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Structure-function relationships of hormone-sensitive lipase

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroppens fettceller innehåller en energidepå i form av s.k. triglycerider, en glycerolmolekyl med tre påkopplade fettsyror, som kan användas vid behov (fasta, arbete och dylikt). För att kroppens andra celler ska kunna använda fettdepåerna som energikälla, måste fettsyrorna frikopplas från glycerolmolekylen och skickas ut ur fettcellerna till blodet. Fettsyrorna transpoThe primary role of hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), an 84 kDa enzyme of 768 amino acids (in the rat protein), is to hydrolyse stored triacylglycerols in adipocytes of white adipose tissue. Catecholamines and insulin regulate lipolysis through cellular signalling. A major target of this regulation is HSL, activated through phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAMP-PK). Insulin activate

Identification of sex pheromone components of the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor.

Coupled gas chromatographic (GC)–electroantennographic detection (EAD) analyses of ovipositor extract of calling Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor, females revealed that seven compounds elicited responses from male antennae. Four of the compounds—(2S)-tridec-2-yl acetate, (2S,10Z)-10-tridecen-2-yl acetate, (2S,10E)-10- tridecen-2-yl acetate, and (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-ol—were identified previously

Taking pedagogic responsibility for the difference between plagiarism and cheating

The Swedish Higher Education Ordinance states1 in Chapter 8, section 1 (Svensk Förfat- tningssamling [SFS] 1993:100) that disciplinary action can be taken against a student who “at- tempt to deceive during examinations or when academic work is otherwise assessed”. Suspicion of such behaviour is to be reported to the disciplinary board, which in turn has to establish the students intent. The main f

The injured anterior cruciate ligament and neuromuscular rehabilitation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Två studier av icke-operativa behandlingsmetoder på patienter med främre korsbandsskada, redovisade i sex artiklar : 26 patienter med icke-akuta skador ingick i den första studien. Före träningen hade patienterna symtom med vikningar av knäet, svaghet i knäets sträckmuskulatur , nedsatt fysisk aktivitet och försämrad balans vid test stående på ett ben. Patienterna slumpTwo prospective, short-term and long-term consecutive randomized studies on non-surgical treated patients with an ACL injury were performed. None of the patients were athletes on a professional level. Outcome measures : isometric muscle strength and isokinetic musclefunction, one-leg hop test, single limb balance, Lysholm knee score and Tegner activity level. In study number one 26 patients with n

Choral Research: Remarks to a Global Bibliography

The choral research inventory at the Department of Musicology focuses mainly on research literature. It records publications from both a historical and transnational point of view and systematizes these publications along music pedagogical and music historical terms. It also aligns research strategies with respect to this field, which to some extent might be described as marginalized. As such, the

The Future of the Cognitive Revolution

he basic idea of the particular way of understanding mental phenomena that has inspired the "cognitive revolution" is that, as a result of certain relatively recent intellectual and technological innovations, informed theorists now possess a more powerfully insightful comparison or model for mind than was available to any thinkers in the past. The model in question is that of software, or the list

Subjectivity and communitas: Further considerations on pain.

Somatoform disorders are more common than many clinicians realize and are often underdiagnosed and poorly managed. This practical guide provides a comprehensive overview of all somatoform disorders. It aims to enable the mental health practitioner to properly diagnose and manage the disorders as well as to provide the appropriate advice to colleagues of other medical disciplines. Somatoform Diso

Ultra-fast dynamics in atoms and molecules during photoionization: from attoseconds to femtoseconds

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att en elektrisk urladdning ger upphov till ljus syns varje gång blixten slår ner. Den omvända processen, att ljus kan skapa en elektrisk urladdning, upptäcktes av Hertz 1887 som en parentes i utvecklingen av radiomottagare. Undersökningar av detta fenomen visade att elektroner bara kunde frigöras av ljus som hade tillräckligt hög frekvens (ultraviolett). Förklaringen aTreating the correlated behaviour of multiple particles is challenging for both theory and experiment. This thesis reports on a variety of experimental investigations aiming to advance the understanding of fundamental processes in atoms and molecules: double ionization, isomerization and dissociation. The emphasis lies on ultra-fast processes, where multiple electrons interact or nuclei move so ra

“Where There Is Dialogue, There Is Hope” : Nation, Gender and Transversal Dialogue in Belfast, Northern Ireland

This paper is a study of women in Belfast in two working-class ethno-national communities: Falls (Catholic/Nationalist/Republican) and Shankill (Protestant/Unionist/Loyalist). Theories of gendered nationalism and transversalism are used to analyze the material from a qualitative interview study. The study focuses on intersections of gender and nation: women’s identity as biological, cultural and n

Open-Label Trial of Atomoxetine Hydrochloride in Adults With ADHD

Background: While atomoxetine is an established treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, few studies have examined its efficacy for adults. Methods: Open-label trial of atomoxetine in 20 individuals with ADHD, aged 19-47 years, for 10 weeks, and a total of one year for responders. Results: Ten patients met primary efficacy criteria at 10 weeks. Only one patient co

Xylan degradation by the thermophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus. Characterization and function of a thermostable xylanase

Popular Abstract in Swedish Min avhandling består av sex delarbeten som redovisar olika undersökningar av ett värmestabilt enzym (xylanas). Detta enzym är isolerat från en bakterie (Rhodothermus marinus) som lever i varma källor (vid 55-77 °C) och enzymet förväntas alltså fungera vid dessa temperaturer. Enzymets uppgift i bakterien är att förse den med lagom långa kolhydratmolekyler som bakterien A gene encoding a multidomain xylanase from the thermophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus has been cloned, sequenced and produced in Escherichia coli . The gene product was found to be a 109 kDa protein consisting of five domains. The catalytic domain and the two polysaccharide binding domains (PBD, previously called carbohydrate binding domains) have been cloned and produced separately for func

Zeeman Interaction in Low-Dimensional III-V Semiconductor Structures

The Zeeman interaction in low-dimensional III-V semiconductor nanostructures is studied. The effective g-value of bulk InGaAs is measured by two different spin resonance techniques. Experimental conditions were found to control the Overhauser effect, thus enabling a highly accurate determination of the g-value, g* = -4.070 ± 0.005, being a prerequisite for theoretical modeling of low-dimensional

The Tree Theme Method® (TTM) som arbetsterapeutisk metod - en introduktion

Denna FoU-rapport ger dig en introduktion och översiktlig beskrivning av The Tree Theme Method® (TTM), en strukturerad och klientcentrerad metod. TTM är avsedd att användas av arbetsterapeuter efter fördjupad teoretisk och praktisk kurs (ges bland annat i FSAs regi). Metoden används huvudsakligen på klienter inom psykiatrisk vård men även klienter inom primärvård och smärtrehabilitering kan ha nyt