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Value Chain Services - Developing the next competitive edge within the packaging industry

Manufacturing firms have a hard time competing with goods only. It is considered that everyone can produce and therefore the competition is solely based on cost. The solution is to increase the value of the offer. Services show great potential in increasing customer value. In addition services are harder to copy and can generate constant stream of income (through contracts). The packaging industry

Downside Risk Measurement of Thailand Equity Mutual Funds

Abstract Value at Risk (VaR) is a simple, transparent and consistent measure that summarizes all sources of downside risk. VaR has gained acceptance in the banking industry in accordance to Basel II rules which require banks to use VaR in calculations of market risk. VaR as a risk measure is not as widely accepted in the investment industry. This thesis embraces five different VaR models to 20 equ

Sedimentary structures and facies of fine grained deep water carbonate turbidites in a Paleocene-Middle Eocene flysch complex, Monte Sporno, northern Apennines, Italy

The Monte Sporno flysch unit consists of regularly alternating calcareous turbidites and subordinate hemipelagic clays, deposited in a basin plain environment near, but above, the calcite compensation depth (CCD). Evidence for turbidity current emplacement includes sole markings, Bouma intervals and resedimented shallow-water microfossil species in a deep-water trace fossil assemblage (Nereites ic

Process- och miljötolkning av sedimentationen i en subglacial läsideskavitet, Järnavik, S. Blekinge

This study deals with the development of a subglacial cavity in a province dominated by stoss- and leeside rockridges. In the area of Järnavik, south-central Blekinge, there is a small excavation on the leeside of a bedrock ridge. The lithofacies combinations in this section contains both diamictons and sorted sediments. The diamict units are both massive and stratified. The sorted sediments are m

Senkvartär stratigrafi och utveckling i Örseryd, mellersta Blekinge

Sammanfattning: Arbetets syfte var att göra en utvecklingshistorisk tolkning av området kring Örseryd, mellersta Blekinge. Ett 2000 x 600 m stort område ytkarterades, varefter olika enheter definierades och korrelerades med tidigare undersökningar utförda i Blekinge. Arbetet koncentrerades sedan till torvmarksområden påträffade under ytkarteringen. Tre torvmarksområden kan urskiljas inom undersöknSummary: The aim of this investigation was to study the Holocene history of a river valley near the village of Örseryd, situated in the middle part of the county of Blekinge in South Sweden. Covering 2000 x 600 m the area was investigated by survey mapping. Grain size analysis were made on representative samples and the different sediments were correlated to lithostratigraphic units defined in ear

Trilobites and stratigraphy of the Middle Ordovician Killeröd Formation, Scania, Sweden

The Killeröd Formation ("Bronnii beds or Coscinorrhinus limestone") is a thin, but distinctive formation in the Middle Ordovician, upper Uhakuan Stage, of southeastern Scania, the southernmost province of Sweden. It is about 70 cm thick and consists of alternating grey microcrystalline limestone and blue-grey shaly mudstone. The Killeröd Fm is richly fossiliferous and has yielded a fairl

Going up? - En kvantitativ studie av socionomstudenters tankar om karriär

This study examines the thoughts and expectations of social work students regarding their future career. In order to investigate this, a questionnaire was handed out to social work students (N=203) attending their final semester of the social work program (socionomprogrammet) at Göteborgs universitet, Högskolan i Jönköping, Högskolan i Kristianstad, Linnéuniversitetet and Malmö Högskola. The quest

Human Rights Violations in Iraq - A Study of the Extraterritorial Application of the European Convention on Human Rights

Enligt den Europeiska konventionen för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna (EKMR) har medlemsstaterna en skyldighet att garantera konventionens fri- och rättigheter till var och en som befinner sig inom deras jurisdiktion. Det är sedan länge klart att staterna främst har denna skyldighet inom sitt eget territorium. Europadomstolen har emellertid klargjort att EKMR i exceptioAccording to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) states have an obligation to secure, to everyone within their jurisdiction, the rights prescribed in the Convention. Already at the drafting of the ECHR, it was clear that the states mainly had this obligation within their own territories. However, the European Court of Human Rights (the Court) has found that the

Moränstratigrafisk undersökning i kustklintar, NV Polen

Summary: This study is a part of the project "Lithostratigraphy and glacial dynamics during the Pomerian Phase". The objective is to solve the problems concerning the deglaciation of the south Baltic area during the last glaciation. The Polish Baltic coast is under heavy erosion from the seawaves. Steep morainic cliffs, often more than 10 meters high, offer excellent sections. A clear di

Universums änglar: om isländskt bildspråk i svensk översättning

Uppsatsen undersöker skönlitterärt, isländskt bildspråk i svensk översättning. Fokus för studien ligger på litterära, det vill säga nyskapade, metaforer och de övriga, utvalda bildspråkskategorierna används i jämförande syfte. För ändamålet används Englar alheimsins, en roman av Einar Már Guðmundsson. Den svenska översättningen av Inge Knutsson jämförs med det isländska originalet i syfte att få r

Numerical Simulations of Atomic Frequency Comb Quantum Memories for Long Term Storage

Quantum memories are used for storing the quantum mechanical states of photons and release identical photons at a later time. This has many applications within the field of quantum computing and is also essential in order to achieve long range quantum communication and cryptography. In this thesis Atomic frequency comb (AFC) quantum memories were investigated. In particular, three-level memory sch

Biostratigrafisk indelning av den Mesozoiska lagerföljden i Köpingsbergsborrningen 3, Skåne

In 1987 Swedish Exploration Consortium AB carried out a drilling (Köpingsbergsborrningen 3) in the Vomb Trough, Scania, southern Sweden. The borehole was sited near the town of Ystad and reached the Precambrian crystalline basement at a depth of 1160 m. Foraminiferal faunas obtained from the drill-cuttings indicate that the boring penetrated a Cretaceous and possibly uppermost Jurassic sequence, w

Sedimentstratigrafiska och paleohydrologiska undersökningar av Fönesjön och Kalvs Mosse inom Vombslätten, centrala Skåne

This study constitutes a preliminary survey within the project "Lake and groundwater paleohydrology of the Vomb plain, southern Sweden, for quantitative paleoclimatic calibration". The aim of the study is to describe the Holocene sediment stratigraphy of the former lakes Fönesjön and Kalvsjön (Kalvs mosse), and furthermore to describe and date stratgraphical indications of climatically c

Granatförande pegmatiter i SV Värmland : en mineralogisk och kemisk studie

In the southwest of the county of Värmland, southwestern Sweden, a group of granite intrusions called the Blomskog granite occurs (Lindh, 1977). When the Blomskog granite intruded into the country rock about 900 Ma ago, it was accompanied by several dikes and massifs of pegmatite and pegmatitic granites, which often are garnet-bearing. E1ectron-microprobe studies of these garnets show that they ar

Alkalisering vid konstgjord infiltration : en vattenkemisk studie i tre vattentäkter i sydöstra Småland

Sammanfattning: Tre kommunala vattentäkter med konstgjord infiltration i sydöstra Småland har studerats. I Emmaboda vattentäkt har infiltrationsvattnet alkaliserats med släckt kalk sedan 1977 och i Kosta med soda sedan 1985. Målsättningen med studien har varit att påvisa förändring i totalhårdhet, alkalinitet samt aluminium- och järnhalt för det konstgjorda grundvattnet sedan alkaliseringen påbörjA water chemistry study has been made at three public water supplies with artificial recharge in the county of Småland in the south of Sweden. At the water system of Emmaboda the surface water has been treated with slaked lime and at the water system of Kosta with soda ash. The aim of this study was to show whether the alkalization has changed the quality of the artificial ground water regarding i

Den eviga hemlängtan - Fyra f.d. jugoslaviska invandrares syn på återvandring

Author: Dragana Pribak Title: Longing for home - Four former Yugoslav immigrants' views on return migration (translated title) Assessor: Lars Harrysson The purpose of this study was to get a greater insight and understanding into how these people have been integrated into Swedish society and also to study which major factors played and made that most of these people did not return home again.

En petrografisk och mineralogisk studie av en komplex gång bestående av metadiabas och kvartskeratofyr i Kiirunavaaragruvan

Summary: The purpose of this paper is to give a petrographic and mineralogic description of a dyke complex, consisting of a metadiabase and a quartz keratophyre. The type locality is the northern part of the Kiirunavaara apatite-rich iron ore, situated in northern Sweden. In this part of the mine, the dyke complex has caused problems with rock stabil ity and water inflow. The dyke is well mapped f

Stratigrafisk och faunistisk undersökning av Vitabäckslerorna i Skåne

The Vitabäck clays, the Jurassic - Cretaceous transitionai beds in Sweden, contain brackish water faunas with close affinities to their counterparts in north-western Europe. The faunas are dominated by the bivalve genera Myrene and Neomiodon. There is no evidence for limnic or marine conditions, which previously has been assumed. The molluscan assemblages indicate somewhat differing salinity condi

En petrografisk karakteristik av en sent postorogen mafisk intrusion i östra Värmland

A basic intrusion (approximate1y 18 km2) occurs in southeastern Värmland about 20 km southeast of Kristinehamn. A few thin dikes of the basite penetrates the surrounding Filipstad granite. Adjacent to the basite the granite is magnetite- and garnetbearing and also secondary hypersthene and spinel are found in the granite. These observations indicate that the basite is postgranitic. The basite vari