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Your search for "*" yielded 531899 hits

Genetic and Morphometric Divergence of an Invasive Bird: The Introduced House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in Brazil

Introduced species are interesting systems for the study of contemporary evolution in new environments because of their spatial and temporal scales. For this study we had three aims: (i) to determine how genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of introduced populations of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) in Brazil varies with range expansion, (ii) to determine how genetic diversity and

Why Do You Vote and Vote as You Do?

P>The conventional rational voter model has problems explaining why people vote, since the costs typically exceed the expected benefits. This paper presents Swedish survey evidence regarding i) Why people vote, ii) Why people vote as they do and their beliefs about why others vote as they do, and iii) How bad not voting and voting selfishly are perceived to be. Large majorities find it important t

Pretreatment of the macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum for the production of bioethanol - Comparison of five pretreatment technologies

A qualified estimate for pretreatment of the macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum for ethanol production was given, based on the experience of pretreatment of land-based biomass. C linum was subjected to hydrothermal pretreatment (HIT), wet oxidation (WO), steam explosion (STEX), plasma-assisted pretreatment (PAP) and ball milling (BM), to determine effects of the pretreatment methods on the conversion o

Nutrient-poor grasslands on siliceous soil in the lower Aar valley (Middle Hesse, Germany) - neglected vegetation types in the intersection range of four classes

In the lower siliceous uplands of Central Europe, various types of nutrient-poor grasslands are widespread and grow intermingled. These species-rich grasslands, often dominated by taxa of the Festuca ovina aggregate, comprise various phytosociological classes. They are remnants of a historic rural landscape and are of conservation importance. Few studies on such grasslands are available and there

Large-scale association study between two coding LRP5 gene polymorphisms and bone phenotypes and fractures in men

Herein we investigated the association between polymorphisms in the LRP5 gene and bone phenotypes and fractures in three large male cohorts based on the rationale that mutations in LRP5 cause severe bone phenotypes. Results showed an association of the Val667Met SNP with spine BMD in 3,800 young and elderly men. INTRODUCTION: The low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5)-Wnt signal

Relationship between ZnT8Ab, the SLC30A8 gene and disease progression in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes

Autoantibodies against the newly established autoantigen in type 1 diabetes, zinc transporter 8, ZnT8, are presented as two types, ZnT8RAb and ZnT8WAb. The rs13266634 variant of the SLC30A8 gene has recently been found to determine the type of ZnT8Ab. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of this genetic variant and the ZnT8Ab on the residual beta-cell function during disease progression

Construction of Minimum Euclidean Distance MIMO Precoders and Their Lattice Classifications

This correspondence deals with the construction of minimum Euclidean distance precoders for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with up to four transmit antennas. By making use of a state-of-the-art technique for optimization over the unitary group, we can numerically optimize the MIMO precoders. The correspondence then proceeds by identifying the obtained precoders as well-known lattice

Measurement of linewidths and permanent electric dipole moment change of the Ce 4f-5d transition in Y2SiO5 for qubit readout scheme in rare-earth ion based quantum computing

In this work the inhomogeneous (zero-phonon line) and homogeneous linewidths and the permanent electric dipole moment change (averaged value of all dipole orientations) for the Ce 4f-5d transition in Y2SiO5 were measured in order to investigate the possibility for using Ce as a sensor to detect the hyperfine state of a spatially close-lying Pr or Eu ion. The experiments were carried out on Ce dope

Belonia nidarosiensis funnen i Sverige

Redan för några år sedan hittade Mikael Hagström och Jan Henriksson B. nidarosiensis på Gotland, men av flera anledningar har det tagit lite tid att få klarhet vad det var för art. Nedan beskriver de tillsammans med Ulf Arup hela historien om fynden på Gotland.

Effect of Probiotic Bacteria on Microbial Host Defense, Growth, and Immune Function in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 Infection

The hypothesis that probiotic administration protects the gut surface and could delay progression of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type1 (HIV-1) infection to the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was proposed in 1995. Over the last five years, new studies have clarified the significance of HIV-1 infection of the gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) for subsequent alterations in the microfl

New tool for promotion of energy management and cleaner production on no cure, no pay basis

Even enterprises with very advanced management systems seldom monitor efficiency of energy usage and materials flows within their processes and have, therefore, difficulty to effectively manage their resource efficiency. This paper is built upon experiences from a pilot implementation of a new tool for promotion of energy management and cleaner production, developed within the Energy Management an

Detailed measurement of the e(+)e(-) pair continuum in p plus p and Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV and implications for direct photon production

PHENIX has measured the e(+)e(-) pair continuum in root s(NN) = 200 GeV Au+Au and p+p collisions over a wide range of mass and transverse momenta. The e(+)e(-) yield is compared to the expectations from hadronic sources, based on PHENIX measurements. In the intermediate-mass region, between the masses of the phi and the J/psi meson, the yield is consistent with expectations from correlated c (c) o

On the Inverse Problem for Quantum Graphs with One Cycle

Quantum graphs having one cycle are considered. It is shown that if the cycle contains at least three vertices. then the potential oil the graph can be uniquely reconstructed from the corresponding Titchmarsh-Weyl function (Dirichlet-to-Neumann map) associated with graph's boundary, provided certain non-resonant conditions are satisfied

Contract-Specialization in Venture Capital

Real-world financial contracts vary greatly in the combinations of cash flow contingency terms and control rights used. Extant theoretical work explains such variation by arguing that each investor finely tailors contracts to mitigate investment-specific incentive problems. We provide overwhelming evidence from 4,561 venture capital (VC) contracts that this tailoring is over-stated: even though th

Essays on Financial Market Interdependence

This thesis aims at investigating the risk spillover and correlations among national stock markets, and the structure of dependence between stocks and commodity futures. It consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 briefly reviews the literature background of financial market interdependence and summarizes the contribution of the thesis. Chapter 2 proposes a binary response model approach to measure

Inhibition of Galectins with Small Molecules

Evidence that the galectin family of proteins plays crucial roles in cancer, inflammation, and immunity has accumulated over the last decade. The galectins have consequently emerged as interesting drug targets. A majority of galectin functions occurs by means of cross-linking glycoproteins and by doing so controlling gly-coproteirl cellular localization and residence times. The glycoprotein cross-

Comparison of anaerobic pre-treatment and aerobic post-treatment coupled to photo-Fenton oxidation for degradation of azo dyes

Photo-Fenton oxidation was used for treatment of synthetic textile wastewater as stand alone treatment, as pre-treatment before aerobic biological treatment and as post-treatment after anaerobic biological treatment. The processes were compared with regards to decolorization, chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction and chemical consumption. When applying photo-Fenton alone for treatment of Remazol