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User Equipment Grouping in 5G TDD System using Machine Learning

User Equipment (UE) grouping entails categorizing multiple UEs, including mobile phones or smart devices, according to defined criteria. It provides valuable insights for applications to optimize network resources, enhance handover procedures, and improve user experience. This study investigates UE grouping in a Fifth Generation (5G) Time Division Duplex (TDD) system based on Uplink (UL) Sounding

Uttorkning av lågcementbetong

Nya lagar och miljöcertifieringar införs idag för att minska byggindustrins miljö- och klimatpåverkan. Från och med 2022 har krav ställts på klimatdeklaration av nybyggnationer med en byggnadsarea större än 100 m2 för att kontrollera hur stor klimatpåverkan en byggnad har. Cementproduktionen står för en stor del av byggindustrins koldioxidutsläpp, vilket gör att byggindustrins koldioxidutsläppNew laws and environmental certifications are being introduced today to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry. From 2022 onwards, environmental declarations have been required for new buildings with a construction area of more than 100 m2 in order to control the environmental impact of a building. Cement production accounts for a large proportion of carbon dioxide emissi

Att motiveras i en hög arbetsbelastning - en kvalitativ studie om chefers upplevda motivation i en påfrestande arbetsmiljö

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en fördjupad kunskap om chefers upplevda arbetsbelastning och egen motivation, genom att undersöka relationen mellan deras motivation och påfrestande arbetsmiljö. Samt om kombinationen av teorin Self-Determination Theory och modellen Job Characteristic Model är möjlig att applicera i detta sammanhang. Frågeställning: På vilket sätt upplever chefer sin

CMES Policy-Research Dialogue: Exploring Europe’s Changing Perceptions and Policies Toward Iran

For more than two decades, Iran’s nuclear program has been a central focus of Europe’s engagement with Iran. Presently, with the virtual collapse of the Iran nuclearagreement (JCPOA) and Iran’s support for Russia in the war against Ukraine—coupled with the repercussions of the Mahsa Amini protests and the war in Gaza— Europe’s relations with Iran are deteriorating as Iran’s interests in Europe are

Insights into mechanisms of MALT1 allostery from NMR and AlphaFold dynamic analyses

Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma-translocation protein 1 (MALT1) is an attractive target for the development of modulatory compounds in the treatment of lymphoma and other cancers. While the three-dimensional structure of MALT1 has been previously determined through X-ray analysis, its dynamic behaviour in solution has remained unexplored. We present here dynamic analyses of the apo MALT

A virally-encoded tRNA neutralizes the PARIS antiviral defence system

Viruses compete with each other for limited cellular resources, and some deliver defense mechanisms that protect the host from competing genetic parasites 1. PARIS is a defense system, often encoded in viral genomes, that is composed of a 55 kDa ABC ATPase (AriA) and a 35 kDa TOPRIM nuclease (AriB) 2. However, the mechanism by which AriA and AriB function in phage defense is unknown. Here we show

A nucleic acid binding protein map of germline regulation in Caenorhabditis elegans

Fertility requires the faithful proliferation of germ cells and their differentiation into gametes. Controlling these cellular states demands precise timing and expression of gene networks. Nucleic acid binding proteins (NBPs) play critical roles in gene expression networks that influence germ cell development. There has, however, been no functional analysis of the entire NBP repertoire in control

Uncovering sociodemographic disparities in temporal trends of osteoarthritis incidence and age-at-diagnosis, 2006-2019

AIM: To describe sociodemographic disparities in temporal trends of incidence and age distributions of first registered osteoarthritis (OA) diagnosis in southern Sweden.METHODS: We identified all Skåne residents aged 35+ who had lived in the region at any point during the period 2006-2019 with no previous OA diagnosis (ICD-10 codes M15-M19) for 8 years prior to inclusion in the study (n = 849,061)

Frequency information and reduction in second-language perception of multi-word sequences

Entrenchment of multi-word sequences is known to shape native language competence, but there is debate about how (much) it affects L2 speakers. We investigate advanced English learners’ receptive processing of multi-word sequences with a word-monitoring experiment. The effect of reduction on recognition of the word to was tested in English V-to-Vinf constructions of varying surface frequencies and

Kollektivavtalstäckning och arbetsmarknadens organisationer

Rapporten innehåller de senaste uppgifterna om:•Kollektivavtalens täckningsgrad i privat sektor hos olika yrkesgrupper, hos anställda efter utbildningsnivå och ålder samt i stora och små företag.•Paradoxen att tjänstemännen har den högsta fackliga organisationsgraden men den lägsta andelen som omfattas av kollektivavtal. •Facklig organisationsgrad i 36 länder 2000–2023.•Den växande klyftan mellan

Accessing self-diffusion on nanosecond time and nanometre length scales with minute kinetic resolution

Neutron spectroscopy uniquely and non-destructively accesses diffusive dynamics in soft and biological matter, including for instance proteins in hydrated powders or in solution, and more generally dynamic properties of condensed matter on the molecular level. Given the limited neutron flux resulting in long counting times, it is important to optimize data acquisition for the specific question, in

Succinct Opacity Micromaps

Alpha masked geometry such as foliage has long been one of the trickier things to render efficiently, both for rasterization based approaches and for hardware accelerated ray-tracing. Recently, a new type of primitive was introduced to the Vulkan® and DirectX® ray-tracing APIs that promises to alleviate this issue: Opacity Micromaps, a structure that uses a bit of extra memory as hints to the pipe

In Vivo Glycemic Response of Fruit-Based Mango (Mangifera indica) and Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Bars in In Vitro and In Silico Enzyme Inhibitory Effects Studies

The habitual consumption of snacks has the potential to enrich or harm the diet. They can contribute to excessive caloric intake and hyperglycemia. Thus, there is an increasing interest in snacks with health-promoting properties. This study aimed to demonstrate the beneficial effect of two fruit-based bars on glucose levels through in vitro, in vivo, and in silico assays. Mango (Mangifera indica L

Scaffolding attention and perseverance skills in a diverse population of preschool children in Sweden

In two interventions, 139 and 52 preschool children, age 4–6, from low-SES communities in Sweden, used a play-&-learn game in early mathematics for 10 weeks, about 20 min at a time. 50 % of the participating children were Swedish second language speakers with low language proficiency and about 20 % had learning vulnerabilities in the form of developmental language disorders and neurocognitive

Detrital Input Sustains Diatom Production off a Glaciated Arctic Coast

In the Arctic and subarctic oceans, the relatively low supply of silicon (compared to other nutrients) can make it limiting for the growth of diatoms, a fundamental building block of the oceanic food web. Glaciers release large quantities of dissolved silicon and dissolvable solid amorphous silica phases into high-latitude estuaries (fjords), but the role of these glacially-derived silica phases i

Att skriva en renässans: The New Negro och vägen till en ny svart nationalism 1917–1925

Writing a Renaissance: The New Negro and the path to a new Black nationalism 1917–1925 The New Negro: an Interpretation (1925), edited by the philosopher and critic Alain Locke, is regarded as a central text concerning the literary movement known as the Harlem Renaissance. Widely viewed as documenting the transition of Black American litterature into the age of modernism. The anthology sought to

Growth and Electronic Structure of Ultrathin Iron Terephthalate Metal Organic Frameworks

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a special class of porous materials highly relevant for their wide range of applications in drug delivery, catalysis, gas sensing and transport, and electrochemical storage devices. Due to their unparalleled flexibility in design and highly tunable parameters, over 90,000 MOFs have been synthesized. Iron-based MOFs in particular are of special interest due to th

Oesophageal fluoroscopy in adults-when and why?

Oesophageal fluoroscopy is a radiological procedure that uses dynamic recording of the swallowing process to evaluate morphology and function simultaneously, a characteristic not found in other clinical tests. It enables a comprehensive evaluation of the entire upper gastrointestinal tract, from the oropharynx to oesophagogastric bolus transport. The number of fluoroscopies of the oesophagus and t