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PDGF-A/PDGF alpha-receptor signaling is required for lung growth and the formation of alveoli but not for early lung branching morphogenesis.

Platelet-derived growth factors (PDGF) constitute a family of four gene products (PDGF-A-D) acting by means of two receptor tyrosine kinases, PDGFR alpha and beta. Three of the ligands (PDGF-A, -B, and -C) bind to PDGFR alpha with high affinity. Knockout of pdgf-a in mice has demonstrated a role for PDGF-A in the recruitment of smooth muscle cells to the alveolar sacs and their further compartment

Sonoclot coagulation analysis: a study of test variability.

To test the reproducibility of Sonoclot coagulation analysis (SCA; Sienco Inc, Morrison, CO). The authors wished to determine if the mix/release of the preloaded celite activator in standard Sono-cuvettes could be responsible for the high variation coefficients for SCA parameters with citrated whole blood and if citrated whole blood is optimal for SCA.

First-Ever Atrial Fibrillation Documented After Hemorrhagic or Ischemic Stroke: The Role of the CHADS(2) Score at the Time of Stroke.

BACKGROUND: The CHADS(2) score (C, congestive heart failure [CHF]; H, hypertension [HT]; A, age ≥75 y; D, diabetes mellitus; S(2) , prior stroke or transient ischemic attack) is used to assess the risk of ischemic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). However, its role in patients without documented AF is not well explored. HYPOTHESIS: The goal of the current study was to explore if th

PON-mt-tRNA: a multifactorial probability-based method for classification of mitochondrial tRNA variations.

Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are essential for encoding the transcribed genetic information from DNA into proteins. Variations in the human tRNAs are involved in diverse clinical phenotypes. Interestingly, all pathogenic variations in tRNAs are located in mitochondrial tRNAs (mt-tRNAs). Therefore, it is crucial to identify pathogenic variations in mt-tRNAs for disease diagnosis and proper treatment. We c

CD68-expressing cells can prime T cells and initiate autoimmune arthritis in the absence of reactive oxygen species.

It is widely believed that DC, but not macrophages, prime naïve T cells in vivo. Here, we investigated the ability of CD68-expressing cells (commonly defined as macrophages) in priming autoreactive T cells and initiating collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in the mouse. For this purpose, a transgenic mouse was developed (MBQ mouse) where macrophages exclusively expressed the MHC class II H2-A(q) (A(q

Outcome, timing and adverse events in therapeutic hypothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Background: Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) after cardiac arrest protects from neurological sequels and death and is recommended in guidelines. The Hypothermia Registry was founded to the monitor outcome, performance and complications of TH. Methods: Data on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients admitted to intensive care for TH were registered. Hospital survival and long-term outcome (6-12

Site-specific cancer deaths in cancer of unknown primary diagnosed with lymph node metastasis may reveal hidden primaries.

Cancer of unknown primary site (CUP) is a fatal cancer ranking among the five most common cancer deaths. CUP is diagnosed through metastases, which are limited to lymph nodes in some patients. Cause-specific survival data could guide the search for hidden primary tumors and help with therapeutic choices. The CUP patients were identified from the Swedish Cancer Registry between 1987 and 2008; 1444

Family members' experiences of personal assistance given to a relative with disabilities.

Personal assistance is a type of home care common to many countries even though entitlement and legislative framework may vary from country to country. At present, there exists no knowledge about the family members' experiences of such assistance; therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate family members' experiences of personal assistance given to a relative of working age with a functio

The expression of pluripotency marker Oct 3/4 in prostate cancer and benign prostate hyperplasia.

BACKGROUND: Oct 3/4 (Octamer 3/4), a member of POU family has been considered as an important stem cell marker and essential transcription factor during human embryogenesis. In recent years, there have also been reports on presence of Oct 3/4 in differentiated benign and malignant human cells. The objective of this study was to investigate the transcription and the protein expression of Oct 3/4 is

Serum chlamydial lipopolysaccharide as a prognostic factor for a new cardiovascular event.

BACKGROUND: Infections caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae are considered to participate in inflammatory processes leading to coronary artery disease. After a primary infection, the bacteria remain dormant intracellularly causing a chronic inflammatory stimulus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood samples were obtained from 235 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and 108 patients with unstable ang

School performance at age 16 in children exposed to antiepileptic drugs in utero-A population-based study.

Purpose: In order to evaluate long-term effects on neurodevelopment in children born to women with epilepsy during pregnancy we studied the children's school grades at age 16. Methods: We used the Patient Register, the Medical Birth Register, and a local study at South Hospital, Stockholm, to identify women with epilepsy in Sweden who had given birth between 1973 and 1986. The Swedish School Mark

Menstrual cycle characteristics and risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

In a prospective cohort study, we observed that women with a history of irregular cycles have a 28% increased coronary heart disease risk and tended to have a higher type 2 diabetes risk as compared with women who had a regular cycle length of 27 to 29 days. This association could not be explained by metabolic risk factors or altered hormone levels.

From lymph to fat: liposuction as a treatment for complete reduction of lymphedema.

There is some controversy regarding liposuction for late-stage lymphedemas. Although it is clear that conservative therapies such as complex decongestive therapy and controlled compression therapy should be tried in the first instance, options for the treatment of late-stage lymphedema that is not responding to treatment is not so clear. Liposuction has been used for many years to treat lipodystro

Number of islet autoantibodies present in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes children born to non-diabetic mothers is affected by islet autoantibodies present at birth.

Objective: Cord blood islet autoantibodies in children born to mothers with type 1 diabetes may be associated with a reduced risk of islet autoimmunity and diabetes. The aim of this study was to investigate in children with type 1 diabetes but born to non-diabetic mothers whether islet autoantibodies at birth affected their presence at diagnosis. Patients and methods: Serum samples at birth and at

Immunohistochemical analyses of phosphatases in childhood B-cell lymphoma: lower expression of PTEN and HePTP and higher number of positive cells for nuclear SHP2 in B-cell lymphoma cases compared to controls.

Although many pediatric B-cell lymphoma patients are being cured today, much is still unknown about the pathogenesis of this disease. Protein tyrosine phosphatases are involved in the control of survival, growth, and differentiation of cells. The authors have analyzed 26 pediatric B-cell lymphoma cases for the expression of a panel of phosphatases and report a statistically significant lower expre

Theoretical and nomenclatural considerations of capillary electrochromatography with monolithic stationary phases

During the past decade, CEC has been one of the few novel achievements in the field of separation science attracting a wide interest. The technology progress permitted the realization of the long-sought idea to employ an electroosmotically driven flow through the columns improving the separations in terms of both resolution and efficiency. The early practical obstacles related to the use of conven