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Your search for "*" yielded 534177 hits

Separating semantic and perceptual factors in the picture superiority effect

Memory for pictures is known to surpass memory for corresponding concrete words, an effect often attributed to the more distinctive perceptual form of pictures. A consequence of this view is that picture superiority would not survive a transformation in which only semantic, not perceptual, features were preserved from study to test, such as studying a picture of a horse and recognising the word "h

Vibration Analysis of Underground Tunnel at High-Tech Facility

MAX-lab is a national laboratory operated jointly by the Swedish Research Council and Lund University. Nowadays it consists of three storage rings and one electron pre-accelerator. Due to the improvement of nanotechnology, a new storage ring is needed. Hence, MAX IV will be 100 times more efficient than already existing synchrotron radiation facilities, becoming a leading facility for studies of p

Remissvar rörande Officialprövningens omfattning (DS 2008:28)

1960 års Varumärkeslag har varit föremål för överväganden (SOU 2001:26), som dock ännu inte lett till ny lagstiftning. Propositionsarbetet pågår och ny lag förväntas träda i kraft under 2009. Rubricerade Departementspromemoria är en delutredning rörande officialprövningens fortbestånd i firma- och varumärkesrätten samt ett förslag om att Sverige ska ansluta sig till Singaporkonventionen. Fakultets

Modeling for Optimal PID Design

Even though PID controllers have been around for a long time, few industrial controllers use derivative action and the remaining PI controllers are often designed with formula-based tuning rules rather than through computer-based optimization. This paper will delve into some of the reasons behind these choices and show potential benefits of instead using software-based PID tuning. Three commonly u

Datorbaserat planeringsverktyg vid anpassning av bo- och arbetsmiljöer för fysiskt rörelsehindrade

Computer based planning tool for adaptation of living and working environments of physically disabled persons. When adapting living and working environments according to the needs of physically disabled users it is important to optimize design solutions already during the planning process. Therefore it is quite advantageous if the end-user can be involved in the design process to present her or hi