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Where is “Intersectionality”? A multiple case study on how development organization integrate intersectionality in their approach to reduce violence against women

Nepal has long been recognized as a multi-cultural country with a diverse geographical area. Despite its natural beauty, Nepal is plagued by a number of social issues. Violence against women has always been an issue, exacerbated by patriarchal cultures. Several development organisations are trying to alleviate the situation. The aim of this research is to decide how development organisations integ

EU rules on sustainability reporting - A study of the initiatives regarding transparency and disclosure from a Swedish perspective

Making Europe climate neutral by 2050 is the primary goal of the European Green Deal. This goal has given rise to sustainable finance and action plans for financing sustainable growth. Such commitment is ensured by the legal initiatives put forward by the Commission. The Non-Financial Reporting Directive introduced the requirements for some firms to produce a sustainability report based on disclos

Is it Smart to be Climate-Smart? The Efficiency of Climate-Smart Agriculture in Tanzania

Does it pay to adopt Climate-Smart Practices? Despite the general understanding that CSA practices or innovative land management methods increase farmers’ food security, the key to the current debate within the literature is to understand the extent to which CSA practices explain differences in farmers’ productivity and resilience to climatic shocks. To fill this gap, this study examines the varia

Access patented vaccines in the time of COVID-19 pandemic

This thesis aims to describe and analyze three different solutions on how to make vaccines for COVID-19 available from a patent law perspective under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Under the TRIPS, patent law provides exclusive rights for vaccine inventors to prevent or stop others from commercially exploiting the patented invention for 20 years. Du

Att ändra unga människors identitet - möjligheter och utmaningar till identitetsskapande inom en människoförändrande verksamhet

Studien planerades som en studie inom människoförändrande arbete. I centrum skulle pedagoger och socionomers arbete mot att förändra elever, vars identitet hyser normaliseringar av, för skolan, normöverskridande beteenden. Dessa pedagoger och socionomer arbetar med eleverna inom en nystartad kommunal verksamhet vid namn Lots-teamet. Studien utvecklades mot att undersöka vilka möjligheter nämnda ve

How to combat the climate change with EU Public Procurement law - Mandatory obligations or award criteria?

There are great challenges we have to face in the environmental and climate field, especially when greenhouse gas emissions are changing the conditions for human life and impacting biodiversity. The main reason resulting in climate change is greenhouse gas emissions during production and consumption of goods and services. The Green Public Procurement (hereafter GPP) acts as a powerful tool to reac

Urban or else? A combined method analysis of the discourse of the Swedish state during the years 2018-2020 on the choice situation of rural youths to move or remain

The rural-urban divide is a long-established construct in sociology. More recently, the choice of rural youths to remain or move to an urban setting has attracted substantial research interest. One factor surrounding the choice situation of the youths consists of officially sanctioned norms in the form of the discourse of the state, in particular on the three key terms rural, urban and youth. The

Planeringsprocessen i praktiken

This case study focuses on the municipality of Helsingborg and their planning process in Oceanhamnen to include young adults between 19-25 years. The results were analysed and compared with my empirical research and interviews from municipal officials. My empirical research is mainly based on public documents compiled by the municipality of Helsingborg. The documents I used as a starting point was

Komplex balans mellan stadsplanering och demokrati

This thesis aims to emphasize the complexitivity in the relationship between urban planning and democracy. Two renovation projects in Malmö, Sweden, during the 1970s and 80s, in the middle of an extensive national housing reformation, are used to demonstrate examples of particularly ambitious designs to involve citizens in planning processes; the neighborhoods of Östergård and Kroksbäck, in which

The chemical exploration of C-C bond forming reactions on 7-position aldehyde sialic acid derivatives for bacterial transport inhibition

The discovery of penicillin and the many antibiotics after that, has given our society a heightened sense of confidence when dealing with everything from the everyday bacterial infection to complicated surgical procedures. However, more and more bacterial species are becoming resistant to antibiotics. 33000 deaths attributed to antibiotic-resistant bacteria occurred in Europe in 2015, a number tha

Statistical analysis of firefighting and damage caused by fire in mid-rise timber-framed residential buildings compared to other construction types

The contribution of greenhouse gas emissions in the production of construction materials has sparked a new interest and recent changes in building regulations regarding the use of renewables like wood as the main component in load-bearing elements. Recent regulation changes focus on allowing taller timber structures which bides the question of how to adequately maintain an acceptable level of f

Granskning av föreslagna förändringar på det kupongskatterättsliga området

Kupongskattelagen är en 50 år gammal lag i behov av modernisering på grund av den ökade globaliseringen i världen. Denna uppsats syftar till att granska förslaget till ny lag om källskatt på utdelning. Detta görs bland annat med hjälp av en jämförelse mellan gällande rätt, norsk och dansk rätt, samt EU-rätt. Förslaget innehåller förändringar som innebär att ansvaret för innehållande av källskatt Kupongskattelagen is a 50 years old law in need of modernization due to the increasing globalization in the world. This paper aims to examine the proposal for a new law for withholding tax on dividends. As part of this a minor comparison between current law, Norwegian and Danish law, and EU law will be conducted. The proposal entails changes that place more of the responsibility for withholding

Transfereringsmöjligheter mellan skönlitteratur och spelfilm : en undersökning om läromedels och lärares attityder gällande spelfilmens plats i svenskundervisningen på gymnasiet

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka styrdokumentens hierarkisering av skönlitteratur som gör att spelfilm ofta hamnar i skymundan i svenskundervisningen. Audiovisuell underhållning så som film är vanligt i gymnasieelevers vardag och bör därför inkluderas mer i kunskapskrav än vad som görs idag. Därför har denna studie kartlagt var i undervisningen som skönlitteratur och spelfilm kan geThe aim of this study is to map out the hierarchy that puts written literature first and causes movies to be overlooked in Swedish courses at upper secondary schools in Sweden. Students at upper secondary school consume more and more audio-visual entertainment and should therefore have more space in official documents of policies and grading. Therefore, this study defines where written literature

Image Classification using Functional Analysis and Neural Networks

In this thesis a number of methods for image classification are investigated. The main goal is to explore an approach based on functional data analysis and compare it with Neural Networks. The main idea is to view each image as a function and then capture the most important variation of each image class through Functional Principal Component Analysis. For comparing the methods the cifar10 dataset

Cyclotomic Fields and Fermat's Last Theorem

Number theory is in a sense among the oldest disciplines of mathematics. A running theme is that many number theoretic problems are very easy to state and understand. However, actually solving these problems often requires much work or some very clever trick. An extreme case of this would be Fermat's last theorem: originally a conjecture by French lawyer Pierre de Fermat whose statement is und

Supply Chain Transparency- Benefits & Transformational Barriers

Background Transparency of a supply chain is the extent to which all its stakeholders have a shared understanding of, and access to, the product-related information that they request, without loss, noise, delay, and distortion. Having access to accurate and timely information is a challenging issue in global supply chains. Therefore, this research aimed at identifying barriers that could act as

A comparison of rail and sea freight from Europe to Asia

Title: A comparison of rail and sea freight from Europe to Asia Authors: Jackie Berg & Louise Pettersson Supervisors: Jan Olhager, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Malin Gejde, Shipping Manager, Tetra Pak AB Background: Transportation mode selection has become a more strategic part of a well-functioning supply chain as globalizatio

”Himmelen och solen följer jag och intet lägre” : Tryckeriverksamheten i Västerås under biskop Johannes Rudbeckius, 1621–1646

Denna uppsats analyserar tryckeriverksamheten och utgivningen vid biskop Johannes Rudbeckius och domkapitlets tryckeri i Västerås under perioden 1621–1646. Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga tryckeriverksamheten utifrån parametrarna boktryckare, genre, tryckerimärken, format, papper, typsnitt och språk. Genom en bibliografisk analys av tryckproduktionen undersöks eventuella mönster i utgivningen. I

Fysiska förutsättningar för mångfald - om arbetet mot stadsbyggnadsidealet tät blandstad i Trelleborgs tätort: en kvantitativ utvärdering

In 2014, Trelleborg municipality pointed out tät blandstad (the compact city) to be the main strategy for the city’s future development. This work addresses the common Swedish planning strategy, towards the compact city through densification strategies, with a focus on density and diversity and the relationship between them. This is done with a broad example of literature referring to quality of l

"Sometime, somewhere, maybe someone has to do something"

In response to sea level rise, municipalities in Sweden are already underway in the process of constructing seawalls to protect infrastructure and communities. However, these adaptive measures are not always well received in the communities they are intended to protect. This thesis examined a case of citizen protests against a proposed seawall on the Falsterbo peninsula in Vellinge, Scania, throug