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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

Electrostatic Chameleons in Biological Systems.

Due to large equilibrium fluctuations of protons at physiological pH, the orthophosphate ion as well as the imidazole group on histidine substantially regulate their charge upon approaching charged interfaces. This implies that these-and comparable-ions function as electostatic "proximity switches" when interacting with lipid membranes, DNA, proteins, etc. Using straightforward statistical thermod

Breast cancer screening in an urban, Swedish population Aspects of non-attendance, interval cancers and over-diagnosis

Service screening with mammography was implemented in Sweden in the late 80's, following the results from trials in Sweden and abroad. A high rate of attendance, a high diagnostic accuracy and treatment in accordance with established guidelines are key circumstances for an effective screening programme. These factors have to be continuously monitored. One trial was carried out 1976-86 in the city

The axial N-base has minor influence on Co-C bond cleavage in cobalamins

We have investigated the properties of cobalamin complexes with imidazolate using the density functional B3LYP method, In particular, we have compared imidazolate (Imm) with imidazole and 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole (DMB), and studied how constraints in the axial Co-N bond length may affect the strength of the Co-C bond. The results show that the optimum Co-N-Imm bond is similar to0.2 Angstrom short

Activation of protein kinase C in permeabilized human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells

The activation of protein kinase C was investigated in digitonin-permeabilized human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells by measuring the phosphorylation of the specific protein kinase C substrate myelin basic protein4-14. The phosphorylation was inhibited by the protein kinase C inhibitory peptide PKC19-36 and was associated to a translocation of the enzyme to the membrane fractions of the SH-SY5Y cells.

Trinorsesquiterpenoids from the Root Extract of Pentalinon andrieuxii

Two unusual trinorsesquiterpenoids, urechitols A (1) and B (2), were isolated from the root extract of Pentalinon andrieuxii, a plant used commonly in Yucatecan traditional medicine to treat leishmaniasis. The structures of I and 2 were identified by interpretation of their spectroscopic data and chemical correlation reactions. The relative stereochemistry of I was confirmed through an X-ray cryst

Pathological non-response to chemotherapy in a neoadjuvant setting of breast cancer: an inter-institutional study

To identify markers of non-response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) that could be used in the adjuvant setting. Sixteen pathologists of the European Working Group for Breast Screening Pathology reviewed the core biopsies of breast cancers treated with NAC and recorded the clinico-pathological findings (histological type and grade; estrogen, progesterone receptors, and HER2 status; Ki67; mitotic

Detection and localization of load coils from one-port measurements

Abstract in UndeterminedThis paper deals with detection and localization of load coils in the copper access network. The load coil is a legacy device that must be removed before deploying broadband services on twisted-pair transmission lines. The proposed methods do not require dedicated hardware but utilize the already installed transceivers for one-port measurements of the line input impedance.

Observer forms for perspective systems

The estimation of three-dimensional position information from two-dimensional images in computer vision systems can be formulated as a state estimation problem for a nonlinear perspective dynamic system. The multi-output state estimation problem has been treated by several authors using methods for nonlinear observer design. This paper shows that a perspective system can be transformed to two obse

Regulation of callose synthase activity in situ in alamethicin-permeabilized Arabidopsis and tobacco suspension cells

Background: The cell wall component callose is mainly synthesized at certain developmental stages and after wounding or pathogen attack. Callose synthases are membrane-bound enzymes that have been relatively well characterized in vitro using isolated membrane fractions or purified enzyme. However, little is known about their functional properties in situ, under conditions when the cell wall is int

Searching for Celiac Disease Screening-detected celiac disease in an HLA-genotyped birth cohort

Popular Abstract in Swedish Celiaki, även kallat glutenintolerans, är en tarminflammation orsakad av vissa sädesslag i kosten och förekommer hos både barn och vuxna. Sjukdomen drabbar ca 1% av befolkningen i västvärlden och betraktas som en av de vanligaste kroniska sjukdomarna bland svenska barn. Många individer med sjukdomen är oupptäckta och kan bara hittas via s.k. screening, d.v.s. att man leObjectives: Celiac disease is a common immune mediated enteropathy strongly associated with HLA-DQB1*02 (DQ2), *0302 (DQ8), or both and the presence of tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies (tTGA). Prevalence studies have revealed that most affected individuals go undetected because of subclinical signs or being asymptomatic rendering screening a method for identification. However, less is known

Field-Dependent DNA Mobility in 20 nm High Nanoslits.

The transport behavior of lambda-DNA (48 kbp) in fused silica nanoslits is investigated upon application of electrical fields of different strengths. The slit dimensions are 20 nm in height, 3 microm in width, and 500 microm in length. With fields of 30 kV/m or below, the molecules move fluently through the slits, while at higher electrical fields, the DNA molecules move intermittently, resulting

Soil erosion estimation based on rainfall disaggregation

Abstract in UndeterminedSoil loss estimation remains one of the most difficult research tasks all over the world. Current simulation tools are still not detailed enough to allow for realistic scenarios to handle soil erosion problems. A common problem is the lack of rainfall data at a sufficient level of detail. The present study uses a cascade disaggregation model to generate short time scale rai