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Sökandet efter en tidsanda : i spåren efter Absalon

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling har jag velat pröva möjligheten att teckna en bild av en enskild medeltida person och spåra hans egen tanke- och handlingsvärld genom de källor, som han lämnat efter sig. Källorna är både skriftliga och materiella (klosterkyrkan i Sorø, borgen Havn, historieskrivningen Gesta Danorum, runstenen och kyrkan i Norra Åsum och Absalons testamente). Under In this dissertation I have sought to test the possibility of recreating a detailed picture of an individual medieval person, tracing the Danish archbishop Absalon's own world of thought and action through those surviving sources that he has left behind. The sources are both written and material, and they include the cloister church in Sorø, the Havn Castle, the Medieval history Gesta Danorum, the

Trends in delivery and neonatal outcome after in vitro fertilization in Sweden: data for 25 years.

BACKGROUND Marked changes have occurred in in vitro fertilization (IVF) methodology during the past 25 years but also in characteristics of couples undergoing treatment. METHODS This study was based on 27 386 women undergoing IVF treatment from 1982 to 2006 and giving birth to 31 850 infants. Outcomes of deliveries were studied using Swedish health registers. Comparisons were made with all deliver

Hypocalcaemia after total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease and for benign atoxic multinodular goitre.

PURPOSE: Postoperative hypocalcaemia has been reported to be more common after total thyroidectomy (TT) for Graves' disease than after TT for benign atoxic multinodular goitre (MNG). The reasons for this potential association are not clear. In the present study, the frequency and risk factors of hypocalcaemia after TT for Graves' vs MNG were compared. METHODS: Between January 1999 and October 2009

EASI-Derived vs standard 12-lead electrocardiogram for Selvester QRS score estimations of chronic myocardial infarct size, using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging as gold standard.

BACKGROUND: The size of myocardial infarction (MI) is of significance for the prognosis. Selvester scores might be valuable for this estimation. OBJECTIVE: To compare the differences in Selvester scores for chronic MI provided from standard and EASI-derived 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs) and to compare these scores to the MI size measured by delayed-enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (DE-MR

Factors with independent influence on the 'timed up and go' test in patients with hip fracture.

Background and Purpose. Data on performance times for the 'timed up and go' (TUG) test with analyses of factors, that eventually could affect the result in patients with hip fracture, have not been published to date. The aims of the present study, therefore, were to assess normative reference values of TUG performances and determine the influence of individual and clinical factors on TUG-test scor

Pax6 promotes neurogenesis in human neural stem cells.

During brain embryogenesis, transcription factors drive stem cells towards neuronal fate. Here we show that the transcription factor Pax6 increased in vitro generation of neurons from striatal but not cortical neural stem cells (NSCs), derived from 6 to 9 weeks old human fetuses, without affecting survival and proliferation. Overexpression of mouse Pax6 produced increased numbers of GABA+ and DARP

Systematic Analysis of MicroRNAs Targeting the Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer Cells.

Androgen receptor (AR) is expressed in all stages of prostate cancer progression, including in castration-resistant tumors. Eliminating AR function continues to represent a focus of therapeutic investigation, but AR regulatory mechanisms remain poorly understood. To systematically characterize mechanisms involving microRNAs (miRNAs), we conducted a gain-of function screen of 1129 miRNA molecules i

Providing Scalable and Deployable Addressing in Third Generation Cellular Networks

Over the past few years, information technology has changed the way we live, work, and communicate with each other. The two outstanding trends of Internet and cellular telephony growth will now enter a new phase when the two technologies converge into 2.5 and 3G networks. The success of cellular telephony is due to the mobility factor, and the success of the Internet is due to its architecture, wh

Multiple pregnancy failures: an immunological paradigm.

Recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA), three or more pregnancy losses prior to 20 weeks, occurs in about 1% of all pregnancies, 50% of RSA cases remain unexplained and unresolved. Recently, immune pathways have been implicated in the pathophysiology of RSA. Immune tolerance of the fetal-placental unit and placental angiogenesis are mandatory for a successful pregnancy outcome. Unscheduled dysregula

Absorption-spectroscopy In Tissue-simulating Materials - A Theoretical and Experimental-study of Photon Paths

A diffusion model of noninvasive absorption spectroscopy was used to determine how the change in signal resulting from a point absorber depends on the position of that absorber relative to the source and detector. This is equivalent to calculating the relative probability that a photon will visit a certain location in tissue before its detection. Experimental mapping of the point-target response i