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Alzheimer's Disease: The role of alpha1-antichymotrypsin-amyloid peptide (Abeta 1-42) interaction in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related, irreversible brain disorder that occurs gradually and results in memory loss, behavioural and personality changes. The disease is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of amyloid-beta (Ab) peptide in the extracellular space and the protein Tau within nerve cells of certain regions of the brain. Aâ1-42 is a major component of amyloid deposits in AD, b
Physical exposure and disorder prevalence, among males and females with identical repetive industrial tasks.
‘East is East, and West is West’: The Concept of Torah in Paul and Mark
This volume contains a comprehensive evaluation of the hypthesis that the Gospel of Mark has been influenced by the theology of the apostle Paul. It discusses the history of this view from the nineteenth Century to the modern day, analyses possible historical Connections between the apostle and the evangelist, and compares and contrasts many major theological themes in both the epistles and the Go
Magnetic fields in M dwarf stars from high-resolution infrared spectra
Magnetic fields play a central role in the atmospheric properties and variability of active M dwarfs. Information on the strength and structure of magnetic fields in these objects is vital for understanding dynamo mechanisms and magnetically-driven activity of low-mass stars, and for constraining theories of star formation and evolution. We have initiated the first systematic high-resolution surve
A Complex Adaptive System Approach on Logistics - Implications of adopting a complexity perspective
The quest of developing the logistics discipline, with a more theoretical foundation, is something several authors have emphasized and called for. Today one could argue that most of the research on logistics has a strong connection to the positivistic paradigm where there is a great emphasis on prediction, rationality and control in the solutions produced. In order to challenge the common assumpti
XRF-analys av tegel från Riddarholmskyrkans gravtumba
Social Clauses and International Trade: An Economic Analysis of Labour Standards in Trade Policy
Fatty Acyl Reductases and Fatty Acyl Desaturases. Deciphering the biosynthesis of species-specific moth female sex pheromones from common fatty acids
Popular Abstract in Swedish För över 100 år sedan upptäckte den franske naturalisten Jean-Henri Fabre att en nattfjärilshona som han hade på sitt skrivbord lyckades attrahera åtskilliga hanar, trots att honan var gömd bakom ett skynke och hannarna således inte kunde se henne. Fabre gissade att det var någon för honom okänd doft som låg bakom mysteriet. I slutet av 1950-talet identifierades det förMoths (Lepidoptera) are dependent on female produced pheromones, chemical signals, for attracting a mate. Pheromones are most commonly made up by saturated and/or unsaturated fatty acid derived alcohols, acetates, and/or aldehydes that are produced by a set of enzymes in the female pheromone gland. The enzymes involved are fatty acyl desaturases, pheromone gland fatty acyl reductases (pgFAR), β-ox
Vem är romantiker? - tankar kring ett idéhistoriskt etiketteringsproblem
Investigations of Heavy Elements in Am and HgMn stars
Popular Abstract in Swedish Stjärnhimlen har genom tiderna fascinerat människan och man har under historiens gång upprepade gånger försökt förklara vad stjärnorna består av samt hur de skapats. Många av dessa förklaringar har varit fantasifulla, men så här i efterhand sett ganska orealistiska. Till exempel var den medeltida bilden av stjärnhimlen att denna utgjordes av en sfär som roterade kring jThe relationship between the HgMn and Am classes of chemically peculiar stars has been investigated primarily by observing abundances of heavy elements, including Pr, Nd, Hg, Tl and Bi. The main objective of the investigation has been to gather observational evidence to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms producing the abundance anomalies of these stars, and to establish the relations
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Transcription, splicing and genetic structure within the human endogenous retroviral HERV-H family.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den mänskliga arvsmassan består bara till en begränsad del av gener som kodar för proteiner som används för livsnödvändiga funktioner. Så mycket som 50 % eller mer består av repetitiva sekvenser, dvs sådana DNA element som finns i 100-100.000-tals mer eller mindre identiska kopior. Man kan säga att dessa är genetiska parasiter som använder sig av den mänskliga cellens eHuman endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are remains of ancient retroviral infections of the germ line and constitute as much as 3 % of the human genome. HERVs are genetic elements that potentially may provide important biological functions by several different mechanisms. The ability to transpose long after the initial insertion into the germ line may provide a potent source of insertional mutagenes
Bioreduction of Carbonyl Compounds to Chiral Alcohols by Whole Yeast Cells: Process Optimisation, Strain Design and Non-Conventional Yeast Screening.
Chiral building blocks are needed for the production of drugs and fine chemicals, which requires the use of several synthetic routes to produce a specific enantiomer of interest. One promising approach to introduce chirality into molecules is the stereo-selective whole cell bioreduction of carbonyl compounds or ketones to the corresponding chiral alcohols. The aim of this thesis was to develop ef
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A non-feedback multiphase clock generator
This paper introduces the design of a new multiphase clock generator with no feedback loop. A single-stage direct interpolation architecture is proposed. A 1/4 frequency divider and a short-circuit current suppression interpolator are developed to achieve the precise interpolation. The circuit has been fabricated in a standard 0.35 μm, 3.3 V CMOS process. The multiphase clock generator can operate