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Methodologies for characterising and valuing energy security — A short critical review

Security of supply is widely addressed in the academia. In this paper we conduct a review of methodologies, discuss strengths and weaknesses and identify areas that would benefit from further research and methodology development. A distinction is made between methodologies used to assess general vulnerability and those that value the outcome of insecurity by testing how energy systems respond to d

Swan foraging shapes spatial distribution of two submerged plants, favouring the preferred prey species.

Compared to terrestrial environments, grazing intensity on belowground plant parts may be particularly strong in aquatic environments, which may have great effects on plant-community structure. We observed that the submerged macrophyte, Potamogeton pectinatus, which mainly reproduces with tubers, often grows at intermediate water depth and that P. perfoliatus, which mainly reproduces with rhizomes

β-decay Studies of Neutron-rich Tl, Pb, and Bi Isotopes

The fragmentation of relativistic uranium projectiles has been exploited at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung laboratory to investigate the β decay of neutron-rich nuclei just beyond 208Pb. This paper reports on β-delayed γ decays of 211–213Tl, 215Pb, and 215–219Bi de-exciting states in the daughters 211–213Pb, 215Bi, and 215–219Po. The resulting partial level schemes, proposed with the he

New aspects of voltage-gated calcium channel regulation in pancreatic beta-cells - Relevance for insulin release and type 2 diabetes

Popular Abstract in German Spannungsgesteuerte Kalziumkanäle haben eine große Bedeutung in vielen elektrisch erregbaren Zellen, wie z.B. in Nervenzellen und pankreatischen beta-Zellen. Hier werden sie folgendermaßen aktiviert: In der Nahrung enthaltener Traubenzucker (Glukose) wird nach einer Mahlzeit über den Blutstrom im Körper verteilt und in die beta-Zellen über Glukosetransporter aufgenommen.Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are essential transducers of cellular signals in many electrically excitable cells. In the pancreatic beta-cell they mediate controlled Ca2+ influx, which is the final trigger for Ca2+ dependent release (exocytosis) of the blood glucose lowering hormone insulin. Several subtypes of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are known and the L-type has been found to be the main contri

The Professional Landscape: The Historical Development of Professions in Sweden

This special issue of Professions & Professionalism seeks to explain the transition of occupations from non-professions to professions and the conditions and causes that generate professions (i.e., the bases of professionalization). Empirically, we use the histories of the Swedish professions, positing that these histories have several close similarities (and, of course, differences) with thos

Derivation of the Density and Refractive Index of Organic Matter and Elemental Carbon from Closure between Physical and Chemical Aerosol Properties

Information on the density (p) and refractive index m(=n-ik) of elemental carbon (ECa) and organic matter (OMa), the main carbon components of atmospheric aerosols, has frequently been obtained from closure calculations between physical and chemical aerosol properties. However, this approach has suffered from large uncertainties since there were more unknown (or poorly known) parameters than defin

Studying risk governance using a design perspective

A conceptual framework for systematically studying and analysing risk governance is introduced. The framework, which is influenced by design science, is particularly valuable for relating the way risks are handled at the micro-level to aspects at the macro-level. Three central concepts are included in the framework: purpose, function, and form. A function is used to denote what a specific system d

Laurdan fluorescence spectroscopy in the thylakoid bilayer: The effect of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin conversion on the galactolipid dominated lipid environment

Laurdan (6-lauroyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene) fluorescence spectroscopy has been applied to probe the physical status of the thylakoid membrane upon conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin. So far, only phospholipid-dominated membranes have been studied by this method and hereby we report the first use of laurdan in mono- and digalactosyldiacylglycerol-dominated membrane systems. The generalised

Optimal On-line Sampling Period Assignment: Theory and Experiments

In embedded systems, the computing resources are often scarce and several control tasks may have to share the same computer. In this brief, we assume that a set of feedback controllers should be implemented on a single-CPU platform. We study the problem of optimal sampling period assignment, where the goal is to assign sampling rates to the controllers so that the overall control performance is ma

The prognostic factors and multiple biomarkers in young patients with colorectal cancer.

The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) in young patients (≤50 years of age) appears to be increasing. However, their clinicopathological characteristics and survival are controversial. Likewise, the biomarkers are unclear. We used the West China (2008-2013, China), Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program (1973-2011, United States) and Linköping Cancer (1972-2009, Sweden) databases to

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer between phenanthrene and PAMAM dendrimers.

We describe herein an adsorption-induced energy transfer between phenanthrene, a major environmental pollutant, and a fluorescently labeled dendrimer acting as a host molecule. We find experimentally that such energy transfer is the most efficient at a solvent pH of 8 and for a phenanthrene ratio dendrimer molar ratio of 1 ratio 2. Using molecular dynamics simulations we show that the strongest bi

Primate-specific evolution of noncoding element insertion into PLA2G4C and human preterm birth

Background: The onset of birth in humans, like other apes, differs from non-primate mammals in its endocrine physiology. We hypothesize that higher primate-specific gene evolution may lead to these differences and target genes involved in human preterm birth, an area of global health significance. Methods: We performed a comparative genomics screen of highly conserved noncoding elements and identi

Triaxial strongly deformed bands in Tm-160,Tm-161

High-spin states in Tm-160,Tm-161 were populated using the Te-128(Cl-37, 5n and 4n) reactions at a beam energy of 170 MeV. Emitted gamma rays were detected in the Gammasphere spectrometer. Two rotational bands with high moments of inertia were discovered, one assigned to Tm-160, while the other tentatively assigned to Tm-161. These sequences display features similar to bands observed in neighborin

Gold(I) complex of 1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino) ferrocene-quinoline conjugate: a virostatic agent against HIV-1.

HIV infection is known for replicating in proliferating CD(+) T-cells. Treatment of these cells with cytostatic (anti-proliferation) compounds such as hydroxyurea interferes with the cells's ability support HIV replication. Combinations of such cytostatic compounds with proven anti-retroviral drugs (like ddI) are known as virostatic, and have been shown to aid in the control of the infection. The

Integrating Open Access Geospatial Data to Map the Habitat Suitability of the Declining Corn Bunting (Miliaria calandra)

The efficacy of integrating open access geospatial data to produce habitat suitability maps for the corn bunting (Miliaria calandra) was investigated. Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and Corine (Coordination of Information on the Environment) land cover data for the year 2000 (CLC2000) were processed to extract explanatory variables and divided

Att skapa och marknadsföra plats med hjälp av fiktion

Travel in the footsteps of cinema is an expanding market, both in Sweden and internationally. Travel habits are changing, and the fact of a good number of people planning their journeys in order to follow in the footsteps of fictitiousn characters, or alternatively follow a particular route in order to experience first-hand something they saw at the cinema or on television, has become an important

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This paper is the state of the art of charcoal signal studies (macro-, meso- and micro-charcoal) that have been carried out at the Epigravettian settlement of Mezhyrich. This work took part of the French ANR project "Mammouths". Charcoal signals have been found in both natural and archaeological (pits and activity areas) deposits that have been sampled during the 2007-2008 archaeological excavatio

Erfarenheter av stigmatisering och diskriminering bland personer med psykisk sjukdom

Popular Abstract in English In earlier times, patients suffering from mental illness were nursed in large psychiatric institutions, often experiencing extended, sometimes life-long, institutionalization. These institutions were responsible for the patients during the entire course of their lives and provided housing as well as activities along with the care. The patients’ social contacts were mainThe overall aim of this thesis is to 1) investigate the prevalence of stigmatizing experiences and beliefs of devaluation and discrimination among persons with mental illness, and 2) to investigate the relationship between beliefs of devalua¬tion/¬discrimination, rejection experiences and sociodemographic/clinical patient characteristics, social networks, self esteem, empowerment and subjective qu