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Challenges Faced by Mandatory-Working From-Home Start-up Teams

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has created a novel and unique situation forcing start-up teams to mandatory-work-from-home (MWFH). With everyday life coming to a halt, start-up teams suddenly adjust their ways of working and transform to virtual means of teamwork performed from home environments. Given the novelty and uniqueness of the situation, MWFH has yet to be academically explored within the

Flood Management in the Kamrangirchar Slum of Dhaka, Bangladesh

A study on the Kamrangirchar slum of Dhaka, Bangladesh has been completed by analyzing literature involving qualitative data, as well as quantitative data using a mixed method research design. The quantitative data from the World Bank (2020) and the UNDP (2020) is provided as background for the research. A series of relevant case studies and state documents are analyzed by using a qualitative ‘oni

Exploring pathways for Norwegian green hydrogen A techno-economic evaluation of value chains for Power-to-Hydrogen from the Norwegian North Sea

Möjliga vägar för grön vätgas från Nordsjön Hur kan vi förse framtidens användare med vätgas? Den havsbaserade vindkraften är på frammarsch och vätgas ser ut att kunna bli vindkraftens starkaste allierade. Men hur får vi vätgasen från vindkraftsområdena till där den ska användas? Behöver vi omvandla den till mer effektiva former? Vilket transportsätt är bäst? Nu har vi svaret på dessa frågor föRenewable hydrogen can be transported using different hydrogen carriers and modes of transport. Each carrier and mode is associated with different drawbacks and benefits relating to – among other factors – storage density and losses. The forthcoming expansion of offshore wind is likely to be coupled with hydrogen production in some way and there are many different ways that this can be done. Th

Sommarlovets påverkan på flerspråkiga barns svenska muntliga narrativer; en analys på mikro- och makronivå

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att bidra med information om sommarlovets påverkan på den svenska muntliga narrativa förmågan hos flerspråkiga skolbarn. Metod: Inspelningar av 74 flerspråkiga skolbarns muntliga narrativer till MAIN:s sekvensbilder utförda precis före sommarlovet och precis efter sommarlovet transkriberades och bedömdes på mikro- och makronivå. De mikromått som undersöktes var MLU, gramPurpose: The aim of this study was to contribute further information regarding the effect of the summer holiday on narrative ability in bilingual children. Method: Audio recordings of oral narratives from 74 bilingual children of two sequential picture series of MAIN were administered and recorded before and after the summer holidays. The oral narratives in Swedish were transcribed and analysed on

Pushing Authenticity. Challenging Narratives and Performances on Women’s Subcultural Participation

This thesis examines women’s subcultural participation based on ethnographic fieldwork and 73 interviews with women within the skateboarding and rave cultures. The study explores and develops how we view female participation. From a theoretical perspective, subcultural scholars have a tradition of assuming subcultures as masculine, viewing masculinity as the norm for authenticity. These assumption

Lokal e-handel - stadskärnans räddning? En kvalitativ studie om butiksägarnas, Citysamverkans och plattformsägaren Zipadoos perspektiv på lokal e-handel

Studiens syfte är att analysera fenomenet lokal e-handel och skapa en fördjupad förståelse för vilken funktion fenomenet fyller för lokala detaljister i stadskärnan i en större svensk stad, och undersöka om det kan vara stadskärnans räddning. För en nyanserad förståelse för om lokal e-handel kan rädda stadskärnan inkluderas även Citysamverkans- och Zipadoos syn på forskningsfenomenet i studien. Ge

Shaping future communication practises using CCO perspective: A study of pandemic remote work at UNDP

Covid-19 has forced organisations globally to shift from a physical office to a re-mote workspace overnight. One year into the pandemic, research suggests remote work could be the ‘new normal’, highlighting the need for organisations to enhance their knowledge of this practise. By investigating remote workers at the United Na-tions Development Programme (UNDP), this study aims to explore the impli

Neoliberalism and the Swedish welfare state in times of pandemic: A discourse analysis of (health)care, work, and economy as articulated in news publications

Taking the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as the point of departure, this thesis aims to explore the relationship between neoliberalism and the welfare state in Sweden, which has long been regarded a prime example of a successful marriage between capitalism and socialism through the social democratic welfare state. With this in mind, this thesis explores the areas of (health)care, work, and economy

”Det är alltid den stora lastbilen på vägen som är miljöboven och i vägen för alla andra” - En kvalitativ studie om små och medelstora åkeriföretags situation i södra Sverige relaterat till minskade växthusgasutsläpp

Titel: ”Det är alltid den stora lastbilen på vägen som är miljöboven och i vägen för alla andra” - En kvalitativ studie om små och medelstora åkeriföretags situation i södra Sverige relaterat till minskade växthusgasutsläpp Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Utbildning: Logistics Service Management Kurs: SMKK65 Service management: Examensarbete

Plantering av skog på jordbruksmark i Sverige och dess påverkan på biologisk mångfald

Plantera skog i hagen eller på vetefältet? Att börja använda marken i stor skala i form av jordbruk, städer och nedhuggning av skog var en förutsättning till att den mänskliga civilisationen skulle uppstå, men det har inte kommit utan konsekvenser för planeten. Att använda marken på ett hållbart sätt är avgörande för att bemöta de stora miljöproblemen i världen som klimatförändringar och förlustenThe environmental effects, not least on biodiversity, of land use and land use change provide major challenges when sustainability goals are to be met along with demand for production and other ecosystem services. Here I systematically review literature on one major land use change, from agriculture to forest, and the implications for biodiversity. The aim is to provide information for land use de

RFID och streckkodsläsning med Androidtelefoner

Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka huruvida RFID-tekniken och streckkodsläsning i Androidtelefoner gick att tillämpa i en biblioteksmiljö. Fem bibliotekarier intervjuades för att utreda vilka funktioner som hade varit av värde i det vardagliga arbetet. Utvecklingen skedde i Android Studio med Java där verktyg som Gradle och J-Unit användes. CI/CD tillämpades i utvecklingsprocessen. En weThe purpose of this study was to examine the possibility of implementing RFID and barcode scanning in mobile Android phones for usage in a library setting. In order to investigate the functions that would be useful to librarians in their daily work, five interviews were conducted with said target group. Development was made with Java in Android Studio with tools such as Gradle and J-Unit. CI/CD w

The Founder’s Approach: How Start-ups Attract Attention and Earn Trust in the Food Industry

Purpose: This study aims to investigate how start-ups use entrepreneurial marketing to attract as well as retain customers and compete against large companies in the food industry under the assumption that large corporations are adapting entrepreneurial marketing approaches. Methodology: The inductive qualitative study is based on eight semi-structured interviews with active founders which provid

Synthesis of 3-azido-2,4,6-tri-O-(4-methoxybenzyl)-3-deoxy-galactopyranoside

Galectin-3 is a protein that is involved in many physiological processes such as metastasis, T-cell regulation etc. which makes it a good drug target for the medicinal chemist. In a paper made by Doak ete al (2015) macrocyclization emerged as an interesting strategy for new drug design as macrocycles remained orally active in chemical space previously thought of as “unsuitable” as per the classica

Oprah's Book Club 2.0 : en studie av interaktionen på Oprah's Book Club's Instagram

This paper is a study of how users on Instagram interact on Oprah’s Book Club 2.0. American Dirt was the book we studied for interaction between users and Oprah. A lot has happened with the digitalization since Oprah’s Book Club went from announcing the monthly book on TV to announcing it on social media. The outcome of the Book Club 2.0 has welcomed all kinds of opinions, both positive and negati

From ‘Nordic Exceptionalism’ to ‘Swedish Expansionism’

The recent growth of the Swedish prison population and police force suggests a stark reversal from the small, rehabilitation oriented criminal justice system described in the “Nordic penal exceptionalism thesis.” This paper is based on a narrative analysis of documents published by the Government Offices of Sweden in the collection titled “A Safer Sweden” from 2013 to 2021. This research aims to u

Development of a plant-based ice cream

It is a challenge to make ice cream without any dairy ingredients, since the components in dairy contribute to the unique flavour and structure of the ice cream. The aim with this project was to develop an ice cream mix containing only plant-based ingredients. The source of the main ingredient, the plant-base, was chosen by the company of which this project was requested by. The aim was to develop

Diagnosing Tuberculosis - A critical review of palaeopathological literature on tuberculosis in human skeletal and mummified remains

To analyse tuberculosis both in present and historic times becomes very important in order to understand the magnitude of this disease. The presented information in this thesis was based on a quantitative analysis of skeletal traits and aDNA used to diagnose tuberculosis in skeletal material and mummified remains. The material was collected from 51 articles, books and theses from the year 2000 unt

Are Prices in Charge of Congestion? An Empirical Study of Increased Congestion Charge and Traffic in Stockholm

Economic theory often suggests congestion pricing to smooth the demand for traffic from periods of high demand to periods with lower demand. However, the real-world implementation of con- gestion charges remains limited. This study investigates the relationship between time-varying congestion charges and traffic volumes. By applying a difference-in-difference (DiD) method on hourly level traffic d

Kommuners arbete för att minska biltrafiken - Utmaningar och målkonflikter i Göteborg, Borlänge och Jönköping

Att minska biltrafiken: varför är det så svårt? Många kommuner tar nu klimatförändringarna på allt större allvar, och många ambitiösa klimatmål sätts upp i landet. Studien som beskrivs här har fokuserat på kommunala mål om minskad biltrafik i Göteborg, Borlänge och Jönköping och undersökt hur väl dessa mål fått genomslag, och vilka centrala utmaningar som finns inom arbetet. Alltså: hur kan det vThere is a great need to figure out how to reach our many ambitious climate goals. This thesis focuses on municipal goals concerning reducing car traffic, and studies three municipalities (Göteborg, Borlänge and Jönköping) who have all adopted clear goals concerning decreased car traffic. The aim of this thesis is to identify potential goal conflicts and challenges within the municipalities’ work