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Digital transformation inom svensk artrosvård

Ett nytt sätt att kombinera teoretiska modeller har genererat nya analyser inom området digital transformation av den svenska vården. Arbetet har utgått från kvalitativ data om nuvarande produkt, affärssituation och relation till organisationens omgivning och intressenter. Vidare har detta kombinerats med en branschanalys och modeller för framgångsrikt management för just digital transformation. B

Impact of Gamification on Social Network Platforms

This thesis examines the motivational drivers of gamification that influence the willingness to interact among platform end users. Two elements of gamification, reward and challenge were used as independent variables while playfulness, recognition, enjoyment and social influence served as mediating variables. By using TikTok as our case study, and collecting data from 281 respondents, the study so

Ambush Branding: A reconceptualization of ambush marketing from the ambusher’s perspective

Thesis purpose: The purpose is to explore ambush marketing by reconceptualizing the phenomenon from the ambusher’s perspective in the context of mega sports events. Methodology: This study conducted a relativist ontology and a constructionist epistemology to allow for the most relevant interpretations of the empirical data. This qualitative research adopts an inductive approach which reflects ove

Rättens diskursiva makt: en studie av det svenska rättsväsendets bemötande av häktningskritiken

The Swedish legal system has been under heavy criticism for its use and regulation of pre-trial detention since the beginning of the 90’s. The CPT and the CAT have been engaged in the issue, urging Swedish authorities to take action to address the critical conditions. Despite this, the conditions for pre-trial detention in Sweden appear unaltered. The Swedish legal system’s response to the heavy c

MIFO fas 1 inventering av förorenade områden i Eslövs kommun

En oaktsam hantering av kemikalier har länge präglat det svenska samhället. Vid utsläpp till miljön har många av dem givit upphov till ett stort antal förorenade områden, områden som idag riskerar att medföra olägenheter för människor och miljön. Genom att besvara frågor om vilka föroreningar som förekommer, i vilken mängd, deras spridningsförutsättningar samt hur människor och miljö kan exponerasIn this study, a risk assessment has been carried out at a closed fire station and a closed mechanical workshop in the Swedish municipality of Eslöv. The aim of this study is to investigate whether the activities at the sites may have caused pollution and assess how big a risk they pose to human health and the environment. The method being used to evaluate the risk is Method of Surveying Contamina

Ett hälsofrämjande arbetsklimat - upplevelser av kommunikationen i relation till organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö (OSA)

Studiens syfte undersöker hur kommunikationen, mellan medarbetare och chef inom restaurang- och cafébranschen, kan bidra till ett hälsofrämjande arbetsklimat. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och två strukturerade elektroniska intervjuer på två olika arbetsplatser, för att undersöka deltagarnas upplevelser om kommunikationen som rör ämnet orgaThe aim of this study explores how communication, between coworkers and managers in the restaurant and café business, can contribute to a health-promoting work climate. This is done by a qualitative method including four semi-structured interviews and two structured electronic interviews, on two different workplaces, to examine the participants’ experiences about the communication on the topic org

Varför kommer de? En kvalitativ studie om anledningarna till deltagande i vuxenutbildning på Island.

Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning av de incitament som ligger bakom människors beslut om att delta i vuxenutbildning. Vid genomförandet av studien har det utgåtts ifrån en hermeneutisk metodologi. Fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer utgör uppsatsens empiriska material. Urvalet av intervjupersoner sammanstod av två män och två kvinnor som har utexaminerats med högskolekompetens från Háskólabrú Ke

Column screening for the separation of lignin-related phenolic compounds in lignosulfonate lignin using ultra-high-performance supercritical fluid chromatography

Introduction: This study attempts to optimize the choice of stationary phase for the separation of lignosulfonate lignin compounds using supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Background: Lignin is a potential renewable source of phenolic compounds. Lignosulfonate lignins are produced during pulping processes producing very complex mixtures, which are challenging to anal

Complementing the multi-level perspective with the coevolutionary framework to conceptualise barriers to sustainable transitions in agro-food industries

Sustainable transitions are essential to ensure climate and land systems do not go beyond their tipping points; however, these transitions are complex, and barriers to their success are difficult to conceptualise. The Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) is the dominant framework for conceptualising how industries transition to using green innovations. Despite the effectiveness of the MLP, it has weaknes

Socio-Economic Determinants of Ebola Outbreak Intensity and Severity: A Study of the West-African Outbreak in 2013-2016

This study uses a specifically constructed sub-national dataset on Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak cases, deaths, and CFR in order to look at the question of how important various socio-economic factors were in determining the intensity and severity of the 2013-2016 EVD outbreak in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The results of the OLS model shows that the socio-economic conditions in differ

Sustainable Development at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Norwegian Initiatives in India

The inclusion of the poor in the economy is of key importance to the global sustainable development agenda. However, the integration of low-income communities in the economy requires new approaches to innovation, management and sustainability. This thesis aims to investigate how Norwegian initiatives contribute to sustainable and inclusive development in India by analysing the experiences and outc

Adverse Impacts - An Empirical Examination of the Impact of Climate Extremes on Inequality in India

Climate change is receiving more attention; the public debate has started to note its significance, and the consequences have started to show. How societies are interlinked with their environment is as evident in the 21st century as ever before. This study is an attempt to examine the relationship between climate change and inequality in India. Climate change is quantified by investigating climate

European Political Economy, Networked Interest and Sustainable Investment. A Conceptual and Qualifying Study on the Ability of Interest Groups to Influence Environmental Regulatory Outcomes: The European Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth, 2015-2019

To this day, the question of how economic development and lasting transformation take place remains both highly controversial and relevant for future growth perspectives. Questions of influence, representation of interests and power to shape legislation are faded out of the focus of economic research. By combining these aspects with network modelling techniques and a newly compiled dataset of 112

Abuse of Domestic Workers in Hong Kong

Today, an increasing portion of the world's population is moving from one country to another every year to work. In recent years there has been a feminisation of labour migration where women from developing countries respond to shortages in care work in developed countries, as domestic workers. Hong Kong is today considered one of the best places of destination for foreign domestic workers. Ev

Förutsättningar för biogas i Europa

Följande studie behandlar framtida biogasproduktion i Europa. Målet är att identifiera i vilka länder som det finns förutsättningar för tillväxt av produktion och användning av biogas samt möjligheter för en lönsam biogasproduktion i industriell skala. Med industriell skala menas en biogasanläggning som har en installerad kapacitet större än 2MWgas och kan därmed uppnå en lönsamhet vid produktion The following study addresses the future biogas production in Europe. The aim is to identify the prerequisites for growth of production and utilization of biogas as well as opportunities for profitable biogas production on an industrial scale. By industrial scale is meant a biogas plant that has an installed capacity greater than 2MWgas and can thus achieve a profitability in the production of bio

Synthesis of two pentadentate pyrazolyl derivatives of the N4Py ligand and their Iron (II) complexes

Högvalenta järn (IV)-oxo-komplex, där en oxidjon (O2-) är bunden till järnjonen, är ofta väldigt reaktiva molekyler och tros spela en viktig roll i många biologiska reaktioner. De antas vara de aktiva deltagarna i de reaktioner som så kallade oxygenas-enzymer utför. Med förhoppning om att kunna utnyttja dessa reaktioner industriellt har mycket forskning riktats mot att syntetisera kopior av dessa Oxygenases use molecular oxygen to oxidise a plethora of biologically important reactions. To gain access to these reactions on a synthetic, and in the longer run, an industrial scale research focused on mimicking the active oxidant species, synthesis and reactivity studies of high valent Fe(IV)-oxo complexes that function as mimics of the active sites in iron oxygenases has been performed in the

Brand Activism - the Battle Between Authenticity and Consumer Scepticism

Title: Brand Activism - the Battle Between Authenticity and Consumer Scepticism An explorative study on how consumers evaluate authenticity of brands that engage in brand activism Date of the Seminar: 2020-06-04 Course BUSN39 Authors: Karolina Kubiak & Sam Ouda Supervisor: Jon Bertilsson Keywords: Brand activism, Brand authenticity, Marketing scepticism, Brand trust, Branding Thesis purp

Klubba, Puck och Eget Kapital

Titel: Klubba, Puck och Eget kapital - En rapport om Svenska Ishockeyförbundets ekonomiska licenskrav Seminariedatum: 2020-06-03 Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning, Företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Oscar Lundquist, Erik Sandahl & Lukas Öberg Handledare: Gert Paulsson Nyckelord: Ishockey, licenskrav, eget kapital, nyckeltal, konkursprediktion, effektivitet. Syfte: Denna uTitle: Stick, Puck and Shareholders' Equity - A report of the Swedish Ice Hockey Association's financial license requirements Seminar date: 2020-06-03 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECTS Authors: Oscar Lundquist, Erik Sandahl & Lukas Öberg Advisor: Gert Paulsson Key words: Ice Hockey, license requirements, shareholders' equity, fi

Blir företag bättre med tiden? – En studie om hur företagsålder påverkar konkurrensfördelar inom IT-branschen

SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Blir företag bättre med tiden? – En studie om hur företagsålder påverkar konkurrensfördelar inom IT-branschen Seminariedatum: 2020–06–03 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19 Författare: Caroline Smedmark, Daniel Åhré & Frida Mattsson Handledare: Niklas L. Hallberg Nyckelord: IT-branschen, EBITDA-marginal, företagsålder, konkurrensfördelar Syfte: Studiens syfte är att

"We are actually doing this for real”: Organizational identity and identification when CSR is part of the business model

Title: “We are actually doing this for real”: Organizational identity and identification when CSR is part of the business model Seminar date: 1st of June 2020 Course: BUSN49 Degree Project in Managing People, Knowledge and Change Authors: Misha Voss Gustavsson & Olof Skäremo Supervisor: Monika Müller Key words: CSR, sustainable business model, organizational identity & organizational