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Mobile Floor-Marking Robot, utilizing Feedback from Laser Tracker

Equipment installation at MAX IV, a state-of-the-art particle accelerator in Sweden, requires accuracy and precision in the range of micrometers. The measurement technology used is laser tracking, with which the position of a movable reflector is determined, by reflecting the laser beam emitted from a stationary tracker. Data describing the real-time position of the reflector is handled in a softw

Klientrelationen – en balansgång: En studie om socialsekreterares förhållningssätt och utmaningar i arbetet med klienter med missbruksproblematik

The aim of this study was to increase the understanding of how social workers, working with people with substance abuse, describe the client relationship, the strategies they use and the challenges they encounter in building and maintaining this relationship. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with five professional social workers from two different municipalities in southern Sweden

Responses in river water quality during summers with extreme weather periods in Europe

Det senaste decenniet har flera allvarliga perioder och händelser av extremväder drabbat Europa. Tidigare studier visar att dessa händelser och perioder har ökat i antal och i intensitet och en fortsatt intensifiering är förväntad i framtiden. Extremväder såsom värmeböljor, torka och floder kan påverka vattenkvalitén i våra floder på olika sätt. Det är viktigt då flodernas ekologi är grundläggandeEurope has experienced several climate extremes during the past decades. These extreme events have increased in number and intensity and are projected to further intensify. Previous studies show that heatwaves, drought, and flood can have an impact on water quality in several ways. Drought can cause reduced dilution of nutrients, limiting oxygen availability as a result of increased water temperat

Variations in material properties of grey cast iron and its impact on tool wear

Among cast materials, grey cast iron and ductile iron makes up about three quarters of all cast parts. This makes the manufacturing and machining of grey cast iron an important economical factor for the automotive industry. In a world with finite resources and growing concerns for the environment the importance and interest in recycling grows larger. This has led the Volvo Trucks Corporation to u

The Undemocratic Mandate of Economic Expertise

This thesis investigates a pattern of co-production within the field of science and technology studies as it applies to economic ideas and events of the 20th century. The intellectual traditions of Keynesian social liberalism and neoliberalism are traced historically. The economic crises of the 1970s, which highlighted the differences between said traditions, are described. An analysis follows in

"Dansa min lilla docka, dansa och det gjorde jag": Fyra kvinnors självbiografiska beskrivningar av att leva med en missbrukande partner

The aim of this study was to examine how women described their experiences of living with a drug and or alcohol abusing man. A qualitative approach has been used and the study was based on four autobiographical books written by Swedish female authors who either live or have lived with abusive men. The empirical material has been analyzed based on Lazarus and Folkman's theory of coping and Goff

Ger insidan utsidan en chans?

Syfte: Att undersöka om utomstående investerare kan generera abnormal avkastning genom att följa insynspersoners köptransaktioner bland svenska bolag på First North Growth Market. Studien undersöker även om faktorerna transaktionsstorlek, insynspersoners befattning och bolags marknadsvärde kan förklara utomstående investerares möjlighet till abnormal avkastning genom att följa insynspersoners köpt

Attityder till köp av begagnade produkter - Varumärkets påverkan

Examensarbetets titel:​ Attityder till köp av begagnade produkter - varumärkets påverkan. Seminariedatum:​ 14 januari 2021 Kurs: ​FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: ​Arijeta Krasniqi, Louise Nilsson och Sara Krafft Handledare:​ Oskar Christensson Nyckelord:​ Hinder, motivationer, begagnad produkter, hållbarhet, varumärkesfunktioner Syfte:​ Uppsatsen syTitle:​ Attitudes towards the purchase of used products - the brand's influence. Seminar Date: ​January 14, 2021 Course: ​FEKH29, Bachelor's degree project in marketing, 15 ECTS Authors: ​Arijeta Krasniqi, Louise Nilsson and Sara Krafft Advisor:​ Oskar Christensson Keywords:​ Obstacles, motivations, used products, sustainability, brand functions Purpose:​ The thesis aims to investi

Dubbla avdrag och OECD - En undersökning av 24 b kap. 14 - 18 §§ IL och OECD:s tolkningsvärde i intern rätt

Under 2013 presenterade OECD i samarbete med G20 15 åtgärdspunkter mot skattebaserodering och vinstförflyttning genom internationella bolagsstrukturer. Arbetet hos OECD fick namnet BEPS. Rekommendation 6 och rekommendation 7 i åtgärd 2 rör hybrida missmatchningar och dubbla avdrag. I ljuset av BEPS presenterades rådets direktiv (EU) 2016/1164 av den 12 juli 2016 om fastställande av regler mot skatDuring 2013 OECD, in collaboration with G20, presented 15 actions against base erosion and profit shifting (“BEPS”) through international structures. Recommendation 6 and 7 in action 2 refers to hybrid mismatches and double deductions. In the light of BEPS, the European Union presented Council Directive (EU) 2016/1164 of 12 July 2016 laying down rules against tax avoidance practices that directly

Klimatanpassning för små kustnära samhällen - Fallstudie av erosion- och översvämningsproblem i Vikhög

Abstract (Swedish) Vägföreningen Vikhögs Uddeväg har under lång tid upplevt problem och risker med kusterosion för sin privata väg. Denna studie ämnar utreda vilka förutsättningar som ligger bakom problemen och hur problemen kan utvecklas i framtiden. Studien ämnar också undersöka vilka resurser som finns tillgängliga i samhället för små kustsamhällen att använda sig av för att skydda sin egendom

Felted Clay

As we are discovering more and more how much the built environment, especially during construction and dis-assembly , has on our planet, We as architects need to constantly re-assess our approach to our designs. From the materials we use, and the construction techniques. Throughout studying this masters programme, I have been fascinated by how we can change this through a combination of material

Kitschobjekt eller kitschkonst? : A comparative analysis of Jeff Koons’ and Thomas Kinkade’s relation to kitsch

The purpose of this essay is to examine kitsch in high culture and Jeff Koons’ and Thomas Kinkade’s relationship to kitsch in their art and artistry and how this relationship affects their status as artists. The study is a comparative analysis based on institutional and sociocultural theory. Tools from Pierre Bourdieu’s study of fields are used methodologically to examine the artists positions in

Urban infrastructure inundation risk from permanent sea-level rise scenarios in London (UK), Bangkok (Thailand) and Mumbai (India): A comparative analysis

Due to anthropogenically created climate change, global cities are facing inundation by rising sea levels. This study aimed to fill knowledge gaps in understanding the exposure of urban infrastructure such as roads, railways, buildings and parks to sea-level rise (SLR) scenarios, and how this would affect local populations. Three economic hubs, namely London (United Kingdom), Bangkok (Thailand) an

Avveckling som utveckling - En studie om beslutsprocessen kring avvecklingen av Migrationsverkets verksamhet i Borås

Due to changed global conditions, The Swedish Migration Agency will have to reorganize and decrease its locations, in accordance with its business plan for 2021. The decision was based on a combination of a reduced number of asylum seekers in Sweden and reduced governmental funding of the agency. The agency will completely cease to operate in the municipality of Borås. Therefore, this paper focuse

Stoppa flyktingströmmen! – Men till vilket pris? En fallstudie om “The EU-Turkey deal” och dess humanitära konsekvenser

Idag befinner sig fler människor än någonsin på flykt i världen. I Europa blev flyktingkrisen påtaglig år 2015, då antalet asylsökande steg kraftigt. Våren år 2016 slöt EU ett avtal med Turkiet med syfte att stoppa den irreguljära migrationen därifrån. Fem år har gått sedan dess, men många är kritiska till politikens fortlevnad. Syftet med denna fallstudie är att genom periodiseringsstrategin och


I denna avhandling undersöker vi möjligheten att använda Siamesiska Neurala Nätverk för att detektera röstförändringar bland patienter som lider av återkommande stämbandscancer. I samarbete med VoiceDiagnostic Sweden AB och läkare vid Lunds Universitetssjukhus konstruerades modeller för att mäta avstånd mellan olika röstinspelningar, samt avstånd mellan mindre segment av röstinspelningar. De resulIn this thesis, we investigate the possibility of using Siamese Neural Networks to detect voice changes in the voices of patients su↵ering from a recurrence of their vocal cord cancer. In collaboration with VoiceDiagnostic Sweden AB and physicians at Lunds’s University Hospital, models were trained on audio features in order to learn distance measures between recordings, and segments of recordings

Value at Risk Estimation with Generative Adversarial Networks

Risk is of large importance for financial institutions and there are many different measures that can be used. A popular one is value at risk (VaR), which is the maximum likely loss for a portfolio of financial assets. Different methods of estimating it has been suggested, one often described is the variance-covariance method. Here a method based on a generative model called generative adversarial

Consumer participation in environmental brand activism on Instagram: A case study of consumers use of hashtags in relation to Oatly's Swedish campaign Ditch Milk.

Environmental brand activism has become a strategy applied by many brands to engage and take a stand in the issue of climate change. The aim is to spur a debate and spark an interest and collective action among the consumers (Sarkar & Kotler, 2018). However, environmental brand activism has not created the same kind of engagement and debate as other forms of brand activism (Manfredi-Sánchez, 2