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Next generation gate seating

This project is based on product development of Green Furniture Concept’s module based seating system, Ascent, targeted towards airport environments. The project started with an open brief aimed at developing an add-on for the bench series, based on user needs. The project lasted for 20 weeks. The design process used is based on the Double Diamond process which divided the work into four parts: Di

Vinn mot svinn - En studie som belyser hur producenter kan hjälpa konsumenter att minska sitt omfattande matsvinn

Var tredje inhandlad matkasse slängs, vilket innebär att en tredjedel av all mat har producerats helt i onödan. Detta motsvarar 1,3 miljarder ton varje år - vilket uppskattas kunna mätta tre miljarder hungriga magar. För att uppnå hållbar konsumtion behöver matsvinnet halveras inom tio år. Livsmedelsproduktion skapar utsläpp av växthusgaser, luftföroreningar och bekämpningsmedel som påverkar både Nature has provided us with delicious and nutritious food for many years. It is estimated that one third of all edible food is wasted globally. This means a substantial loss of resources. Consumers are unaware of the great amount of avoidable food waste that is created from household consumption and the environmental impact it has. It is of great importance to increase consumer awareness to reduce

Temperature distribution in a high shear mixer during heating

High shear mixer is used in various kinds of processing industries, such as chemical, cosmetic, food, pharmaceutical industries for emulsification and dispersion. In this project, the high shear mixer works as a batch pasteurizer. Although pasteurization time for different types of food products has been investigated by many scientists, the heating time required from the initial food temperature t

Determinants of Financial Inclusion: A Case Study of Remittance Recipients in Vietnam

The topic of financial inclusion has attracted attention from several researchers and policymakers in the recent years. However, there has been limited number of studies in the context of Vietnam, especially to explore the factors driving financial inclusion in the country. The thesis aims to investigate the determinants of financial inclusion in Vietnam with a focus on a special group: the remitt

Sad Robot Noises - Digitala verktyg i improvisationsundervisning i ensemble på folkhögskola

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur digitala verktyg kan användas i improvisationsundervisning i ensemble på folkhögskola. Forskningsmetoderna är experiment som undersöker fem övningar för improvisation i ensemble och hur digitala verktyg kan användas i dessa metoder samt kvalitativa intervjuer där urvalet är fem ensemblelärare som jobbar på folkhögskolor inom pop och rock. Experimenten har utThe purpose of this study is to explore how digitals tools can be used as part of teaching improvisation within an ensemble. The research methods used are experiments that examine five different exercises for improvising within an ensemble context and how they may be developed by the use of digital tools. The experiments have been conducted by us, the writers of this study, and they have been supe

The economic consequences of the Fidesz government on the Hungarian economy and the regional economic inequality in Hungary

The Fidesz government has likely had an impact on the Hungarian economy through the “nationalistic” policies implemented. The analysis in this thesis aims to calculate the extent of the economic impact of the Fidesz government on the Hungarian economy in the period 2010 till 2018. Moreover, in Hungary the regional economic inequality is significant. The second aim of the analysis is to see how the

Påverkar sjöhandel tillväxt? - En tillväxtstudie av sjöhandels effekter

Because of increased volumes in trade, maritime transport has been developed into an important determinant for economic development. Considering 124 countries over three time periods, this study aims to present the general correlation between economic growth and seaborne trade. The result is achieved by constructing a two-way error component model with fixed time and country effects consisting of

Platsmarknadsföring - en föränderlig process

Titel: “​Platsmarknadsföring - en föränderlig process” ​- ​En studie om hur den ökade turismen påverkar hur destinationer förmedlar hållbarhet i sin platsmarknadsföring. Universitet: ​Lunds universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management och tjänstevetenskap. Kurs: ​KSMK65 Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15 hp, VT 2020. Författare: ​Kevin Borglin & A

Acoustic performance of timber volume elements

The thesis investigates the acoustic performance of light weight timber constructions known as timber volume elements and vibration insulation methods employed in these. Common materials used in light weight timber floor constructions and different floor configurations consisting of these materials were also studied. The study consists of impact sound and air-borne sound insulation measurements pe

Digital transformation inom svensk artrosvård

Ett nytt sätt att kombinera teoretiska modeller har genererat nya analyser inom området digital transformation av den svenska vården. Arbetet har utgått från kvalitativ data om nuvarande produkt, affärssituation och relation till organisationens omgivning och intressenter. Vidare har detta kombinerats med en branschanalys och modeller för framgångsrikt management för just digital transformation. B

Impact of Gamification on Social Network Platforms

This thesis examines the motivational drivers of gamification that influence the willingness to interact among platform end users. Two elements of gamification, reward and challenge were used as independent variables while playfulness, recognition, enjoyment and social influence served as mediating variables. By using TikTok as our case study, and collecting data from 281 respondents, the study so

Ambush Branding: A reconceptualization of ambush marketing from the ambusher’s perspective

Thesis purpose: The purpose is to explore ambush marketing by reconceptualizing the phenomenon from the ambusher’s perspective in the context of mega sports events. Methodology: This study conducted a relativist ontology and a constructionist epistemology to allow for the most relevant interpretations of the empirical data. This qualitative research adopts an inductive approach which reflects ove

Rättens diskursiva makt: en studie av det svenska rättsväsendets bemötande av häktningskritiken

The Swedish legal system has been under heavy criticism for its use and regulation of pre-trial detention since the beginning of the 90’s. The CPT and the CAT have been engaged in the issue, urging Swedish authorities to take action to address the critical conditions. Despite this, the conditions for pre-trial detention in Sweden appear unaltered. The Swedish legal system’s response to the heavy c

MIFO fas 1 inventering av förorenade områden i Eslövs kommun

En oaktsam hantering av kemikalier har länge präglat det svenska samhället. Vid utsläpp till miljön har många av dem givit upphov till ett stort antal förorenade områden, områden som idag riskerar att medföra olägenheter för människor och miljön. Genom att besvara frågor om vilka föroreningar som förekommer, i vilken mängd, deras spridningsförutsättningar samt hur människor och miljö kan exponerasIn this study, a risk assessment has been carried out at a closed fire station and a closed mechanical workshop in the Swedish municipality of Eslöv. The aim of this study is to investigate whether the activities at the sites may have caused pollution and assess how big a risk they pose to human health and the environment. The method being used to evaluate the risk is Method of Surveying Contamina

Ett hälsofrämjande arbetsklimat - upplevelser av kommunikationen i relation till organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö (OSA)

Studiens syfte undersöker hur kommunikationen, mellan medarbetare och chef inom restaurang- och cafébranschen, kan bidra till ett hälsofrämjande arbetsklimat. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och två strukturerade elektroniska intervjuer på två olika arbetsplatser, för att undersöka deltagarnas upplevelser om kommunikationen som rör ämnet orgaThe aim of this study explores how communication, between coworkers and managers in the restaurant and café business, can contribute to a health-promoting work climate. This is done by a qualitative method including four semi-structured interviews and two structured electronic interviews, on two different workplaces, to examine the participants’ experiences about the communication on the topic org

Varför kommer de? En kvalitativ studie om anledningarna till deltagande i vuxenutbildning på Island.

Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning av de incitament som ligger bakom människors beslut om att delta i vuxenutbildning. Vid genomförandet av studien har det utgåtts ifrån en hermeneutisk metodologi. Fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer utgör uppsatsens empiriska material. Urvalet av intervjupersoner sammanstod av två män och två kvinnor som har utexaminerats med högskolekompetens från Háskólabrú Ke

Column screening for the separation of lignin-related phenolic compounds in lignosulfonate lignin using ultra-high-performance supercritical fluid chromatography

Introduction: This study attempts to optimize the choice of stationary phase for the separation of lignosulfonate lignin compounds using supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Background: Lignin is a potential renewable source of phenolic compounds. Lignosulfonate lignins are produced during pulping processes producing very complex mixtures, which are challenging to anal

Complementing the multi-level perspective with the coevolutionary framework to conceptualise barriers to sustainable transitions in agro-food industries

Sustainable transitions are essential to ensure climate and land systems do not go beyond their tipping points; however, these transitions are complex, and barriers to their success are difficult to conceptualise. The Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) is the dominant framework for conceptualising how industries transition to using green innovations. Despite the effectiveness of the MLP, it has weaknes

Socio-Economic Determinants of Ebola Outbreak Intensity and Severity: A Study of the West-African Outbreak in 2013-2016

This study uses a specifically constructed sub-national dataset on Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak cases, deaths, and CFR in order to look at the question of how important various socio-economic factors were in determining the intensity and severity of the 2013-2016 EVD outbreak in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The results of the OLS model shows that the socio-economic conditions in differ

Sustainable Development at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Norwegian Initiatives in India

The inclusion of the poor in the economy is of key importance to the global sustainable development agenda. However, the integration of low-income communities in the economy requires new approaches to innovation, management and sustainability. This thesis aims to investigate how Norwegian initiatives contribute to sustainable and inclusive development in India by analysing the experiences and outc