes register

Aim. - To describe clinical characteristics and antihyperglycaemic treatment patterns in patients with varying duration of diabetes. Methods. - We performed a cross-sectional survey of 61 890 type 2 diabetic (DM2) patients from the Swedish National Diabetes Register (NDR) in 2004. We also analysed the effect of types of treatment and risk factors on glycaemic control in a longitudinal cohort study

A case of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with a ring chromosome 5 and a rearranged chromosome 22 containing amplified COL1A1 and PDGFB sequences

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a cutaneous tumour of borderline malignancy, the cytogenetic features of which include the translocation t(17;22)(q22;q13) or, more commonly, supernumerary ring chromosomes containing material from 17q22 and 22q13. These rearrangements result in the COL1A1/PDGFB fusion gene. Here, we describe a case of DFSP displaying a ring chromosome 5 together with a la

Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in a West African population of tuberculosis patients and unmatched healthy controls

Background: Little is known regarding vitamin D deficiency (VDD) in African populations and in tuberculosis (TB) patients. VDD has been shown to be associated with TB. Objective: We aimed to compare the degree of vitamin D insufficiency (VDI) and VDD in TB patients and healthy adult controls in a West African population. Design: An unmatched case-control study was performed at a Demographic Survei

On the Road : Studies in Honour of Lars Larsson

On the Road is a book about travels and about travellers. The book contains articles written to honour Lars Larsson, Professor of Archaeology at Lund University, Sweden, upon the occasion of his 60th birthday. Lars Larsson is a scholar who has been particularly active in extablishing and maintaining contact with colleagues and departments worldwide.The fifty-three articles illustrate the complexit

Albumin adducts in plasma from workers exposed to toluene diisocyanate

Desalted plasma from a 2,4- and 2,6-toluene diisocyanate (2,4- and 2,6-TDI) exposed worker at a factory producing flexible polyurethane foam was separated and fractionated into 200 fractions using ion-exchange chromatography followed by a gel-filtration separation and fractionation into 59 fractions. The corresponding amines (to the isocyanates), 2,4- and 2,6-toluenediamine (2,4- and 2,6-TDA), wer

Deriving and evaluating eye-tracking controlled volumes of interest for variable-resolution video compression

Gaze coordinates are recorded from naive subjects watching a number of video clips. These are used to derive volumes of interest (VOIs) representing the mutual visual interest of the tested subjects. Video frames are then processed in variable resolution contingent on the VOI shapes to produce off-line foveated video. We report on bit rate savings between 30 and 54% due to off-line foveation proir

Evaluation of accuracy in activity calculations for the conjugate view method from monte carlo simulated scintillation camera images using experimental data in an anthropomorphic phantom.

Activity determination from scintillation camera images using the conjugate view method may be inaccurate because of variation in scattered radiation from adjacent organs and activity from overlapping tissues. The aim of this study was to simulate patient scintillation camera images and from these evaluate the accuracy of 2 correction methods. The contribution from overlapping tissue activity was

Into the isle of self : Nietzschean patterns and contrasts in D.H. Lawrence's The trespasser

This thesis is based on a close reading of Lawrence's novel The Trespasser from a Nietzschean point of view. By adopting this perspective it aims at giving the novel the sense of unity it has so far been alleged to lack. The analysis is preceded by a detailed discussion of the concept of literary influence. Since the purpose of this study is to illuminate what is unique in Lawrence's novel rather

Investigating the use of Landsat thematic mapper data for estimation of forest leaf area index in southern Sweden

The study aims at investigating the use of Landsat thematic mapper (TM) for mapping leaf area index (LAI) in coniferous and deciduous forests in southern Sweden. LAI has been estimated in the field with optical measurements, allometric equations, and litter-trap data, and empirical relationships between LAI estimates and satellite-measured reflectances have been analysed. Several common vegetation

Telomere terminating with centromere-specific repeats is closely associated with a transposon derived gene in Chironomus pallidivittatus

We provide evidence that centromere-specific 155 bp DNA repeats terminate one pair of telomeres at the telocentric, left end of the short fourth chromosome in Chironomus pallidivittatus. Earlier evidence indicated that all other telomeres are terminated by 340 bp telomere-specific repeats. DNA that borders the 155 bp repeat contains a transcriptionally active 396 codon open reading frame (ORF) a f

Subduction-flip during Iapetus Ocean closure and Baltica-Laurentia collision, Scandinavian Caledonides

Evidence is presented here from the northern Scandinavian Caledonides for development of an extensional basin of Ashgill to Mid Llandovery age along the Baltoscandian margin immediately prior to Baltica-Laurentia collision. U/Pb multigrain and ion microprobe zircon dating of plagiogranites in the Halti Igneous Complex complement previous baddeleyite and zircon dating of a dolerite dyke, and zircon

Physical activity of subjects aged 50-64 years involved in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Objective: To describe physical activity of participants in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Design: A cross-sectional analysis of baseline data of a European prospective cohort study. Subjects: This analysis was restricted to participants in the age group 50-64 years, which was represented in all EPIC centres. It involved 236 386 participants from 25 centre

Chaebolföretagen - en "omöjlig" konfiguration i den sydkoreanska industrialiseringsprocessen.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stommen i "det sydkoreanska miraklet" utgjordes av chaebolkonglomeraten, som inom ramen för "developmental state" blev instrumentet för ekonomisk tillväxt. Med ett minimum av eget kapital men med privat ägarkontroll och genom lånefinansiering expanderade dessa företag. Hur kunde denna "omöjliga" konfiguration överleva? Avhandlingen analyserar hur detta kunde fortgå ändaThe chaebol conglomerates, which constituted the backbone of the "South Korean miracle", became the instrument for economic growth within a framework laid down by the "developmental state". With a minimum of own capital, but with private owner-control and loan-financing, these chaebols were able to expand. How could this "impossible" configuration survive? The thesis analyses how this could contin

Time-dependent partition-free approach in resonant tunneling systems

An extended Keldysh formalism, well suited to properly take into account the initial correlations, is used in order to deal with the time-dependent current response of a resonant tunneling system. We use a partition-free approach by Cini in which the whole system is in equilibrium before an external bias is switched on. No fictitious partitions are used. Despite a more involved formulation, this p