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GAD2 on chromosome 10p12 is a candidate gene for human obesity.
The gene GAD2 encoding the glutamic acid decarboxylase enzyme (GAD65) is a positional candidate gene for obesity on Chromosome 10p11-12, a susceptibility locus for morbid obesity in four independent ethnic populations. GAD65 catalyzes the formation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which interacts with neuropeptide Y in the paraventricular nucleus to contribute to stimulate food intake. A case-co
Using counts of begging young to estimate post-fledging survival in Tawny Owls Strix aluco
A morphometric study of the effect of bilateral cervical sympathetic ganglionectomy on the architecture of pial arteries in spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats
The influence of the cranial sympathetic nerves on the architecture of pial arteries in normo- and hypertension was examined. For this purpose the effect of bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy was evaluated in normotensive rats (WKY) and stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). The operations were performed at the age of 1 wk, which is just prior to the onset of ganglionic tran
Travel Report from Australia and China
The report gives a summary of Björn Wittenmark's visits to China and Australia during the academic year1986 /87 . An overview of the research is given together with a summary of impressions during visits at differentuniversities.
Evaluation of the tissue microarray technique for immunohistochemical analysis in rectal cancer.
BACKGROUND: Immunohistochemical staining for tumor-associated proteins is widely used for the identification of novel prognostic markers. Recently, a tissue-conserving, high-throughput technique, tissue microarray, has been introduced. This technique uses 0.6-mm tissue core biopsy specimens, 500 to 1000 of which are brought into a new paraffin array block, which can be sectioned up to 100 times. M
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Five-year follow-up during antipsychotic treatment: efficacy, safety, functional and social outcome
Objective: Explore the long-term course of schizophrenia and related disorders. Method: Naturalistic study of 225 patients initially treated with risperidone (monotherapy or in combination with other psychotropic drugs) over 5 years. Results: Stable symptomatology and side effects were observed. Clinician GAF scores were 55-61, but patients' self-ratings were higher. Clinician and patient CGI scor
Maternal serum screening for Down syndrome - opinions on acceptance from Swedish women
Background: Different screening procedures are becoming an important part of health care. information about screening and its consequences can be difficult to both impart and understand. This study examined women's theoretical acceptance of a new screening procedure, before its introduction. Methods: A group of women (n = 823), who had made an informed choice about the form of foetal diagnosis the
Ulcerated small-intestine duplication cyst: an unusual source of GI bleeding revealed by wireless capsule endoscopy.
Ultrastructural immunolocalisation of bone sialoprotein in the osteocartilagenous interface of the equine third carpal bone
Reasons for performing study: One of the most common causes of lameness in racehorses is osteoarthritis (OA). Pathogenesis is not clear and pathological processes of the different joint tissues interact in often progressive events. The interface between cartilage and newly synthesised bone has been shown to be particularly enriched in bone sialoprotein (BSP), a cell-binding matrix protein. Objecti
Long acting local anaesthetics - a study in rats
Popular Abstract in Swedish Lokalbedövningsmedel ger en god smärtlindring efter centrala och perifera nervblockader. I många kliniska situationer hade det dock varit önskvärt med en längre duration av nervblockaden. De olika delarbetena i denna avhandling fokuserade på detta problem. Indianerna i Syd Amerika har länge känt till att om man tuggar bladen ifrån Erythroxylon Coca så upplev's en bedövLocal anaesthetics provide excellent pain relief after central and peripheral nerve blocks. However, in many clinical situations there is an insufficient duration of action to allow effective treatment of long-term pain with single injection techniques. This problem became the focus of the present studies. The natives in South America used to chew the leaves from Erythroxylon Coca and were well aw
Formation of polyelectrolyte-surfactant complexes on surfaces
The interfacial behavior of polyelectrolytes, mainly cationic with varying content of amphiphilic groups, and their complexes with oppositely charged surfactant are discussed. Both the kinetics and the reversibility aspect of the adsorption are considered. The structure of adsorbed layer formed was found to be dependent not only on the bulk solution phase behavior, but also on the pre-applied cond
New species and combinations in Hieracium (Asteraceae) from southern Sweden.
Three new species, i.e. Hieracium cirrobractum T. Tyler, H. helenae T. Tyler and H. praviforme T. Tyler, are described from southern Sweden and two new combinations, i.e. Hieracium limitianeum (Johanss.) T. Tyler and Hieracium oletatum (Johanss. & Sam.) T. Tyler are made.
The kinetics of DNA-cationic vesicle complex formation
Stopped-flow fluorescence studies were performed to investigate the kinetics of formation of complexes between DNA and cationic vesicles. We followed the kinetics as a function of charge ratio and lipid vesicle composition. Binary mixtures of a saturated cationic lipid, dioctadecyldimethlammonium bromide (DODAB), and a zwitterionic lipid, dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), were used to prepa
A human phenome-interactome network of protein complexes implicated in genetic disorders
We performed a systematic, large-scale analysis of human protein complexes comprising gene products implicated in many different categories of human disease to create a phenome-interactome network. This was done by integrating quality-controlled interactions of human proteins with a validated, computationally derived phenotype similarity score, permitting identification of previously unknown compl
Advancing Bioenergy in Europe: Exploring bioenergy systems and socio-political issues
Popular Abstract in Swedish Detta är en avhandling om bioenergi (eller biomassa som används för produktion av värme, el eller som drivmedel), om dess betydande potential och viktiga alternativ. Biomassa kan ses som solenergi som fångats genom fotosyntes och lagrats i växande biomassa. Men bra förutsättningar kan bioenergi starkt bidra till minskad klimatpåverkan, ökad förbättrad försörjningstrygghThis thesis concentrates on bioenergy (or biomass utilised for heat, electricity and fuels for transport) as a renewable energy with significant potentials and options. Biomass can be considered as 'stored' solar energy because the process of photosynthesis 'captures' energy from the sun in growing plants. Bioenergy systems under the 'right' conditions can greatly contribute to climate mitigation,
Mikrobiell påväxt på fasader
I huvudsak har putsade fasader undersökts. Tre nybyggda hus i Stockholmsområdet, ett ca. 20 år gammalt provhus i Dalby samt ett objekt i Ärvinge har undersökts med avseende på missfärgningar förorsakade av bland annat mögelsvamp men även av lavor, mossor och alger. Denna inledande undersökning behandlar, i alla väsentliga delar, vad för sorts påväxt som bidrar till missfärgningar av fasader. I skr
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in pelagic systems
Several studies show that there are interactive processes between eutrophication and uptake of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in aquatic biota. The main concept is that the increased biomass and production in aquatic ecosystems, due to excess discharge of nutrients, causes a chain event that results in reduced uptake of POPs in primary producers (phytoplankton). This effect is then transferr
Holocene geomagnetic paleointensities: A blind test of absolute paleointensity techniques and materials
Through several decades of research, absolute paleointensity estimates have been obtained from a wide range of rocks with varying ages, covering the last 3.45 Ga years. These paleointensity data are crucial to study the past geodynamo and the geological evolution of the Earth's deep interior. However, paleointensity data are often difficult to interpret, and on-going discussions concerning the pas