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Outcome of work rehabilitation for people with various disabilities and stability at a one-year follow-up.
The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether the outcome obtained at the end of a work rehabilitation programme for people with various disabilities were stable in a one-year perspective. An additional aim was to explore which factors influenced the outcome upon completion of work rehabilitation and at the one-year follow-up. The study used information from a database and comprised 29
Betydelsen av språk och läsning för utbildning
Livslängdsdimensionering av betongkonstruktioner.
Har ekonomiska faktorer betydelse för föräldrars självskattade hälsa?
Quality of life in adolescents with asthma, during the transition period from child to adult.
Aim: The present investigation was designed to evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of adolescents with asthma between the age of 16 and 21, when they are transferred from paediatric to adult care. Methods: In this prospective study, 156 teenagers (69 females) with asthma were screened employing spirometry, a histamine challenge, skin prick test for allergy and filled out the 'Livin
Is Family History Associated With Improved Survival in Patients With Gastric Cancer?
The expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC) genes in human skeletal muscle is related to metabolic characteristics involved in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes patients exhibit a reduction in oxidative muscle fibres and an increase in glycolytic muscle fibres. In this study, we investigated whether both genetic and non-genetic factors influence the mRNA expression levels of three myosin heavy chain (MHC) genes represented in different fibre types. Specifically, we examined the MHC7 (slow-twitch oxidative fibre), MHCIIa (fast-twitch oxidat
FDG-PET in cervical cancer: staging, re-staging and follow-up.
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Löser immaterialrättskonsumtion och tvångslicenser aidsproblem i världens länder?
(2004:5) Löser immaterialrättskonsumtion och tvångslicenser aidsproblem i världens länder? Denna artikel är en direkt uppföljning av 2003 års föreläsning för Nordisk Immaterialrättsförening och granskar om dagens immaterialrättssystem förhindrar att u-ländernas hälsokris kan lösas. Den immaterialrättsliga konsumtionen kommer i förgrunden, men möjligheterna att använda andra immaterialrättsliga me
Intraepidermal nerve fibre density at wrist level in diabetic and non-diabetic patients.
Abstract Aims Myelinated nerve fibre pathology has been demonstrated at wrist level in diabetic patients. We examined if quantification of intra-epidermal nerve fibre density (IENFD) in hairy and glabrous skin at wrist level could detect signs of subclinical small nerve fibre neuropathy. Methods In 35 diabetic patients who were age and gender matched with 31 non-diabetic patients, punch biopsies w
Föräldrasamverkan i skolan. En studie över inledningsskedet av samarbetet mellan föräldrar och dövskola
Osynliga tjänare utomlands
Reality- Based Learning: How to get Business Students Down to Business
Reality-Based Learning, RBL, is a teacher-driven initiative introducing the core business administration subjects to first-year business students by means of making business plans. This paper empirically accounts for the development of RBL over three years. RBL is scrutinized for pros and cons by a proposed education development framework. When the educational change is dissected and related to pr
Should All Patients with Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Receive Early Intravesical Chemotherapy after Transurethral Resection? The Results of a Prospective Randomised Multicentre Study.
BACKGROUND: To decrease recurrences in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), the European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines recommend immediate, intravesical chemotherapy after transurethral resection (TUR) for all patients with Ta/T1 tumours. OBJECTIVE: To study the benefits of a single, early, intravesical instillation of epirubicin after TUR in patients with low- to intermediate-ris
Effect of vision, proprioception, and the position of the vestibular organ on postural sway.
Abstract Conclusion: When measured together, it seems that vision and proprioception as well as position of the vestibular organ affect postural sway, vision the most. Mediolateral (ML) sway does not seem to be influenced by the position of the vestibular organ. Objective: To investigate how postural sway was affected by provocation of vision, by the position of the vestibular organ, and by provoc
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Conversation of Lithuanian philosopher and writer Tomas Kavaliauskas with Niklas Bernsand and Andreas Johansson Heinö about Swedish identity, multiculturalism and historical memory. Text in Lithuanian.
Inhibition of TIR domain signaling by TcpC: MyD88-dependent and independent effects on Escherichia coli virulence.
Toll-like receptor signaling requires functional Toll/interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor (TIR) domains to activate innate immunity. By producing TIR homologous proteins, microbes inhibit host response induction and improve their own survival. The TIR homologous protein TcpC was recently identified as a virulence factor in uropathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli), suppressing innate immunity by binding