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Social ekonomi och idrott : några reflektioner
Production of written L2-Swedish - processability or input frequencies
Intonation Pattern and Duration Differences in Imitated Speech
The present paper is a study of one impersonator and one of his voice imitations. The aim of the study was to investigate how he changes his own voice and speech behavior in order to get close to the target speaker’s. A comparison is made between three recordings of the same text material: the target speaker, the voice imitation and the impersonator’s own voice and dialect. The results presented i
Surface Wave Testing of Pavements
A novel approach for surface wave testing of pavements is presented. It is a non-destructive testing (NDT) technique that can be used to obtain the thickness and stiffness properties of the different layers in a pavement. With this method structural properties of the pavement can be mapped as a function of time and space, providing a valuable tool in pavement design and management. The technical d
Vanor och ovanor i historieskrivningen om mänskliga rättigheter
Cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in hypopituitary patients and metabolic effects of growth hormone treatment
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sammanfattning på svenska ___________________________________________________________ I hypofysen bildas och frisätts hormoner vilka dels har en direkt verkan och dels styr andra körlars insöndring av hormon i kroppen. Den vanligaste orsaken till bristande hypofysfunktion (hypofysinsufficiens) hos vuxna patienter är tumörer belägna i hypofysen eller i hypofysens närhetPremature atherosclerosis, cardiovascular risk factors and increased cardiovascular mortality have been shown in patients with hypopituitarism on conventional hormone treatment, but without growth hormone (GH) replacement. The aims of paper I-III were to investigate separately the risks for cerebrovascular and cardiac mortality as well as the incidence of cardiovascular disease in patients with hy
Assessing Alternative Indices of Democracy
Upplevelseekonomins intåg i hem och fritid
Revisiting the PnP Problem: A Fast, General and Optimal Solution
In this paper, we revisit the classical perspective-n-point (PnP) problem, and propose the first non-iterative O(n) solution that is fast, generally applicable and globally optimal. Our basic idea is to formulate the PnP problem into a functional minimization problem and retrieve all its stationary points by using the Gr¨obner basis technique. The novelty lies in a non-unit quaternion representati
Technology Transfer and Technological Capability Building in Informal Firms in Tanzania
Technology transfer is important to understand how knowledge is transformed to economic value. Applying a case study approach, this thesis investigates the technology transfer efforts from the University of Dar Es Salaam to indigenous informal SMEs in Tanzania and examines the impact of one of their technology transfer mechanisms on the specific technological capabilities that were acquired at the
E-modul hos skumbetong i väg : mätningar på Blidögatan i Malmö och E14 vid Sandåkra 1991-1992
Konkurrenskraft för nätansluten solel i Sverige – sett ur kraftföretagens och nätägarnas perspektiv
'Amphorae', in "Euesperides (Benghazi): Preliminary report on the Spring 2005 season"
Industrial relations och den svenska arbetsrätten
LES of the flow and particle ingestion into an air intake of a jet engine running on the ground
The flow field generated by the flow into a jet engine air-intake, with near ground effects, is considered. The axial inflow in the neighborhood of the ground generates a system of unsteady vortices. Some of these vortices extend from the air-intake towards the ground. Some of these vortices are strong enough to dislocate and even lift small objects from the ground up to the air-intake. The dynami
Overview of Beach Nourishment in the European Union - Projects, Practices, and Objectives
Room for increased ambitions? Governing breakthrough research in Norway 1990-2013
Den svenska konkretismens manifest: tillämpad vs. proklamerad poetik
How the Holy Cross was Found: From Event to Medieval Legend
Studies the origin of the Inventio Crucis legend: the historical events behind it as well as its textual sources and antecedents. A literary interpretation of the text is then attempted, showing that the legend is influenced by Jewish traditions and adversus Iudaeos treatises. Finally, the liturgical texts used to celebrate Inventio Crucis in the Middle Ages are surveyed. Three versions of the Lat