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The Slippery Slope of Oil - Estimating the future GDP of Nigeria with uni- and multivariate approaches
Nigeria is, by population, the largest country in Africa and their economic growth will be a key part in the world reaching the goals of eradicating poverty. This paper investigates the economic growth performance of Nigeria and the relationship between oil and the GDP performance by using growth accounting, ARIMA, VAR and VEC models. Through the ARIMA and VAR models, the GDP is forecasted until 2
Hur påverkas markorganismerna av jordbruksmetoden strukturkalkning?
Jordens invånarantal ökar med rasande fart vilket också leder till ett ökat behov av mat. Detta har resulterat i ett intensivt jordbruk som bland annat kan orsaka skada på de livsviktiga organismerna som lever i marken. Organismer som lever i marken kan bland annat vara bakterier, svampar och även större organismer såsom daggmaskar. Tillsammans utför dessa viktiga funktioner i marken som är avgöraThis field study was done to get an understanding of how the agricultural method called “structural liming” might affect soil organisms in a negative way. Soil organisms are crucial as they perform biological processes that improve good soil structure. This is important as it enables sustainable food production, today, and in the future. Structural liming is used on clay soils to improve soil stru
Equity-based Crowdfunding in the UK: Obtaining Subsequent Financing from a VC after a Successful Campaign
Equity crowdfunding has achieved a high popularity in the UK throughout the last years. However, most researchers within this field primarily focused on the success factors of an equity crowdfunding campaign while only little is known about the post-campaign effects. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to determine which patterns of characteristics successfully equity crowdfunded companies that r
Are they an advantage - or taken advantage of?
In 2019, migrant seasonal workers from outside the EU constituted approximately twenty percent of the hired workforce within the agricultural sector in Sweden. However, the total share of migrant seasonal workers is assumed to be even greater. During 2020 this figure dropped significantly due to the travel restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Federations of Swedish
Coalition Politics, Care Work and Climate Justice: A Case Study of Emerging Alliances in Austria
Sustainability transformations will require a fundamental re-thinking of work. However, so far the role of reproductive care work in these transformations is hardly recognized, although this work is low-carbon and essential in sustainable futures. This thesis examines the intersectional coalition politics articulated by feminist activists, climate justice movements and labor unions around the role
Modelling of water and material transport in River Storån to Lake Bolmen
The change of color of water from yellow to brown termed as brownification process is mainly due to leaching of humus and iron concentrations. In recent years, this problem is increasing in lake Bolmen, a major source of drinking water in Skåne county, Sweden. This process has been a threat to aquatic life and increasing the water treatment cost too. Storån river being the main tributary of the la
To encounter the ambiguity of the contemporary understanding of neighborhood, we must fundamentally view the concept from a broad historical and global perspective. A neighborhood should be understood as an organism; this whole organism is alive, constantly changing, and its structure is fluid. The way people live and create community has changed with all the social and technological changes in th
Skrivprocesser i läroboken
Syftet med arbetat är att undersöka hur skrivprocesser behandlas i läroböcker för svenska 1 på gymnasiet. Jag undersöker om och hur läroböcker berör skrivprocesser samt om skrivprocesser finns med explicit eller implicit. I uppsatsen granskas fem läroböcker utifrån en kvalitativ metod. Läroböckerna jag valt ut har tryckts efter införandet av lgy11, vilket innebär att jag har valt bort ett historis
Hotellens gissningslekar: En studie om crowdsourcing och värdeskapande i hotellkontexter
Vår studie undersöker hur värdesamskapande och förväntningar både uppstår och hanteras i en hotellkontext. Genom intervjuer och dokumentanalyser granskar studien varför dessa processer ser ut som de gör. Vi kommer fram till att hotells hantering av gästers förväntningar och utveckling av värdeerbjudanden är en gissningslek. Eftersom forskningsläget på området är skralt och då relevant litteratur e
Relationsmarknadsföringens paradox
Examensarbetets titel: “Relationsmarknadsföringens paradox”. En tolkande fenomenologisk analys av hur cancel culture förstås ur ett relationsmarkandsföringsperspektiv. Seminariedatum: 3/6 2021 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå. Författare: Erik Andrén, Ella Brax och Johan Larsson Handledare: Oskar Christensson Nyckelord: RelationsmarknadsföringTitle: “The Paradox of Relationship Marketing” An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of how cancel culture is understood from a relationship marketing perspective. Seminar date: 3/6 2021 Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Marketing. Authors: Erik Andrén, Ella Brax and Johan Larsson Advisor: Oskar Christensson Key wor
The Digital Transformation of Irish Charities
Charities play an essential role in Irish society. People benefit from support in health and social services, from social housing to specific health related organisations. It is important for charities to be able to invest in digital strategies which can support them in spreading the word of their cause, in raising awareness, in fundraising, and in recruiting talent. Importantly, digital strategie
The Corporate Brand Identity in a Hybrid Workplace Model
Thesis purpose: The purpose of our research is to examine the intersection of organisational change and the corporate brand identity in the hybrid workplace model. We explore the implications of the model on the corporate brand identity, how brand identity may be shaped in the model and the reasons why identity may change during the hybrid workplace model transformation. Theoretical perspective:
In vitro study of Biodegradation in Mg-alloys by Isothermal Calorimetry
Magnesium corrosion in an aqueous environment is a multi-layer, complex process. A literature survey shows significant gaps and the modelling work reported indicates a lack of clarity in understanding the corrosion process. Studies on the effects of impurities and interfacial compounds formed by selected alloying additions would help in filling some of these gaps. Further, the evolution of hydro
Oanvänt material på byggarbetsplatser - Förekomst, hantering och förebyggandet
Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka vilka som är de bidragande faktorerna till att oanvänt material och spillmaterial uppkommer på byggarbetsplatserna. Vad finns det som går att ändra på för att minska mängden oanvänt material samt att minska hanteringen. Det material som idag blir över på projekten hur det hanteras och vad där finns för strategier. Finns där en möjlighet att utveckla hur hanterinThe purpose of this study is to investigate which contributing factors that leads to unused and waste materials at the construction sites. What can be changed to reduce the amount of unused material and to reduce handling. The material that is over today on the projects, how it’s handled and what strategies are there. Is there an opportunity to develop what the handling looks like today on the pro
Renting is the New Black?
This study aims to investigate consumers’ perceptions of luxury fashion brands and whether these perceptions differ with and without the context of luxury rental platforms. A qualitative methodology was adapted, using semi-structured interviews and an abductive research approach. In order to investigate consumer perception of luxury brands in the context of rental platforms, the study applied con
Delad glädje är dubbel glädje? - Om mutbrottsbestämmelsernas generella reglering
Den svenska mutbrottslagstiftningen gör i dagsläget ingen skillnad på om en muttransaktion sker inom offentlig eller privat verksamhet. Den hållningen har kritiserats av bland annat Madeleine Leijonhufvud eftersom två olika skyddsintressen regleras generellt i en och samma bestämmelse. Vidare har lagstiftningen kritiserats eftersom korruption inom offentlig verksamhet har ansetts vara mer allvarliThe Swedish bribery legislation currently makes no difference between bribery within the public or private sector. This has been criticized by, among others, Madeleine Leijonhufvud because two different interests are protected under the same provision. Furthermore, the legislation has been criticized because corruption within the public sector has been considered more serious than within the priva
MKB och Social hållbarhet - En fallstudie av ett modernt allmännyttigt kommunalt bostadsaktiebolag
Municipal housing companies in Sweden have since the end of world war two been major players in the housing market. In most cities the municipal housing companies are one of the biggest, if not the biggest, owner of housing. These companies are owned, in their entirety, by the municipality in which they operate and it is the municipality that issues the ownership directives these companies operate
Parodiundantaget i den svenska upphovsrätten
I denna uppsats undersöks det så kallade parodiundantaget i den svenska upphovsrätten. Parodiundantaget syftar till att parodier av upphovsrättsskyddade verk ska vara tillåtna. Det finns inget uttryckligt parodiundantag i den svenska rätten och rättsläget påstås vara på oklart. Ämnet har varit föremål för debatt under den senaste tiden där parodiundantagets eventuella oklarheter varit i centrum avThis essay examines the so-called parody exception in Swedish copyright law. The parody exception aims to allow parodies of copyrighted works. There is no explicit parody exception in Swedish law and the legal situation is claimed to be unclear. The subject has been up for debate recently where the claimed ambiguities of the parody exception have been the center of discussion. With Sweden being a
Pengar lämnade på bordet
Title: Money left on the table - A study about underpricing in Venture Capital-backed initial public offerings in the Nordics Seminar date: 2021-01-15 Course: FEKH89, Corporate Finance Degree Project, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS Authors: Viktor Källström, Erik Magnusson, Sofia Vögeli Advisor: Maria Gårdängen Key words: Venture Capital, Underpricing, Initial Public Offering, VC-backing Purp