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Your search for "*" yielded 533866 hits

Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 in the Preterm Rabbit Pup : Characterization of Cerebrovascular Maturation following Administration of Recombinant Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1/Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1-Binding Protein 3

Following preterm birth, serum levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) decrease compared to corresponding in utero levels. A recent clinical trial indicated that supplementation with recombinant human (rh) IGF-1/rhIGF-binding protein 3 (rhIGF-1/rhIGFBP-3) prevents severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in extremely preterm infants. In a preterm rabbit pup model, we characterized endogenou

Seg2Pose: Pose Estimations from Instance Segmentation Masks in One or Multiple Views for Traffic Applications

A system we denote Seg2Pose is presented which converts pixel coordinate tracks, represented by instance segmentation masks across multiple video frames, into world coordinate pose tracks, for road users seen by static surveillance cameras. The road users are bound to a ground surface represented by a number of 3D points and does not necessarily have to be perfectly flat. The system works with one

Union Density in Norway and Sweden: Stability versus Decline

The aim is to explain why union density is not only considerably higher in the Ghent country Sweden than in non-Ghent Norway but also why it has declined much more in Sweden, in par-ticular among blue-collar workers. We show how changes to Swedish unemployment insurance in 2007–2013 were followed by a decline in union density and how white-collar unions were more successful than blue-collar unionsThe aim is to explain why union density is not only considerably higher in the Ghent country Sweden than in non-Ghent Norway but also why it has declined much more in Sweden, in particular among blue-collar workers. We show how changes to Swedish unemployment insurance in 2007–2013 were followed by a decline in union density and how white-collar unions were more successful than blue-collar unions

Prospective evaluation of 92 serum protein biomarkers for early detection of ovarian cancer

Background: CA125 is the best available yet insufficiently sensitive biomarker for early detection of ovarian cancer. There is a need to identify novel biomarkers, which individually or in combination with CA125 can achieve adequate sensitivity and specificity for the detection of earlier-stage ovarian cancer. Methods: In the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) coho

In a Land of Dreams : Left-Wing Politics and the Place of the Holocaust in Tage Erlander´s Sweden

As a consequence of Sweden’s status as a non-belligerent country during World War II and the continuous growth of its welfare state thereafter, the concept of a “People’s Home” and a “provisional Utopia,” a social support system characterized by equality and material prosperity, were central aspects of the country’s postwar policy. This article focuses on the ideological and political stance of th

‘Quality Time’ in Nanny Families : Local Care Loops and New Inequalities in Sweden

Political initiatives such as tax deductions for domestic services including nannies have, together with a growing au pair market, paved the way for new possibilities of organizing child care and parenting in Sweden. This affects everyday ‘local care loops’ for the upper-middle-class families purchasing the services, as the logistics of solving the work-family dilemma change with the possibility o

Discussion on CSR instability in EEHG Simulation

Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation (EEHG) is an external seeding technique for XUV and soft X-ray Free Electron Lasers (FEL). It has recently been experimentally demonstrated and currently many facilities worldwide intend to incorporate it in user operation. The EEHG process relies on very accurate and complex transformations of electron beam phase space by means of a series of undulators coupled to

Encouraging social innovation for combating poverty : Master's students’ gendered experiences with a service-learning intervention in Kenya and Uganda

Purpose – This study aims to understand master’s students’ experiences of service-learning, following their participation in a workshop with local social innovators whose activities had contributed to combating poverty in East Africa and to determine how this participation affected work on the students’ theses. The authors also explored possible gender differences in this context. Design/methodolo

"Do you see Yonder cloud?" - On priming concepts, a new test, and a familiar outcome. Reply to Lucas et al. : "Familiarity or conceptual priming? Good question! Comment on Stenberg, Hellman, Johansson, and Rosén (2009)"

Lucas, Voss, and Paller sympathize with our intentions but disagree with our findings. They argue that a relation between frequency and conceptual priming may have been obscured by methodological details in our second experiment, therefore failing to complete a bridge between conceptual priming and FN400 with name frequency as the mediator. However, renewed inspections of our experiment and a new

Recognizing diversity within everyone’s lived experience: Strengthening the theoretical foundations of Universal Design

Recognizing diversity within everyone’s lived experience:Strengthening the theoretical foundations of Universal DesignThis paper situates Universal Design (UD) within the framework ofsocial justice theory, drawing Honneth’s conceptualisation of socialjustice as mutual recognition. It takes as a starting point theperspective that UD requires a robust theorisation and rationale tosupport implementat

Unboxing knowledge in collaboration between academia and society : A story about conceptions and epistemic uncertainty

Policymakers increasingly emphasize knowledge collaboration between academia and society as important means to generate innovations and solve complex issues. However, while recent literature on such collaboration suggests that knowledge needs to be integrated and generated across disciplines and sectors, there are surprisingly few studies that define what is meant by ‘knowledge’ or focus on the pr

Magnon-phonon interaction and the underlying role of the Pauli exclusion principle

The magnon-phonon interaction is receiving growing attention due to its key role in spin caloritronics and the emerging field of acoustic spintronics. At resonance, this magnetoelastic interaction forms magnon polarons, which underpin exotic phenomena such as magnonic heat currents and phononic spin, but is mostly investigated using mesoscopic spin-lattice models. Motivated to integrate the magnon

Understanding the Political in Arab Youth Civic Engagement

This collective volume contributes to the conceptual understanding of Arab youth and their relationship to politics by making explicit how civic engagement in seemingly ‘apolitical’ fields can be conceived as a form of political activism. Using the analytical tools of practice theory, ‘youth’ is reconceptualized as a generational practice of politics, meaning a ‘competent performance’ of shared kn

Health systems strengthening to arrest the global disability burden : Empirical development of prioritised components for a global strategy for improving musculoskeletal health

Introduction Despite the profound burden of disease, a strategic global response to optimise musculoskeletal (MSK) health and guide national-level health systems strengthening priorities remains absent. Auspiced by the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health (G-MUSC), we aimed to empirically derive requisite priorities and components of a strategic response to guide global and national-level ac

The art of being governed : The implementation of Covid-19 policy in Swedish on-license alcohol service

The licensed serving of alcoholic beverages is an important institutional aspect of food culture. In Sweden, the Government’s policies to battle the Covid-19 pandemic meant further restrictions, including a temporary law, to mitigate contagion at licensed restaurants, bars, producers’ tasting events, etc. This paper inquiries into the “art” exercised by managers of such businesses, already used to