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Matter matters : material communication and the role of book history in the curriculum of publishing studies

Books and other printed matter are media of communication, used to carry and distribute – mediate – "content". A medium, however, is always material, and as such it produces meaning in its own right. So even though content and medium might be separate and distinct entities, they are intimately connected, and in order to be communicated a piece of "content" is always given one or another material f

Cholesterol-lowering properties of oats: Effects of processing and the role of oat components

The cholesterol-lowering effect of oats has been studied for almost fifty years. The effect has hitherto essentially been associated with its content of β-glucans, the primary soluble dietary fibre in oats. Few studies have been published regarding the extent to which other oat components may contribute to the effect and how processing of oats may influence the cholesterol-lowering properties. The

Teaterns röda fana

Regular column on theatre in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).

Scandinavian Disjunctures: Disability, citizenship and sexuality in Denmark and Sweden, from 1925 to the present day

The project is inspired by ongoing discussions about citizenship and exclusion. We contend that research on sexuality and disability can contribute in important ways to debates about autonomy and inclusion in society. In order to analyse the complex problems around these questions we study discursive and political differences between Denmark and Sweden from 1925 to the present. In Denmark, it is p

Relations between scattering data and material parameters in complex media

The symmetries of scattering data of a bianisotropic, homogeneous and dispersive slab are investigated. It is demonstrated how these symmetries can be used to reveal the symmetries of the medium parameters (four three-dimensional susceptibility kernels). The underlying physical experiment is a transient electromagnetic plane wave obliquely incident upon the slab. The analysis is based on time-doma