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Your search for "*" yielded 532234 hits

Moderate aortic stenosis : Navigating the uncharted

Aortic stenosis (AS) stands as the most common valvular heart disease in developed countries and is characterized by progressive narrowing of the aortic valve orifice resulting in elevated transvalvular flow resistance, left ventricular hypertrophy, and progressive increased risk of heart failure and sudden death. This narrative review explores clinical challenges and evolving perspectives in mode

Fast Fusion of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Time Series over Rangelands

Monitoring ecosystems at regional or continental scales is paramount for biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, and sustainable land management. Effective monitoring requires satellite imagery with both high spatial resolution and high temporal resolution. However, there is currently no single, freely available data source that fulfills these needs. A seamless fusion of data from th

Magnetic domain engineering in antiferromagnetic CuMnAs and Mn 2 Au

Antiferromagnetic materials hold potential for use in spintronic devices with fast operation frequencies and field robustness. Despite the rapid progress in proof-of-principle functionality in recent years, there has been a notable lack of understanding of antiferromagnetic domain formation and manipulation, which translates to either incomplete or nonscalable control of the magnetic order. Here,

A Geomagnetic Estimate of Heliospheric Modulation Potential over the Last 175 Years

Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) interact with the Earth’s atmosphere to produce energetic neutrons and cosmogenic radionuclides, such as 14C. The atmosphere is partially shielded from the interstellar GCR spectrum by both the geomagnetic and solar magnetic fields. Solar shielding is often expressed as the heliospheric modulation potential ϕ, which consolidates information about the strength and struct

Monitoring care, curating suffering: Law, bureaucracy and veterinary expertise in contemporary animal politics

This article critically explores responses to the suffering of animals caused by industrialised agriculture aiming to reflect on broader aspects of the current state of animal politics in the 21st century. Focusing on the regulatory schemes introduced to control the welfare of animals in Denmark, the article foregrounds sites of law enforcement and industry regulation, in which animal suffering is

Michael Edgerton, Works for Piano, Moritz Ernst

Moritz Ernst performs three works for piano by Michael Edgerton, including: Tr 1. Thrush; Tr 2. Noise is interrupting my practice: silence is when my reaction is quiet. silence is my protest against the way things are; Tr 3-5 First Sonata

Lifelong Learning and Higher Education: New (and Old) Perspectives : Proceedings from the 2022 Lund University Conference on Teaching and Learning

This is the proceedings volume from the 8th biannual teaching and learning conference at Lund University, LUTL-22. The conference theme, Lifelong Learning and Higher Education: New (and Old) Perspectives, gave rise to a rich spread of presentations and discussions. The volume in your hand holds 13 contributions based on keynote addresses, papers, panels, and roundtable discussions from the confere

Reform Impossible to Achieve: Study of China’s Publishing Industry and Book Number System

This study explores the dual structure of China's publishing industry, focusing on the China Standard Book Number (中国标准书号) system. This system grants book number rights exclusively to state-owned entities linked to the Communist Party, who then sell these numbers to private publishers. The research examines how this licensing system influences party control and market dynamics within the indus

Infrared dwarfs: Surface gravity sensitivity in H-band spectra

The age of the center of our galaxy is poorly known. Determining the ages of individual stars in the galactic center usually requires isochrone fitting on a Hertzsprung-Russel diagram, which in turn requires knowledge of the star’s fundamental parameters, such as surface gravity, which is often determined with spectroscopic methods; and metallicity, which affects the shape of the isochrone. This c

Design and gender with a competitive edge

Firms compete on price and quality, but can also compete on issues of inclusion and sustainability, including gender and design as a competitive strategy. To develop a company brand that projects an image of an inclusive organization is one strategy that businesses can deploy to develop a unique selling proposition. Another possibility is to adapt product designs to include more groups within a po

Numerical Simulations of Brand Transport in Large Outdoor Fires

In wildland fires, burning particles of vegetative material can be lofted by the fire plume and are subsequently transported horizontally by cross wind. Depending on the state of the firebrands (flaming, smoldering, inert hot, inert cold) upon landing they bear the potential to cause secondary fires. The present work introduces the reader to existing theoretical analyses of the problem of combusti

Rural / Sakral - Ett förslag till ett nytt kapell vid ruinen efter Sjösås nya kyrka

Sjösås nya kyrka stod färdig 1865: mitt i socknen, mitt i människors vardagsliv. En nyklassicistisk kyrka, byggd under en tid då den svenska landsbygden fortfarande ökade sin befolkning. Tiderna förändrades och människor lämnade landsbygden för staden. Kvar stod kyrkan, byggd för 400 besökare. De sista åren användes den i snitt åtta gånger per år. Efter en brand 2022 står endast murväggarna efter Sjösås nya kyrka was finished 1865: in the centre of the parish, in the centre of people’s daily life. A neoclassical church, built during a period when the Swedish countryside still had an increasing population. Times changed, people left the countryside for the city. The church remained, built for 400 visitors. The past years it has been used approximately eight times per year. After a fire 2022