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Osteotomy of distal radius fracture malunion using a fast remodeling bone substitute consisting of calcium sulphate and calcium phosphate.

Malunion after a distal radius fracture can be treated with an osteotomy of the distal radius. Autologous iliac crest bone graft is often used to fill the gap, but the procedure is associated with donor site morbidity. In this study a novel fast resorbing biphasic bone substitute consisting of a mixture of calcium sulphate and calcium phosphate is used (Cerament BoneSupport AB, Sweden). Fifteen co

Chemical investigations of disperse dyes in patch test preparations.

BACKGROUND: Contact allergy to textile dyes is not uncommon. The allergy is detected by patch testing patients with commercial patch test preparations. OBJECTIVE: To investigate 8 disperse dyes (DDs) used for patch testing in the departments in Malmö and in Leuven and to compare them with test preparations used at various dermatology departments. Materials/Methods: The investigated DDs were Disper

Varying susceptibility of pulmonary cytokine production to lipopolysaccharide in mice.

Objectives: The lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury (ALI) model has been widely applied for pathophysiological and pharmacological research. The aim of present study is to understand the variation of acute pulmonary inflammation between mouse strains. Methods: The present study investigated the susceptibility of acute production of inflammatory mediators, e.g. cytokines, chemokines

Modelling and Implementation of a vision system for embedded systems

Today more and more functionality is included in embedded systems, resulting in an increased system complexity. existing design methodologies and design tools are not adequate to deal with this increase in complexity. To overcome these limitations application specific design solutions are more common. In this thesis we presents such solutions for real-time image processing. This work is part of th

Calcium binding and thermostability of carbohydrate binding module CBM4-2 of Xyn10A from Rhodothermus marinus.

Calcium binding to carbohydrate binding module CBM4-2 of xylanase 10A (Xyn10A) from Rhodothermus marinus was explored using calorimetry, NMR, fluorescence, and absorbance spectroscopy. CBM4-2 binds two calcium ions, one with moderate affinity and one with extremely high affinity. The moderate-affinity site has an association constant of (1.3 +/- 0.3) x 10(5) M(-1) and a binding enthalpy DeltaH(a)


The collective effective radiation dose to the population is increasing due to a higher use of computerised tomography. SharpView AB, Linköping, Sweden, has developed an adaptive non-linear post-processing image filtration that may enable the use of lower radiation doses. The present study assessed if a lower dose with image filtration had the same image quality as a higher dose without the filter

Atomistic simulations of elastic properties of metallic nanowires

In this paper, we report the results of a systematic study of the scaling effects of Young's modulus of nanowires of body-centered cubic iron. The investigation is performed by employing molecular statics tensile simulations. Two different crystallographic orientations are studied. The simulations show that there is a size dependence in Young's modulus, where the different crystallographic orienta

Difficult middles, hybridity and ambivalence of a medieval frontier: the cultural landscape of Lolland and Falster (Denmark)

This article focuses on the cultural and political landscape of the Danish islands of Lolland and Falster in the Middle Ages. The close economic and dynastic relationships between medieval Denmark and the Slavic area south of the Baltic Sea, as well as Slavic settlement on the islands,contributed to the emergence of complex realities and attitudes, as well as a particular ‘inbetweenness’of the isl

CFD Approach to Analyze Transport Phenomena Coupled Chemical Reactions Relevant for Methane Reformers

Various transport phenomena in conjunction with chemical reactions are strongly affected by reformer configurations and the properties of the involved porous catalyst layers. The considered composite duct is relevant for a methane steam reformer and consists of a porous layer for the catalytic chemical reactions, the fuel gas flow duct and the solid plate. In this paper, a fully three-dimensional

Quantification of microcirculatory parameters by joint analysis of flow-compensated and non-flow-compensated intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) data.

The aim of this study was to improve the accuracy and precision of perfusion fraction and blood velocity dispersion estimates in intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging, using joint analysis of flow-compensated and non-flow-compensated motion-encoded MRI data. A double diffusion encoding sequence capable of switching between flow-compensated and non-flow-compensated encoding modes was implemen

Comparing a pharmaceutical and an agro-food bioregion: on the importance of knowledge bases for socio-spatial patterns of innovation

The aim of this paper is to compare the socio-spatial patterns of innovation and knowledge linkages of a biopharmaceutical and an agro-food biotech cluster. Dissimilarities can be expected based on differences in terms of historical technological regimes and sectoral innovation system dynamics between the agro-food and pharmaceutical industries in general and particularly the distinctive analytica

Finding failure-disjoint paths for path diversity protection in communication networks

In the paper we consider a flow problem closely related to path diversity protection in communication networks. Given a weighted directed graph where some arcs are subject to failures while others are resilient, we aim at computing a shortest pair of failure-disjoint paths. If a resilient arc is used by both paths, its cost is counted only once. We present an original polynomial-time algorithm for

Incidence of early posterior shoulder dislocation in brachial plexus birth palsy.

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Posterior dislocation of the shoulder in brachial plexus birth palsy during the first year of life is rare but the incidence increases with age. The aim was to calculate the incidence of these lesions in children below one year of age. METHODS: The incidence of brachial plexus birth lesion and occurrence of posterior shoulder dislocation was calculated based on a prospective

Factor H dysfunction in patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome contributes to complement deposition on platelets and their activation.

Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) may be associated with mutations at the C-terminal of factor H (FH). FH binds to platelets via the C-terminal as previously shown using a construct consisting of short consensus repeats (SCRs) 15-20. Four FH mutations, in SCR15 (C870R) and SCR20 (V1168E, E1198K, E1198Stop) in aHUS patients, were studied regarding their ability to allow complement activatio