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Interarticulator programming in VCV sequences: Lip and tongue movements
Biological growth on mineral building facades
The importance of returning to work after stroke.
The use of assistive technology in different age-groups of old people
The aim of this study is to explore the use and perceived unfilled need for assistive technology (AT) for everyday life in three age-groups during the ageing process. Data on use and perceived unfilled need for AT from three age-groups were used; the very old age-group; 81-90, n=314, the oldest old age-group; 85-94, n=154 and younger agegroup, 67-71. The results show that the proportion of users h
A priori modelling for gradient based inverse scattering algorithms
Who is Marching for Pachamama? : An Intersectional Analysis of Environmental Struggles in Bolivia under the Government of Evo Morales
Popular Abstract in Swedish Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) bildade regering i Bolivia 2006 med Evo Morales på presidentposten, framburna av folkliga protester mot tidigare, nyliberala regimer. Morales beskrivs ofta som landets första president med bakgrund i ursprungsbefolkningen. Hans regering utlovade en radikal omställning av den nationella politiken och tillkännagav att Bolivia nu är en "pluriEvo Morales and the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) took office in Bolivia in 2006, riding on the wave of fierce popular protests against previous, neoliberal regimes. Morales was depicted as the country’s first indigenous president. His government promised a radical transformation of national politics and rebranded Bolivia as a “plurinational state”. Under MAS, indigenous subjectivity has moved fr
Preventiva insatser vid antisocialt beteende hos barn med hjälp av Marte Meo
Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich Cd isotopes at REX-ISOLDE
On the interpretation of scalar antonyms and their negated equivalents
Antonymy and negation are phenomena that can be studied from many perspectives. In the literature, antonymy is recognized as the most robust of the lexico-semantic relations, important to both the mental organization of the vocabulary and the organization of coherent discourse (Cruse 1986, Fellbaum 1998, Murphy 2003, Willners 2001 and Jones 2002). "Depending on whom you ask, negation may be a logi
Tourism – sustainable development option?
Will Eisner’s “Will Eisner”: Self-Creation and Heritage Construction in The Dreamer
Conception of the events in perspective of Deleuze and Badiou
Evaluation of a high temperature particle sampling setup for separation of inorganic and organic phase using laboratory model compounds
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Svensk livsmedelsexport - analys av vilka som exporterar vad
Phi production as seen in e+e- anf K+K- decay channels in Au+Au collisions by PHENIX at root s(NN) = 200 GeV.
Stability Regions of a Model Reference Control System
The development of agrarian capitalism revisited: Measuring the role of tenant labour on settler farms in Southern Rhodesia, 1900-1960
In this paper we have used primary and secondary sources to make, to our knowledge, the first attempt ever to quantify the role non-wage labour on settler farms in colonial Africa. We have used Southern Rhodesia as a case in point and focused primarily on the role of tenant labour. Our findings show that the rise of wage labour did not mark the end of the latter. On the contrary, the two forms of