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Hållbar Upphandling; En studie om upphandling occh vad som krävs för att klara en certifiering enligt ISO-20400

Bygg- och fastighetssektorn är en av de sektorer som släpper ut mest växthusgaser. Under ett enskilt år så svarar byggbranschen för utsläpp av växthusgaser på 21 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter, vilket motsvarar 21 procent av Sveriges totala utsläpp. Av det totala utsläppet på 21 miljoner koldioxidekvivalenter så kommer 12,8 miljoner ton från inhemska utsläpp av växthusgaser och 8,2 miljoner toThe building and real estate sector is one of the sectors that emits the most greenhouse gases. For a single year, the construction industry is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions of 21 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, which corresponds to 21 per cent of Sweden's total emissions. Of the total emissions of 21 million carbon dioxide equivalents, 12.8 million tons come from domesti

Adopting AI in Organizational Decision Making: A qualitative study

Organizational decision making is a challenging task that tends to be impactful. Decisionmakers have for more than 50 years been using different types of computational support to enable for more accurate and faster decision. In today’s business context, there is an increasing volume of data available for the decision-maker. However, humans are limited in their capacity to consume and manage data a

”Jag kunde inte mer” : En textanalys om rollen som anhörig till en somatiskt sjuk partner

The aim of this study was to investigate close relatives' experiences of their role as long-term home care givers to a somatically ill partner, to increase the understanding of informal care in society. The method chosen was text analysis of five biographies. In analyzing the results, I applied the following theoretical approaches: Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, Linton’s role theory, and fi

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March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declare the virus outbreak Covid19 as a pandemic. To prevent further outbreak, the Norwegian government has implemented the most drastic measures in Norway during peacetime. All schools have been forced to lock down, the number of unemployment has increased, and the population is encouraged to stay at home and keep social distance. In light of the cri

Graffiti: A subculture alive within the legal. A pluralistic study of the regulations within Swedish graffiti and the influences of formal law.

The world of graffiti is an immense social construct which stretches to every corner of the globe. To many, graffiti may seem to be the simple act of applying paint to a surface, often depicting names or letters. In Sweden, graffiti’s acceptance has gained grounds as of late with the riddance of zero tolerance policies and the opening of several legal walls around the country. However, the legal w

We own this power! : How a rural community in Indonesia uphold energy justice to harness a hybrid solar-wind energy plant and unlock capabilities.

Indonesia, as per their stance on the Paris Agreement and social development goals (SDG), has been on a winding journey to meet their renewable energy targets. In providing the national electricity, the state electricity company (PLN) is still deriving more than 70% of its energy sources from coal and oil As per 2018, only up to 8% of on-grid power is generated from renewable energy sources, and t

Land redistributions in Denmark: can agricultural exceptionalism produce multifunctional landscapes? : An analysis of the Multifunctional Land Redistribution Fund and its likely implications for future land use in Denmark

This thesis examines the Multifunctional Land Redistribution Fund, launched in March 2020 by the Danish Ministry of Environment and Food, and the outcomes this policy may propel. The Fund takes aim at multiple issues of sustainability related to land use: biodiversity loss, groundwater contamination, nutrient leaching, and rural development. The Fund is to serve as a pilot project for large-scale

Predicting Corporate Takeover Outcomes Using Machine Learning

The aim of this thesis is to investigate if the machine learning based classification procedure, Random Forest, provides superior prediction performance compared to a logistic regression model fitted using the LASSO framework, when predicting outcomes in corporate takeover situations. This is done in the context of merger arbitrage, an event-driven investment strategy. The classification models ar

Värmebölja och bostäder

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur bygg- och fastighetsbranschen arbetar med problematiken kring värmeböljor och höga inomhustemperaturer i bostäder. Målsättningen är att få förståelse för problematiken, utreda och bidra med kunskap inom ämnet för bostäder i befintligt bestånd respektive nyproduktion. Inledningsvis genomfördes en litteraturstudie vilken var ämnad att skapa en omfattande och The purpose of the study is to investigate how the construction and real estate industry work with the problems concerning heat waves and high indoor temperatures in housing. The objective is to obtain an understanding, to investigate and to contribute with knowledge of the problem for existing housing and for future housing. Initially, a literature study was conducted which was intended to creat

Burning material behaviour in hypoxic environments: An experimental study examining fire dynamics of composite materials in vitiated conditions

The progression of fire safety research has contributed to improving the guiding principles of standardised building design. Research making use of pure materials, once common in homes and workplaces, are less relevant as such materials are no longer as prevalent. It is often newer, composite materials that are featured more prominently in building contents. The trend towards the evolution of commIt is widely accepted that by lowering the oxygen concentration below that of the typical ambient conditions (21% Oxygen) fuels are less likely to ignite and will burn slower. ORS (Oxygen Reduction Systems) make use of this to protect their contents. The oxygen concentration in these systems is done by introducing a flow rate containing a higher percentage of nitrogen into the protected area. The

Plant-based diets, planet power, and the patriarchy: A study on food and identity

Much research has been done on the sustainability of food consumption in the science sphere, but the research on social sustainability and plant-based diets are lacking in anthropology. This thesis aims to investigate how cultural perceptions affect what we choose to eat and if these perceptions can be challenged for the sake of sustainability. The analysis of the paper is based on a literature re

Justice in their backyard : an analysis of rural energy transition and opposition to wind energy in Germany

The large-scale expansion of wind energy is an important element of the energy transition in Germany and a necessary tool to mitigate climate change. Yet, it is contested in many rural settings across the country. This thesis builds on the argument that rural areas are a crucial factor for the energy transition. They serve as the sites that host most of the infrastructure needed in the transition

Towards a Multifaceted View of Government Intervention

This study examines the effect of governmental market intervention on MNCs´ internationalization process and operations in a foreign market. A divergence is proposed between past literature´s dominant view of government intervention as a constraining factor for MNCs, with the observation of many MNCs operating in Singapore, whose government takes a clear interventionist stance in the market. There

Evaluation of sensor techniques for detection of contaminants in greywater from showers

This thesis has been made in collaboration with the company Orbital Systems. The aim has been to optimize their product the Orbital shower, which is a circulating shower system. The work evaluates different sensor techniques suitable for detection of contaminants in greywater. After a comprehensive literature study, three techniques; ultrasound, IR and impedance were further investigated and prac

Rolihlahla Village: Bottom-up process for the rehabilitation of human settlements in Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Are our cities prepared for the growing and rapid urbanization expected for the coming years? How do the new social, economic and environmental challenges affect the urban context, specifically informal settlements? How can we rethink sustainable urban design in vulnerable areas? To tackle these questions, this study will have a closer look at Port Elizabeth, a coastal city in South Africa, to und

The Triple Bottom Line: Reporting tool or reflexive framework? - An employee perspective on Corporate Responsibility in practice

Purpose: In the context of contemporary organisational challenges regarding Sustainable Development, our inquiry’s purpose is to contribute to a deeper understanding of what it means for employees to work with the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) in the practical and local context of a global pharmaceutical company’s sustainability strategy. Research question: Our study is led by the research question “ho

Lag om riktlinjer för kommunala markanvisningar

I en undersökning från 2012 som publicerats av Statskontoret uppgavs det att Sveriges markanvisningssystem hade fått kritik för att vara för oförutsebart och det ifrågasattes om dåvarande system gynnade konkurrens och likabehandling av byggherrar. För att öka transparens och konkurrens samt för att hitta ett verktyg som kan utgöra ett bra stöd för kommunerna, infördes 1 januari 2015 lag (2014:899)This master thesis evaluates the outcome of the Law (2014:899) on guidelines for municipal land use that were adopted in 2015. According to this, all the municipalities who work with the land allocation processes, must adopt guidelines for this process. The law does not regulate in detail and it is therefore open for interpretations. The reason to adopt the law was to increase transparency, predic

Att bibehålla och utveckla konkurrensfördelar under en svart svan: En fallstudie om Kiviks Musteri

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att titta på hur ett företag med sina risker spridda över olika branscher arbetar med att förstärka sin verksamhet i förhållande till framfarten av en global kris, i detta fall Covid-19. För denna studiens genomförande har vi valt att förhålla oss till företagets upplevda styrkor i förhållande till krishantering och hur denna krishantering kan hjälpa till att bibehållaPurpose: The purpose of the study is to look at how a company with its risks spread across different industries is working to strengthen its operations in relation to the progress of a global crisis, in this case Covid-19. As the purpose of this study, we have chosen to relate to the company's perceived strengths in relation to crisis management and how this crisis management can help maintain

The representation of sustainability on social media : an ecofeminist reading of Instagram

Social media is a part and parcel of the daily lives of most people today. From targeted advertisements to affecting the election results around the globe, social media holds tremendous power in the way it shapes narratives and the world we live in. As sustainability has become a hot topic on online platforms, it is imperative to question how it is represented. This thesis explores the representat