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In modern legal systems, criminal responsibility is based on the concept of agency, which includes autonomy, intentionality, and individual accountability. In parallel, as technology advances and the use of artificial intelligence in our daily lives becomes more prevalent, important tasks are entrusted to AI-driven systems. As a result, AI will increasingly perform independently of humans. The mor

Measuring Acoustic Mobility of Particles by Particle Tracking Velocimetry

Mätning av partiklars och cellers akustiska egenskapar genom partikelspårningshastighet I många medicinska sammanhang är man intresserad av att kunna separera olika celltyper från varandra, exempelvis vita blodkroppar från ett blodprov eller insulinproducerande celler från bukspottskörteln. Det finns ett antal olika metoder för att genomföra denna separation. En tämligen ny metod bygger på akustoAcoustophoresis is a method to manipulate and move cells or particles suspended in a medium using acoustic waves. The speed of the acoustophoretic motion depends on the cells' acoustic mobility, i.e. their size, density and compressibility relative to the medium. Differences in acoustic mobility can be used to separate particles from each other. Separation is an important tool within biomedica

The marketing capabilities of non-profit organisations and its performance

This thesis is based on a quantitative study that is conducted by comparing the fundraising effectiveness of humanitarian non-profit organisations (NPOs) to their program expenditure. The fundraising effectiveness of NPOs is derived from fundraising expenses over donations received. Using two hypotheses that were developed using literature revolving around capabilities, with a special focus on mar

Risk Averse Path Planning Using Lipschitz Approximated Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Deep Q-Learning

We investigate the problem of risk averse robot path planning using the deep reinforcement learning and distributionally robust optimization perspectives. Our problem formulation involves modelling the robot as a stochastic linear dynamical system, assuming that a collection of process noise samples is available. We cast the risk averse motion planning problem as a Markov decision process and prop

Preventiv hemlig husrannsakan – Avvägningen mellan effektiv brottsbekämpning och rätten till personlig integritet avseende Säkerhetspolisens underrättelseverksamhet

Preventiva tvångsmedel är tvångsmedel med preventivt syfte som används, utan att en förundersökning är inledd, i underrättelseverksamhet. Säkerhetspolisen har i en hemställan från 2021 lagt fram önskemål om en författningsändring av lagen om åtgärder för att förhindra vissa särskilt allvarliga brott (preventivlagen) som skulle möjliggöra husrannsakan i underrättelseverksamhet. Den förslagna reformCoercive preventive measures are secret coercive measures used in intelligence, meaning that a pre-trial investigation has not yet been initiated. The Swedish Security Service has in a request from 2021 proposed an amendment of the Act on Measures to Prevent Certain Particularly Serious Crimes (2007:979), the Prevention Act, which would make it possible to conduct searches in intelligence. This wo

Patienters upplevelse av tidig mobilisering på intensivvårdsavdelningen

Bakgrund: Det verkar råda konsensus kring att tidig mobilisering är en viktig del i patientens återhämtning och det finns flera studier som understryker dess fördelar. Dock finns mindre forskning på hur patienterna upplever den tidiga mobiliseringen. Mer forskning skulle kunna innebära en ökad förståelse för vad dessa individer går igenom och därmed eventuellt förbättra patienters upplevelse av ti

Screening av prediabetes

Over the past years type 2 diabetes has become a complex consequence of better economic standards with growing economic and life quality costs. Prevention and deferral of type 2 diabetes through detection and preventive treatment of prediabetes will be crucial. The method of detection is therefore an important part in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. The aim of this essay was to analyze the co

Sustainable Swedish Industry by Improved Excess Heat Recovery

VAD SKA VI MED KYLTORN TILL? Vad skulle kyltorn kunna ha med Sveriges hållbarhetsmål att göra? Enorma mängder energi går åt till att kyla processer och det är inte helt osannolikt att den går till kyltorn. Att kyla med kyltorn är effektivt, men värmen är bortkastad till luften. Om man kunde göra något med energin skulle det kunna liknas med en outnyttjad guldåder. Sverige följer åtagandet i AgendAchieving a sustainable Swedish industry will require better utilization of resources already available and already spent. Nationally, vast amounts of heat are released into the atmosphere and not made use of. If only a fraction of this energy could be exploited, the path to net zero emission society by 2045 would be thousands of tons worth of CO2 closer. In Sweden, 25% of excess heat delivered to

Klimatberäkning av Pålsjö Äng - En jämförelse mellan beräkningsmetoder

Miljö- och klimatpåverkan är idag centralt inom byggbranschen. För att uppnå de globala och nationella mål som existerar krävs fler åtgärder för att minska byggsektorns klimatpåverkan. Byggsektorn står idag för cirka 21 % av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser. Klimatberäkningar är ett sätt att uppmärksamma aktörer på den klimatpåverkan branschen utgör och öka motivationen till förändring. I dThe environmental and climate impact are today central within the building sector. To meet the global and national emission goals more actions need to be taken to reduce the impact of the building sector which is responsible for 21% of Sweden’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Climate calculations are a great step in the right direction to draw attention to the impact a building has on the environm

The Shift Towards Flexible Workplaces

Den här studien ämnar att undersöka relationen mellan ett varumärkes attraktionskraft och ett arbetsgivarvarumärkes individuella dimensioner - specifikt gällande möjligheten för potentiella arbetstagare att arbeta flexibelt; helt, eller delvis på distans. Covid-19 har dramatiskt förändrat människors liv världen över, därför är målet att observera hur den här ändringen har påverkat hur studenter seThe purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between brand attractiveness determined by the individual dimensions of an employer brand, with a specific focus on the effect caused by the prospect of remote work opportunities among potential employees. The recent pandemic has changed the everyday life of people throughout the world. Therefore, our aim is to examine if this change in

Ta hand om dig. /red, Krisinfo

Vi lever i ett krissamhälle där kriser ständigt är närvarande i någon bemärkelse. Människor i kris söker sig efter information och förståelse på sociala medier, där det även sprids misinformation och desinformation. Studien syftar till att skapa en ökad förståelse för vilken funktion hade som moderatorer i sitt eget kommentarsfält på sociala medier under Covid-19-pandemin. Det tWe live in a crisis society where crises are a constant in our lives, furthermore people in a crisis are searching for information and understanding through social media, where misinformation and disinformation is spread. The aim of this study was to reach an increased understanding of what purpose had as a moderator in its own comment section on social media during the Covid-19

Ensuring Semiconductor Availability with Obsolescence Management

The context of electronics components such as semiconductors has increased in the most diverse within the automotive industry and the industry is to a larger extent interacting and depending on the electronics industry. The trend is expected to continue which calls for effective obsolescence management. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a knowledge within Proactive Obsolescence Management w

Portfolio Optimization – Bitcoin & Downside Risk

The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the inclusion of cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin, affects downside risk in a diversified portfolio. The analysis utilizes a number of performance measures and combines Modern Portfolio Theory with a Post-Modern Portfolio Theory optimization in order to evaluate different portfolios. The portfolios are also benchmarked against a naive diversification

Interactive Network Visualization of Insurance Portfolios

Companies are seeking new ways to analyse data, and network visualizations are a great tool to enhance the ability to understand relational data. The objective of this thesis project was to build an interactive network visualization of an insurance company’s portfolio. The resulting visualization helps users catch sight of patterns and outliers that might, otherwise, be overlooked. The results wer

Touching Architecture - Towards an Architectural Typology for the Sense of Touch

This research aimed to explore the sense of touch within the discipline of architecture. While haptic stimulation has been studied within architectural theory, the sense of touch remains underrepresented within the practical side of the discipline. To increase the accessibility of the knowledge necessary for representation within architectural practice, there was a need for further study. This has

Fårkött i det offentliga köket

Syftet med detta arbete är att se om det är möjligt att servera fårkött i de offentliga köken och vilka vinster det kan ge. Årligen inhandlas livsmedel för cirka 10 miljarder kronor till de offentliga köken. Det ställs höga krav på vilka val som görs vid inköp av livsmedel till de offentliga köken avseende bland annat hållbarhet och produktion. Fårkött är ett livsmedel som inte finns att köpa f

Coping with the climate crisis: How to address climate emotions to galvanize sustainability transformations

Effectively coping with climate emotions has untapped potential to galvanize sustainability transformations. This thesis investigates how individuals cope effectively with climate change, and how to upscale coping for sustainability. First, I used a systematic literature review to define effective coping: coping that ensures emotional wellbeing and climate engagement, encompassing meaning- focused

Explaining the dynamics of exchange rate volatility

This research examines the volatility of the Swedish krona in regards to the Euro and US-dollar exchange rate, using both daily and monthly data ranging from the beginning of 2000 until 2022. Using this time span allows us to update previous literature on exchange rate volatility, and also incorporates recent economic events such as the great financial crisis of 2008, the 2020 covid-pandemic and t

The Distribution Tax Regime Paradox - Compatibility of Estonian Tax Treatment of Non-Residents’ Capital Gains from Alienation of Immovable Property with European Law

The four fundamental freedoms granted to residents in the Community have become the pillars for fairness between economic operators and persons within the internal market. The aim of the freedoms is to prohibit any restriction or discrimination toward residents of another Member State and endorse equal treatment. Subsequently, tax laws of Member States have been scrutinised before the Court of Jus