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Missionary Enterprise in African Education: The Co-operation of Lutheran Missions in Natal, South Africa, 1912-1955: A Documentation
Legal Ideals and Normative Realities : A case study of children's rights and child labor activity in Paraguay
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna doktorsavhandling i Rättssociologi handlar om barns rättigheter och barnarbete i Paraguay. Problematiken kring barnarbete i Paraguay är central för avhandlingen och författaren har undersökt samt beskrivit de rättsliga ideal som är tänkta att upprätthålla och stärka det rättsliga skyddet för barns rättigheter. De rättsliga idealen kontrasteras sedemera mot den norThe present study is composed of eight chapters relating to children's rights and child labor activity in the Republic of Paraguay. The problem of child labor in Paraguay is central for this study and the legal ideals that are intended to uphold and strengthen the rights of the child are described and contrasted with the present normative reality in which the children work and live. The discrepanc
Fru Nanna Grönvalls bokbinderi
At the age of 33 and mother of seven children (the husband a shawowy figure), Mrs Grönvall started a small but soon renowed hand book bindery in the town of Malmö in Southern Sweden in 1893. Mostly self-taught herself, through the years she housed and trained several apprentices and journeyman of wich some opened binderies of their own. At the Arts and Crafts Exhibition in Malmö 1907 she was award
Production Control of a Pulp and Paper Mill
A summary of a study devoted to computerized scheduling of a complex integrated pulp and paper mill is presented. A mathematical model of the mill was built and the scheduling problem was formulated as an optimal control problem for a multivariable deterministic system. The mill is described by a linear, first-order, vectorvalued differential equation. The control system consists of 10 state varia
Measurement of dijet cross sections in ep interactions with a leading neutron at HERA
Measurements are reported of the production of dijet events with a leading neutron in ep interactions at HERA. Differential cross sections for photoproduction and deep inelastic scattering are presented as a function of several kinematic variables. Leading order QCD simulation programs are compared with the measurements. Models in which the real or virtual photon interacts with a parton of an exch
Cancer incidence in the Swedish leather tanning industry: updated findings 1958-99.
Abstract in UndeterminedAims: To assess how a 10 year extension of the follow up period affected cancer incidence in the Swedish leather tanning cohort. Methods: A cohort of 2027 tannery workers (of which 482 were women) who had been employed for at least one year between 1900 and 1989 at one of three Swedish leather tanneries, was established. The start of observation varied between 1958 and 1966
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Sjuka statsmän - och vad de ställt till med av Chister Nilsson
Management of gestational diabetes from the patient's perspective - a comparison of Swedish and Middle-Eastern born women.
Aim. To explore patients' evaluation of a specialized diabetes clinic for management of women with gestational diabetes born in Sweden and the Middle East and its contribution to a decreased level of stress and improved coping capability to promote health in patients receiving care. Background. No studies comparing patients' perceptions of healthcare in women of different origin with gestational
Phosphonic Acid Adsorption at the TiO2 anatase (101) surface investigated by periodic hybrid HF-DFT computations
Phosphonic acid (H3PO3) is a candidate as an anchor group that can be used to bind a wide range of molecules to TiO2 surfaces, with practical applications for example in dye-sensitized solar cells. Adsorption geometries and energies of H3PO3 on the TiO2 anatase (1 0 1) surface have therefore been investigated using quantum-chemical periodic hybrid ab initio Hartree Fock density functional theory c
Establishment and phenotypic characterization of human U937 cells with inducible P210 BCR/ABL expression reveals upregulation of CEACAM1 (CD66a).
Unstable translocation (8;22) in a case of giant cell reparative granuloma.
Giant cell reparative granuloma (GCRG) is an uncommon lesion most often affecting the jaw but also the small bones of the hands and feet. GCRG overlaps clinically and radiographically with other giant cell-rich tumors such as giant cell tumor of bone (GCTB) and aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC). In the only case of a cytogenetically investigated GCRG reported previously, a balanced translocation involvin
Cathodoluminescence studies of nanostructured semiconductors
Spatially and spectrally resolved cathodoluminescence in the scanning electron microscope is a very powerful technique for studying the optical properties of semiconductor structures, especially low-dimensional structures (structures with nanometre-sized features). The technique is generally nondestructive and can be combined with the normal imaging capabilities and analysis possibilities of the s
En modell av det inledande utrymningsförloppet
The purpose of the present study was to develop a new model of the initial part of an evacuation process, i.e., the pre-movement phase. A new method for estimating the pre-movement time was also going to be proposed. In the initial part of the study an inventory of existing models of human behaviour during fire evacuation was performed. This was followed by a literature review about helping behavi
Home as a signification of independence and autonomy: Experiences among very old Swedish people.
Safety culture in Swedish air traffic control
European air traffic control is undergoing changes in organization and technology in order to increase efficiency in air traffic. Change processes can have a negative impact on existing safety cultures, the foundations of safety work, and on safety. This paper reports on an assessment of safety culture at one administrative and two operative units in a Swedish air traffic control setting, using qu
Co-operative Nordic Research
This report has a two-fold objective. -To identify the changing risk management needs in the private and public sectors and the corresponding needs for development of risk analysis methods and related practices. -To list examples of projects where Nordic co-operation between industry, authorities and universities can be effective for increasing the contribution of risk management to industrial gro
Vattenavvisande fasadimpregnering : inverkan av sprickor
I föreliggande rapport redovisas en fördjupad studie av hur en vattenavvisande impregnering fungerar när det finns sprickor i fasaden.
Chronic illness among children in a total population. An epidemiological study in a Swedish primary health care district
The prevalence of chronic illness of all 6,080 0-15-year-old children in a defined geographical area in southern Sweden was studied. Information on the health status of the children was obtained from health and medical records, interviews with the district and school nurses and questionnaires to the parents. Chronic illness was defined as a disability interfering with normal life and/or demanding