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Neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder i skolan - Pedagogers syn på och bemötande av elever med behov av särskilt stöd i skolan

Abstract Author: Anna Sand Title: Neuropsychiatric disorders in school - Teacher ‘views on and treatment of students with special needs in school The essay aims to get a view how teachers in school work to integrate pupils with special needs. And also get teachers experience of how pupils without any disorders/disabilities response and interact to pupils with special needs. The study is qualitativ

Höga hinder för hästar i terapi: Förutsättningar för att etablera en otraditionell behandlingsform

Title: High barriers to horses in therapy: Difficulties in establishing a non-traditional treatment [Translated title] Supervisor: Torbjörn Hjort Assessor: Katarina Hollertz The main aim of this study was to examine the prevailing conditions which apply to non-traditional treatments. In this paper Equine Assisted Therapy is used as an example of such a treatment. Qualitative semi-structured inte

Hydrogeology and groundwater regime of the Stanford Aquifer, South Africa

Stanford, ett mindre samhälle 150 km väst om Kapstaden, har under de senaste åren sett en ökad turism och utveckling, vilket har medfört ett ökat behov av färskvatten. I dagsläget används en naturlig källa som täkt för kommunens vattenbehov, men källans hållbara vattenavgivningsförmåga på 33 000 m3/månad är otillräcklig och en kompletterande täkt är nödvändig. Stanfordakvifären består av två formaThis study focuses on the Stanford Aquifer which is located in the Overberg region in the Western Cape of South Africa. The ’Eye’, a captured spring, is used as source for potable water for the local municipality and extraction have in recent years exceeded the sustainable yield of 33 000 m3/month and a supplementary source is therefore needed. The aim of this study is to develop a conceptual mode

De som inte syns - en kvalitativ studie om att vara anhörig till missbrukare

The purpose of this study was to examine how it affects people, psychologically and socially, by having a close relative that have an alcohol or a narcotic addiction. We have done a qualitative study through thematised interviews with seven adults that have a close family member or a friend that have or has had an addiction. We have analyzed in what way these people have been affected, how they co

Agentstrukturer och fasta driftställen

Idag lever vi en globaliserad värld där varor, tjänster och personer rör sig över större avstånd på ett allt enklare och snabbare sätt. Detta har resulterat i att fler företag har valt att etablerat sig internationellt och i allt större utsträckning strävar efter att etablera sig och verka globalt. När företag verkar i flera länder är en av konsekvenserna att företagen måste efterfölja lagar och rToday we live in a globalized world where goods, services and people can move easily over wide distances smoother and faster for each day. This has resulted in an increasing number of companies striving to establish and operate globally. One of the consequences when companies establishes worldwide is that they must comply with laws and regulations in the countries where they choose to establish. T

Gravida missbrukare och deras foster - en kvalitativ studie ur de profesionellas perspektiv om dilemmat med tvångsvård vid graviditet

Abstract Authors: Helena Solberg and Martina Andersson Title: Pregnant addicts and their fetus – a qualitative study from the professional perspective on the dilemma of compulsory treatment during pregnancy. Supervisor: Helena Hansson The purpose of this study was to examine and interpret the situation with pregnant women with alcohol-or drug addiction from a professional perspective. Our study a

Den barnpsykiatriska kuratorns arbete i praktiken - en intervjustudie

The purpose of this study was to examine the work of counselors in child psychiatry. More specifically the focus was to investigate how they go about their work and how they themselves describe it. Six counselors working in child psychiatry in Malmö were interviewed about their work on basis of two fictive cases. The analysis was based on psychosocial theory. The main results showed that the couns

Lithofacies analysis and heterogeneity study of the subsurface Rhaetian-Pliensbachian sequence in SW Skåne and Denmark

Skåne har formats genom flera tektoniska och geologiska processer kopplade till en stor sprick- och rörelsezon – Sorgenfrei-Tornquistzonen. I sydvästra Skåne finns ett större förkastat block, Höllvikensänkan, med sedimentära lager från trias-juratiden. Denna lagerföljd karakteriseras av sandsten varvat med lersten som avsatts både lokalt och över större områden. Studien har fokuserat på analys av The geological setting of Skåne is the outcome of successive phases of transtensional tectonics, block-faulting, subsidence, transpression and inversion focused around the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. The Höllviken Halfgraben is one of the major blocks in southwestern Skåne with a Rhaetian–Pliensbachian succession characterized by interbedding of arenaceous and argillaceous facies of local and regio

Från lokal gängkriminalitet till transnationell brottslighet, en studie av det ökända Mara Salvatrucha

During the last few decades so called “street gangs” have gained more and more power in both the United States and Central America. Mara Salvatrucha, a Los Angeles based gang, today has a strong presence in several American countries. This essay attempts to understand this development and poses the question: what makes street gangs turn into transnational crime organizations? The essay is based on

Säkerhet för vem - en idé och argumentationsanalys av Svensk export av krigsmateriel

The controversy of the Swedish arms trade is expressed in the Swedish parliament as well as in the media. With the increase in arms trade profits, Sweden is in 2011 the country with the highest rate of arms trade per capita in the world. The core of the debate is the conflict between the national security interests, and human rights. Guidelines prohibit arms exports to countries in battle, in spit

On a weighted Laplace differential operator for the unit disc

It is well-known that the classical Poisson kernel for the unit disc $\D$ in the complex plane is naturally associated to the Laplacian. In a recent paper Duman has shown that Poisson integrals with respect to the kernel $$ K_2(z)=\frac{1}{2}\frac{(1-\lvert z\rvert^2)^3}{\lvert 1-z\rvert^4}, \quad z\in\D, $$ solve the Dirichlet problem for the unit disc for a certain second order differential oper

On vector-valued holomorphic functions

We show that a closed subspace of a dual Banach space determines boundedness if and only if it is almost norming. This result further ties up recent work on vector-valued analyticity by Arendt and Nikolski to approximation properties in the weak$^*$ topology. We also present direct proofs of two generalizations of Nelson Dunford's classical result that weak analyticity implies strong analytici

A calculation of limits of L1 means for some weighted Poisson kernels in the unit disc

In this paper we calculate the limit of the $L^1$-means of certain weighted Poisson kernels in the unit disc and show that this limit is equal to $1$. Our result is in sharp contrast to a recent result by George F\"ulep who has shown that some related limit superiors are strictly greater than $1$. Limits of this type are of interest from the point of view of approximation theory.

An Empirical Analysis of the Consumer Information in the Restaurant Industry in Sweden

A reputation good is a good that you have to consume before you can assess its quality. Therefore, there is asymmetric information in favor of the seller. This good is also characterized by the fact that people often turn to friends and family for recommendations. On the contrary to standard economic theory of competition, an increased number of sellers on a market for reputation goods may lead to