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Statistics and Machine Learning for Classification of Emotional and Semantic Content of EEG

Interpreting EEG measurements is of great relevance, both for developing underlying neuroscientific theory and improving existing applications. In this study, two networks with different approaches to time-frequency analysis and feature selection are compared on simulated and real data for semantic and emotional perception. The first network uses the Morlet wavelet transform to achieve adaptable f

Governing Universities: How the Swedish Government has attempted to govern the universities between 1999 and 2021, and how it can be understood

Knowledge about how the Government governs its agencies is important to ensure legitimacy of the public exercise of power, and to further develop governing methods suitable for diverse types of agencies. This study focuses on a type of agency that is perceived as particularly difficult to govern – the university. The purpose is to describe how and to what extent the Government has attempted to gov

Coronapandemin och dess påverkan på ekonomisk integration inom Europeiska unionen

Denna fallstudie undersöker hur coronapandemin har påverkat den ekonomiska integrationen inom den Europeiska unionen. För att studera den ekonomiska integrationen så är uppsatsen fokuserad på EU:s långtidsbudget för åren 2021-2027 och det inkluderade återhämtningspaketet “Next Generation EU”. I undersökningen så kommer två vanligt förekommande teorier inom studier av europeisk integration att appl

Populism – vad betyder det? En diskursanalys av termen ”populism” i svensk opinionsjournalistik.

’Populism’ is a term with contested meanings in both academia and media, but the focus of debate on this topic is often directed towards the former category. This essay focuses on the latter and so examines the different meanings of the term ’populism’ in Swedish opinion journalism. It does so by applying terms and theoretical concepts from the poststructuralist discourse theory developed by

Strategic Autonomy in European Union Law: Interinstitutional responses and dynamics shaping an ambition

With the adoption of its Global Strategy from 2016, the European Union set an ambition of becoming strategically autonomous in global affairs. The aim of strategic autonomy has been extensively studied as a defence strategy, though scholars have found that little has been achieved due to lack of will in the Union. At the same time strategic autonomy has received increased political attention in mo

Education for Immigrant Children in Japan A Frame Analysis of the Successful Cases of Hamamatsu and Kani City

Japan currently faces a rapid increase in labor immigrants due to the decrease of the population. The number of immigrant children is expected to increase because of the open labor immigration policy. Although the education of immigrant children is very complex, Hamamatsu city and Kani city have implemented successful educational policies to solve the problems of out-of-school children. This resea

Sustainababble - what is meant by ‘sustainability’ in the Swedish Forestry Agency’s report Forestry with new possibilities?

The thesis places itself in the scope of two intensively ongoing debates. The first concerns the concepts of ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable development’, and the second concerns Swedish forestry policy. Assigned by the government, the Swedish Forestry Agency published the report ‘Forestry with new possibilities’ in late 2019, aiming to produce clear steps for future sustainable forestry in Swed

Anolis lizards follow a common ontogenetic growth trajectory despite early embryonic species differences in relative limb length

The generation of phenotypes in nature is not boundless. They are governed by natural selection as well as genetic and developmental processes that precede selection. When the developmental process itself is biased, it promotes or prevents certain phenotypes from being formed which in turn could impact the course of evolution. Despite the solid theory behind developmental bias, its exact influence

Varför har Skatteverket så höga förtroendesiffror? - En undersökning av förtroendet för två statliga myndigheter

The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) enjoys one of the highest approval ratings of any Swedish government agency. This has not always been the case, and from an international perspective, it is uncommon for a tax agency to enjoy high approval ratings. The Skatteverket phenomenon puts forth the question of to which degree other government agencies can use the agency as a positive example. Furtherm

Letting Vision Lie Fallow: Understanding the Dialectical Constitution of the Epistemic Regime of Global Crisis in Late Modernity – Anxiety and Struggle in Capitalist Relations of Structural and Productive Power

Throughout the ongoing pandemic, the operational integrity of the political system of the world has seemingly been on the cusp of collapse, raising questions about the institutional and normative vitality of this system. Moreover, this global moment draws attention to the epistemological conditions that shape global policy frameworks often consulted to devise agendas that address challenges of glo

Making EPA Great Again? A Study of how the Politicization of Climate Change Affected the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Obama and Trump administrations

The politicization of scientific facts, such as climate change, is a highly debated phenomenon in the US. It is well established that climate change is both real, and human-caused. Still, significant parts of the American political community refuse to adhere to this scientific fact. During the Trump administration this resulted in the American Environmental Protection Agency becoming the focal poi

Att skriva fram samtycke - En feministiskt poststrukturalistisk studie av samtycke i Skam karaktärerna Noora och Williams relation

Based on a feminist post-structuralist framework, and a media analytical input, this thesis examines how consent is produced, handled and understood in the relationship between the two characters Noora and William from the Norwegian web series Skam. Through a feminist film analysis and the method of close reading, this thesis has been able to construct the analysis based on four sub-questions that

Lärdomar från raset av Tarfalahallen - En experimentell studie av spikförbandets inverkan på stabiliteten ur plan

I mars 2020 rasade Tarfalahallen i Kiruna. Idrottshallens takkonstruktion bestod av långa underspända limträbalkar upplagda på limträpelare. Balkarna var underspända med hjälp av två trycksträvor som stöttades med dragband av stål och anslutningen mellan trycksträvorna och balken bestod av spikförband. Statens Haverikommission (SHK) har en pågående utredning kring raset, och har hittills bland annDuring March of 2020 a large-span sports arena, Tarfala hall, built 2015, collapsed in northern Sweden. The main load-bearing girders with a 54 m span, were high and slender glulam beams supported underneath by a cable system via vertical struts. Investigations concluded that the failure was initiated by lateral buckling of the struts and slender beam, in spite of lateral stabilization by a corrug

The "Formgivning" of Domus, Kristianstad

Today, we are creating and building more than ever. While buildings rise from the horizon, the consumption of building materials increases massively. More than 22% of global carbon dioxide emissions come from the consumption of building materials such as concrete, steel, and aluminum, etc. 55% of embodied carbon in a conventional building is in the structure and substructure (Smedley, 2019). Hence

Smittspridning i ventilerad inomhusmiljö

Smittspridning i ventilerad inomhusmiljö har sedan Covid-19 pandemin startade blivit ett högaktuellt ämne. Smittan som uppstod i Kina spred sig snabbt över hela världen och gav upphov till omfattande restriktioner och förändringar i det vardagliga livet för miljarder människor. Till en början antogs Covid-19 endast spridas via dropp- och kontaktsmitta men forskning och kända utbrott visar att luftThe transmission of airborne aerosols in a ventilated indoor environment has become highly relevant since the Covid-19 outbreak. Initially, Covid-19 was only assumed to be spread via droplet and contact infection, but research and known outbreaks show that airborne transmission via aerosols occurs. Modern humans spend a large part of their life indoors. Understanding and calculating how virus-carr

Beskattning av den digitala ekonomin – århundradets skattereform? - En rättsvetenskaplig studie av OECD:s ”Belopp A”

Digitaliseringen har i stor utsträckning revolutionerat sättet som företagen gör affärer på. Det finns inte längre samma behov av fysiska platser för affärsverksamheter eftersom teknologin har skapat virtuella platser där företag kan sälja både varor och tjänster utan att överhuvudtaget sätta en fot i jurisdiktionen. Emellertid har reglerna om fast driftställe alltsedan 1920-talet präglats av att The digitalisation has largely revolutionized the way companies do business. There is no longer the same need for physical locations for businesses for the reason that technology has created virtual locations where companies can sell both goods and services without even setting foot in the jurisdiction. However, the rules on permanent establishment have, ever since the 1920’s, been characterized b

Disruptive Business Model Innovation: Incumbent's perspectives and approaches to competitive advantage generation

Today's rate and speed of disruption are more significant than ever, compelling firms to find innovative ways to meet ever-changing market demands. Aside from innovation in products and services, incumbent firms have been urged to create and offer new values by innovating their business models to meet these demands. Since minor changes to business models have proven insufficient for generating

The Slippery Slope of Oil - Estimating the future GDP of Nigeria with uni- and multivariate approaches

Nigeria is, by population, the largest country in Africa and their economic growth will be a key part in the world reaching the goals of eradicating poverty. This paper investigates the economic growth performance of Nigeria and the relationship between oil and the GDP performance by using growth accounting, ARIMA, VAR and VEC models. Through the ARIMA and VAR models, the GDP is forecasted until 2

Hur påverkas markorganismerna av jordbruksmetoden strukturkalkning?

Jordens invånarantal ökar med rasande fart vilket också leder till ett ökat behov av mat. Detta har resulterat i ett intensivt jordbruk som bland annat kan orsaka skada på de livsviktiga organismerna som lever i marken. Organismer som lever i marken kan bland annat vara bakterier, svampar och även större organismer såsom daggmaskar. Tillsammans utför dessa viktiga funktioner i marken som är avgöraThis field study was done to get an understanding of how the agricultural method called “structural liming” might affect soil organisms in a negative way. Soil organisms are crucial as they perform biological processes that improve good soil structure. This is important as it enables sustainable food production, today, and in the future. Structural liming is used on clay soils to improve soil stru