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Your search for "*" yielded 533571 hits

Impact of formulation on the survivability of Lactobacillus reuteri after freeze-drying

Lactobacillus reuteri is known as probiotics with health benefits. Freeze-drying is frequently used to preserve probiotics and keep them alive. However, freeze-drying through freezing and drying might cause some damages to the probiotic’s cells. Formulation by protective agents including cryoprotectants and lyoprotectants prior to freeze-drying can prevent and reduce these damages. In this study,

A study on the impact of dehulling, germination and fermentation on the technological properties of grey pea flour

Grey peas are a forgotten grain seed in the Nordic countries as well as Sweden, which are quite unexplored for their potential uses in different food products. Before the cultivation of yellow peas and green peas took over, they used to be the dominating type of peas in Europe in medieval times. They are a rich source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as B vitamins, folates, and Iron.

Addressing the New Workforce’s Expectations in the Management Discussion

Management, due to its interdependence with many contingent factors of the world, is a concept in continuous evolution. One of the factors that drive this evolution is the workforce, which is also constantly changing. However, despite the importance of considering the expectations of the workforce towards management, more attention has to be paid to this factor in the discussion on management. The

Towards a More Circular Post-Consumer Textile Waste Management

There has been a substantial increase in demand for textile and clothing with huge implications for post-consumer textile waste management systems. The current ‘buy-and-throw-away’ culture has led to larger quantities of textile and clothing ending up in landfills and incineration than before. This has become an increasing problem in the world and the linear way of operating is no longer sustainab

Radiative Corrections Beyond the Soft-Photon Approximation

This thesis calculates the bremsstrahlung correction beyond the soft-photon approximation for the decay ω → π0 l+ l- . The effect of the radiative corrections on the extraction of the transition form factor from data is investigated. Four different form-factor mod- els are used to compute corrections: vector-meson dominance, lowest-meson dominance, tree-level, and two-hadron saturation. The experi

The Formation and Absorption of Telos in William Gibson's Neuromancer (1984)

Abstract William Gibson’s influential Cyberpunk novel Neuromancer (1984) raises many questions about the effects of rapid technological advancements. The novel presents a Baudrillardian hyperreal situation for the individual characters in the story. Their desires and goals are shaped and directed by the environment in which they live. This essay builds on the work of scholars who have approached G

Making sense of power in social innovation collaborations: A case study.

A shift in the Swedish welfare state and diminishing resources has prompted new ways to address social and welfare provision issues. It is here that cross-sectoral social innovation collaborations have surfaced as an answer. Previous research shows that working with collaboration and social innovation has similar challenges and that there is a lack of studies about power and organisational issues

How did the financial investment behavior of Swedish retail investors change after the outbreak of COVID-19?

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the financial investment behavior of retail investors in Sweden has changed after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first part of the method used to investigate this consists of collecting data using a survey that was filled out by investors. The second part of the method includes comparing and analyzing the data and interpreting it into result

Att göra triple net till triple win

När en organisation väljer mellan att hyra eller äga lokaler finns det för- och nackdelar med båda alternativen. Väljer organisationen att gå en slags mellanväg genom att hyra lokaler via ett triple net upplägg står de inför utmaningar unika för den sortens upplägg. Denna rapport har som syfte att ta reda på hur företag kan dra fördel av triple net-avtal samt vilka förutsättningarna för detta äWhen organizations choose between leasing and owning facilities there are benefits and drawbacks associated with both alternatives. If an organisation proceeds with a middle ground solution by leasing using a triple net lease, they will instead face challenges unique for that lease type. The aim of this thesis is to find out how companies can take advantage of triple net leases and what the requ

Sociala medier – nya lärplattformar? Beträdande av nya rum för vidareutveckling och inspiration utanför institutionen

Idén till detta kandidatarbete, ett aktionsforskningsprojekt, väcktes av min strävan att på olika vis nå högre självständighet från institutionen och Musikhögskolan, inför mitt utträde ur dessa. Projektets metod blev huvudsakligen ett personligt deltagande i övningsutmaningen #100daysofpractice på den sociala medieplattformen Instagram. I det ingick varje dag videodokumentation av min övning samt The idea for this bachelor thesis, an action research project, developed as a part of my endeavor for higher independence from the institution and academy, preparing for my withdrawal from these. A personal participation in the practice phenomenon #100daysofpractice, on the social media platform Instagram, constitutes the main method of this project. It included daily video documentation of my pra

Låga nivåer på relativ luftfuktighet och inomhusklimat - Hälsoeffekter samt effekter på mikroorganismers överlevnad

Problemställning: Vad händer vid låga relativa luftfuktighetsnivåer och vilka nivåer bör man åstadkomma? Syfte: Skapa en förståelse av vad som sker vid låga relativa luftfuktighetsnivåer och hur människan påverkas vid dessa nivåer. Vidare ska det även skapas en förståelse för vid vilka RF-nivåer befuktning eventuellt kan vara en lämplig åtgärd med beaktande av de fuktrelaterade risker som kan uppProblem: What happens at low relative humidity levels and what levels should be achieved? Purpose: Create an understanding of what happens at low relative humidity levels and how humans are affected at these levels. Furthermore, an understanding of which RH-levels humidification may be an appropriate measure considering the moisture related risks that may occur. Method: The thesis is a literatur

End of Waste-kriterier för ökad resurseffektivitet av mineralt bygg- och rivningsavfall - En studie om utformning och beslutsgrunder av nationellt antagna End of Waste-kriterier inom EU

Nationella End of Waste-kriterier – ett verktyg för ökad återvinning av bygg- och rivningsavfall För att skapa en hållbar utveckling är det viktigt att skapa giftfria cirkulära materialströmmar, där bygg- och rivningsavfall inte är något undantag. Nationella End of Waste-kriterier (EoW-kriterier) för specifika materialströmmar är ett verktyg som gör produkter utav avfall. Genom detta arbete visasThis study contributes with knowledge of effective strategies in the conversion towards a circular economy. Since construction and demolition waste (CDW) is one of the largest waste streams in the EU, there is a need to recycle the material. End of Waste criteria (EoW criteria), which specify when certain waste ceases to be waste, is a possible way of increasing the recycling rates. This study com

Investigating the Association Between Preschool Participation and Female Employment in Sweden

Women’s labour force participation has historically been impeded by their traditional role of taking care of children, a problem that has been reduced with the emergence of formal daycare. However, one problem that remains is that many children in Sweden still do not participate in preschool. Among these children, there is an overrepresentation of foreign-born children and children from low-income

Pandemic Pathways for Food System Sustainability

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the fragility of the global food system and its existing inadequacies in achieving food security, providing jobs, and ensuring environmental sustainability on various regimes around the world. Through a qualitative thematic-textual analysis, this thesis uses a case study of New York City to identify themes of actor expectations, either explicit or implicit, on how to

Who Influences Rationalities of Global Regimes? A Social Network Analysis of Influential Actors in the Water Sector

This Master's thesis sheds light on influential actors in global regimes. Following the concept of Fuenfschilling & Binz (2018), it aims to answer the question of how global regime rationalities diffuse and where they develop. Based on global elite literature, a new conceptual perspective of studying diffusion of global regime rationalities is introduced. The framework focuses on interlock

Dimensionerande data för nya kundanslutningar och större nybyggnadsområden inom fjärrvärme

Idag dimensioneras servisledningar i Malmö/Burlövs fjärrvärmenät baserat på en efterfrågad värmeeffekt från fastighetsägare eller byggföretag som E.ON (fjärrvärmeleverantören) i sin tur möter upp med en passande rördimension. Det finns tecken på att fastigheter inte når upp till den efterfrågade värmeeffekten och att servisledningarna därav är överdimensionerade. Med anledning av detta ämnar detta

Social bakgrund och studieframgång i skolans svenskämne : en kvalitativ studie om läs- och skrivundervisning för elever från studieovana hem

Nationell betygsstatistik visar att elever vars föräldrar inte har en eftergymnasial utbildning tenderar att lämna grundskolan med lägre betyg än elever med akademiskt meriterade föräldrar. Prestationsskillnaderna är stora i alla skolans kärnämnen, men framför allt i svenskämnet (se SIRIS 2020). Därför är syftet med föreliggande studie att undersöka hur svenskämnets läs- och skriv undervisning kanTranslated title: Social background and study performance in the Swedish language subject – a qualitative study of reading and writing instruction for students from non-academic homes English abstract: National grade statistics show that students whose parents do not have a post-secondary education tend to leave compulsory school with lower grades than students with academically qualified parents

Hur väl har euron anpassat sig till PPP jämnvikten sedan införandet?

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the real imbalances that have arisen in the economy since the introduction of the euro are improving over time. By using panel data to test for a unit root in and measuring the half-life of eleven euro countries’ real exchange rates under different exchange rate systems from 1957 to 2019, we can investigate how the euro has affected the deviations fr

“Jag har fått montera ner hela mitt liv för att sedan bygga upp det igen” - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om ME/CFS

Bakgrund: Myalgisk encefalomyelit/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) är en kronisk sjukdom som ofta debuterar i samband med kraftiga virusinfektioner. ME/CFS kan förändra individens förmåga att utföra aktiviteter i vardagen och möjligheter att upprätthålla vanor och rutiner, dock saknas det kunskap om personernas egna upplevelser. Syfte: Syftet med intervjustudien är att undersöka hur vuxna personeBackground: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic, disabling disease, which usually debuts in the wake of a severe virus infection. ME/CFS can influence a person’s ability to perform activities, to uphold routines and habits but there is little knowledge of their own experiences. Aim: The aim of this study is to explore how adults living with ME/CFS experience da

Räddningstjänstens involvering i klimatanpassning

Sweden is facing a series of climate changes like the rest of world. The climate changes will contribute and subsequently change how we evaluate the risk of natural disasters. An important question is, therefore, how the municipal rescue services in Sweden are working towards climate change adaption. The aim of this study is to investigate how involved the communal rescue services are within the w