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Transitions: Sustainable Business District in Urban Fringe

Recent urban development has serious consequences such as limited space and expanded urban sprawl which lead to complex problems on the edge. Also, there is large number of urbanization where people from rural areas try to find better opportunities by moving to big cities. Furthermore, fringe area seems like an unplanned area which lose its identity and do not optimize its potentials. Those situat

Att vinna till vilket pris som helst - En rättsanalytisk utredning av vadhållningsrelaterad matchfixning och spellagen (2018:1138)

Matchfixning är ett är problem som hotar att rubba fotbollens integritet fundamentalt. Fotbollens värdegrund är och ska alltid vara kännetecknat av tävling på lika villkor vilket ska locka fram det bästa av utövarna. Matchfixning riskerar att omkullkasta den här värdegrunden. Vadhållningsrelaterad matchfixning innebär att en idrottslig aktör medvetet underpresterar i en tävling, i enlighet med en Match fixing is an issue that threatens to fundamentally distort the integrity of football. The basic principles and common values of football are, and should always be, characterized by competition on equal terms, designed to bring the players to perform at their absolute top. Match fixing puts this core value at risk of being toppled over. Match fixing related to betting implies that an athlete

A legal perspective on biotechnology patents in mergers and acquisitions transactions in the European Union and the United States

This thesis addresses different aspects of the legal perspective on the patentability, valuation, and scope of biotech patents in the European Union and the United States when mergers & acquisitions transactions are in question. To facilitate mergers & acquisition of a biotechnology company a specific regulatory environment must be established, particularly what effects the most such trans

New perspectives for Nyhamnen, from industrial harbor to collaborative neighborhood

After almost two years living in Malmö, I discovered Nyhamnen by reading about the municipality plans for the area in a local newspaper. The mere realization that I was not aware of such a large area, only five minutes walking from the central station was both surprising and challenging. Since then, the aim of this thesis has been to develop an urban proposal that even though it is an academic exe

Motivation i scrum masterns team: En kvalitativ studie utifrån scrum masterns perspektiv

I takt med att agila metoder utvecklats har flertalet agila ramverk utformats. I och med detta har även ledarskapet genomgått en utveckling. Utvecklingen av ledarskapet har lett till mer engagerade och självorganiserade team. Ett av de agila ramverken är SCRUM. I ramverket har scrum mastern i uppgift att skapa ett meningsfullt ledarskap genom att bland annat visa empati, bygga gemenskap och låta t

Deep Learning Approach to Material Properties

In this thesis, we consider a deep learning approach to predict material properties. Primarily we study artificial neural networks (ANN), which predict the energy distance to the convex hull (measure of stability) of perovskites. Further, we explore if the networks can be generalised to predict band gaps and unit cell volume. We also demonstrate total energy calculations using density functional t

Blev Guldet Till Sand?

Syfte: Undersöka ifall fenomenet långsiktig underavkastning för IPO:s är förekommande på LSE. Teoretiskt ramverk: Det teoretiska ramverket utgår från tidigare forskning och teorier som framförallt fokuserar på långsiktig underavkastning. Metod: Kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats har använts när skribenterna har granskat sekundära källor och data. Multipel regression har använts för den inhämPurpose: Investigate if the phenomenon long-run underperformance for IPOs is prevalent at LSE. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework is based on previous research and theories that focus primarily on long-term underperformance. Method: Quantitative method with a deductive approach has been used when the writers examined secondary sources and data. Multiple regression has been used for t

Pro-life, Positioning and Imperialism - A Critical Discourse Analysis of U.S. Foreign Aid Statements on Abortion and Reproductive Health

This thesis uses Critical Discourse Analysis to explore how the practice of abortion is defined and created in U.S. presidential administrations’ statements on foreign aid, how the discourses regarding abortion and reproductive health have changed between 1984-2019 and how the U.S. foreign aid statements on reproductive health can be understood through postcolonial feminist theory. When the presid

Representation of History in Assassin’s Creed

In this essay, I have analysed the video game franchise Assassin’s Creed and looked at it from an intermedial standpoint, where I have also focused on the educational qualities Assassin’s Creed can provide players. By applying Lars Elleström’s theories of intermediality and multimodality I have explained different parts of what builds up certain video games and how they are different from other me


In the last few years, the implementation of well-ventilated façades in buildings increased due to their improved energy performance. However, their double-wall construction due to the limited airflow within an air cavity represents a significant fire risk, since the flames that spread into the air cavity can elongate up to ten times. The main goal of this thesis is to provide additional informati

Digitaliseringsparadoxen : en studie av digitaliseringsbegreppet i den nationella biblioteksstrategin

Today, digital services and digitization are natural parts of the library operations in Sweden, with the leading player, the National Library of Sweden, as a driving force. However, it is unclear which presumptions about digitalization support these activities. In this master’s thesis I therefore examine the underlying assumptions, and the way they influence how the concept of digitalization is un

Att ligga högt eller ligga lågt : informationsförmedling av sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter på biblioteket

Librarians and libraries’ work with information mediation are a vital part of facilitating and delivering information in society. Libraries and librarians’ efforts in making information regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) available is important both in terms of upholding democratic rights as well as improving personal health. The purpose of this thesis is to explore and inve

Könsbaserad prisdiskriminering? Nej tack! - en kvantitativ granskning av förekomsten av könsbaserad prisdiskriminering på den svenska marknaden.

The purpose of this study is to examine whether gender-based price discrimination occurs on the Swedish market. If shown, an additional analysis of the result is made to study which gender is subject to discrimination and thus draws a disadvantage on the Swedish market. In order to examine this question, the study is completed with descriptive statistics, linear regression analysis as well as non-

Dynamic Capabilities and Competitive Advantage: A Systematic Review of Conceptual Research 1997-2020

Dynamic capabilities enable firms to systematically modify their resource base and build competitive advantage. As dynamic capabilities literature is diverging in definition and scope, this research work analyzes conceptual literature on dynamic capabilities regarding commonalities, differences, and development over time. Therefore, a total of 56 publications in eleven highly ranked journals betwe

Legitimerad och stolt : En kvalitativ studie om hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorers resonemang kring införandet av en legitimation

Title: Certified and proud - A qualitative study of hospital social workers views on their establishment as a certified profession Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren The question of professional certification of hospital social workers in Sweden was first brought to attention by Akademikerförbundet SSR in 1958. More than 60 years later, on July 1st, 2019 the decision to make “hospital social worker” a c

Compassion fatigue as a separate construct: The development of a new scale

Compassion fatigue is often used interchangeably with burnout and secondary traumatic stress in literature. There is, however, theoretical support for considering compassion fatigue as a separate condition. The aim of this pilot study was to create a compassion fatigue scale and examine its relation to burnout and secondary traumatic stress as well as to explore how descriptive variables affect le

Där det dagliga brödet bereds: en intervjustudie om kontinuitet och förändring inom den svenska livsmedelsindustrin ur ett feministiskt-marxistiskt perspektiv

In this thesis, I investigate change and continuity within the food industry in Sweden, building on seven interviews with workers in different factories and locations in Sweden. Through a feminist-Marxist understanding of productive and reproductive work, and an analysis of how gender and class are produced and reproduced in organizations, this study examines production work and its impact on the