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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Water assessment in transboundary river basins : the case of the Medjerda River Basin

Water resources in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region) face over-exploitation and over-pollution due to population growth, climate change and the lack of advanced water governance approaches. These challenges become more serious in transboundary river basins and may lead to conflict between riparian countries. The main objective of this paper is to assess water resources and needs at th

The effect of education on poverty : A European perspective

More than 1 in 7 people in Europe live in a household whose income is below the national poverty line, but more than 30% of people consider themselves to live in poverty. This study provides evidence on the causal relationship between education and various dimensions of poverty. I construct a novel database comprising compulsory schooling reforms in 32 European countries and use them as instrument

Effects of low-molecular-weight polyols on the hydration status of the light-harvesting complex 2 from Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1

Low-molecular-weight (MW) polyols are organic osmolytes influencing water activity. We have investigated the effects of polyol molecules (glycerol and sorbitol) on the optical and triplet excitation dynamics of light-harvesting complex 2 (LH2) from Rhodobacter (Rba.) sphaeroides in buffer-detergent solutions. The resonance Raman spectroscopy demonstrated that, on increasing glycerol and sorbitol v

Assessing combined object and mutual shading on the performance of a solar field

To make well-informed decisions on the implementation of solar energy on roofs within the urban environment, a new method was developed and described that could support such decision-making. This method takes both the mutual shading and shading from external objects into account. The method consists of the following six steps: 1) construction of the scene, 2) performance of annual solar irradiatio

Efficient reversible CO/CO2 conversion in solid oxide cells with a phase-transformed fuel electrode

The reversible solid oxide cell (RSOC) is an attractive technology to mutually convert power and chemicals at elevated temperatures. However, its development has been hindered mainly due to the absence of a highly active and durable fuel electrode. Here, we report a phase-transformed CoFe-Sr3Fe1.25Mo0.75O7−δ (CoFe-SFM) fuel electrode consisting of CoFe nanoparticles and Ruddlesden-Popper-layered S

DNA methylation at GRIN2B partially mediates the association between prenatal bisphenol F exposure and cognitive functions in 7-year-old children in the SELMA study

Background: Accumulating evidence suggests that prenatal chemical exposure triggers epigenetic modifications that could influence health outcomes later in life. In this study, we investigated whether DNA methylation (DNAm) levels at the glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2B (GRIN2B) gene underlies the association between prenatal exposure to an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC), bis

Development of boosted machine learning models for estimating daily reference evapotranspiration and comparison with empirical approaches

Proper irrigation scheduling and agricultural water management require a precise estimation of crop water requirement. In practice, reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is firstly estimated, and used further to calculate the evapotranspiration of each crop. In this study, two new coupled models were developed for estimating daily ETo. Two optimization algorithms, the shuffled frog-leaping algorithm

Do emerging ecosystems and individual capitals matter in entrepreneurial re-entry’ quality and speed?

This study analyses the influence of environmental and individual conditions on the quality and the speed of entrepreneurial re-entries in emerging economies after a business failure. We propose a conceptual framework supported by the institutional economic theory to study the influence of environmental conditions; and human and social capital to study the influence of individuals’ skills, experie

Effect of energy bandgap and sacrificial agents of cyclopentadithiophene-based polymers for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

A library of donor-acceptor system consisting of cyclopentadithiophene-based polymer photocatalysts have been designed and synthesized. Among all photocatalysts, the active PCPDTBSO achieved hydrogen evolution rates of 24.6 mmol h–1 g–1 with apparent quantum yields of 8.7 % at 500 nm. More importantly, combined the results of photocatalytic efficiency, apparent quantum yield, the time-resolved flu

Measuring Inflation Expectations in Interwar Britain

What caused the recovery from the British Great Depression? A leading explanation - the “expectations channel” - suggests that a shift in expected inflation lowered real interest rates and stimulated consumption and investment. However, few studies have measured, or tested the economic consequences of, inflation expectations. In this paper, we collect high-frequency information from primary and se

Intersection of Longest Paths in a Graph

In 1966, Gallai asked whether every connected graph has a vertex that is common to all its longest paths. The answer to this question is negative. We prove that the answer is positive for outerplanar graphs. Another related question was raised in 1995 at the British Combinatorial Conference: Do any three longest paths in a connected graph have a vertex in common? We prove that, in a connected grap

Nature-based shore protection against ship waves in intra-coastal fairways

Sjötrafik har alltid haft en stor betydelse för vårt samhälle genom att transportera gods och människor mellan och inom länder. Transporter till sjöss har stora fördelar associerat till relativt låga klimatutsläpp och transportkostnader. Tyvärr medför sjötrafik även en negativ påverkan på vår miljö. Den negativa påverkan kan till exempel bestå av utsläpp av luftföroreningar, tömning av ballastvatt