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Energy efficient lighting in Sweden - Standards
Geometric Methods for some Nonlinear Wave Equations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett antal resultat med anknytning till den geometriska tolkningen av dispersiva ickelinjära vågekvationer presenteras. Det beskrivs först hur några välkända ekvationer för grunt vatten uppkommer geometriskt som Euler ekvationer för det geodetiska flödet på Virasorogruppen försedd med särskilda högerinvarianta metriker. För en av dessa ekvationer?Camassa-Holm ekvationen?A number of results related to the geometric interpretation of some dispersive nonlinear wave equations are presented. It is first described how some well-known shallow water equations arise geometrically as Euler equations for the geodesic flow on the Virasoro group endowed with certain right-invariant metrics. For one of these equations?the Camassa-Holm equation?we demonstrate how geometric meth
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Substituting computers for services - potential to reduce ICT's environmental footprint
The environmental footprint of IT products are significant and, in spite of manufacturing and product design improvements, growing consumption of electronics results in increasing absolute environmental impact. Computers have short technological lifespan and a lot of the in-build performance, although necessary, remains idling for most of the time. Today, most of computers used in non-residential
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Abstract in Danish Kapitlet sætter fokus på kobling mellem teori og praksis. Vi argumenterer for, at teoribevidsthed er nødvendig for studerende og sundhedsprofessionelle, her sygeplejersker, for at kunne reflektere, forstå, håndtere og udvikle handlinger, interaktioner og sygepleje i klinisk praksis. Først redegør vi kort for forståelser af teori og praksis. Dernæst præsenterer vi en case fra kli
Diversify or Perish! Structural transformation of agricultural systems - Intensification and diversification in Vietnam
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In vitro laser-induced fluorescence studies of breast-tumour following low-dose injection of porphyrin
Dietary Fibre in Fermented Oats and Barley
The physiological characteristics of native and bacterial exopolysaccharides (EPS) in oats and barley-based fermented products were studied in relation to the physico-chemical properties. Article I presents a parallel-randomized double blind clinical trial using a dairy-based product (control), an oat-based product (fermented with V2, which is a mixture (1:1) of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bu
Consistency and Correction of Line-Drawings, Obtained by Projections of Piecewise Planar Objects
This paper deals with line-drawings, obtained from images of piecewise planar objects after edge detection. Such images are used e.g. for navigation and recognition. In order to be a possible image of a three dimensional piecewise planar object, it has to obey some projective conditions. Criteria for a line-drawing to be correct is given in this paper, along with methods to find possible interpret
Doctrinal Relationship between Protestantism and Charismatic Renewal
Den osynliga forskargruppen - ledarskap i och kring akademins verksamhetsbärande enheter
Denna rapport är slutprodukten av ett projektarbete inom ledarskapsprogrammet AKKA III år 2009 och undersöker den paradoxala situation som uppstår då forskargrupper fungerar som verksamhetsbärande enheter samtidigt som deras formella roll i organisationen är oklar. Detta väcker frågeställningar som är relevanta ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv: Vad är egentligen en forskargrupp? Vilka olika typer av fo
As though we had no spirit: Ritual, politics and existence in the Aymara quest for decolonization
Colonialism’ and ‘decolonization’ have been dealt with by postcolonial studies and, more recently, by scholars identified with the ‘de-colonial turn’. At the same time, in the ethnopolitically charged context of contemporary Bolivian society, colonialism and decolonization have become issues of political, existential and even cosmological import. This thesis identifies a need to root the ‘de-colon
Reactions of Model and Anticancer Active Platinum(IV/II) Complexes - A Kinetic and Mechanistic Study
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den kemiskt enkla föreningen cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2)] (cisplatin) används för behandling av vissa cancerformer. Föreningen är i allmänhet giftig för kroppens organ och kroppen utvecklar resistens, vilket begränsar den kliniska effektiviteten. Generellt anses det att den önskade anticancer-effekten fås som ett resultat av inbindningen av platinakomplexen till DNA, medan interaIn this thesis reductions of model and anticancer active Pt(IV) complexes with thiols and ascorbic acid and substitution reactions of cisplatin and model Pt(II) complexes with S-donor nucleophiles (rescue agents) have been investigated using stopped-flow and UV/VIS spectrophotometry. Glutathione (GSH) reduction of the anticancer active Pt(IV) compounds t- and c-[PtCl4(cha)(NH3)] (cha = cyclohexyla
Nonseparability of inferribility and measurability in quantum mechanics as a Systema Magnum
Quantum measurement theory has a peculiar nature with its TWO processes of assertibility, by proof and by measurement, which is beyond formal logic. This two-sortedness with respect to assertibility is discussed in terms of developments of many--sorted logics, sometimes referred to as Logica Magna. Although useful insights are obtained this way, we argue that there is a nonseparability of inferrib