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Information Flow and Active Social Influence in Social Networks
Rewriting JGrafchart with Rewritable Reference Attribute Grammars
Grafchart is a graphical programming language for sequential control applications. It exists in two versions: the basic version (BV) and the high-level version (HLV). The currently used Grafchart tool, JGrafchart, only supports BV. To enable further research on HLV, it must be supported by JGrafchart. Since HLV is a superset of BV it is desirable to add it as an extension to the current implementa
Den absurdistiska teaterns pionjär
Abstract in Undetermined Obituary over Eugène Ionesco and an account of his dramatic œuvre
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The climate in the Baltic Sea region during the last millennium
Analysis of technology change in the energy sector: The use of experience curves to analyse cost reduction of renewable energy technology
The influence of soil pH on plant and microbial communities in sandy grasslands
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ovan jord & under ytan Sandstäpp är en hotad växtmiljö eftersom arealen av sandstäpp minskat avsevärt sedan Linnés tid (1700-talet). Vi ställde oss frågan varför den har minskat. För att kunna besvara den måste vi förstå vad växtarterna behöver och förstå hur kemin i marken fungerar. Dessutom vill vi lära oss hur markens organismer påverkas av minskningen av sandstSandy, calcareous grasslands are species rich temperate semi-natural grasslands. The species composition in 136 plots was analysed in relation to soil chemistry parameters; extractable P and N, soil pH and lime content. We found that that acidification and decalcification decrease species diversity and the number of red-listed species in these sandy grasslands. The microbial community was investig
Combustion regime influences on differential diffusion and reaction progress in lean premixed hydrogen/air flame: a detailed numerical study
The Tricky Road to Religious Freedom and How We Understand It: The Swedish Example
Bundle Adjustment using Conjugate Gradients with Multiscale Preconditioning
Bundle adjustment is a key component of almost any feature based 3D reconstruction system, used to compute accurate estimates of calibration parameters and structure and motion configurations. These problems tend to be very large, often involving thousands of variables. Thus, efficient optimization methods are crucial. The traditional Levenberg Marquardt algorithm with a direct sparse solver can be
Presidential address: A look at the potential future of parapsychology with help from a regression to the hypnotic past.
The development and validation of a simulation tool for assessment of the use of and costs for energy in paper drying processes
This report includes a description of a newly developed simulation tool for energy mapping of different paper drying processes. The simulation tool includes models for three different types of paper dryers and for a coating station and various units used for heat recovery. The models were developed in the block oriented simulation program Extend. The Extend software is briefly described and the eq
Spatial Frequency Sensitivity Differences between Adults of Good and Poor Reading Ability
purpose. To determine whether normal adults of good and poor reading ability exhibit different patterns of sensitivity to spatial frequency, as previously found between dyslexic and nondyslexic control subjects. methods. The visual acuity, spatial frequency sensitivity, and reading ability of 96 normal, nondyslexic adults was assessed. Participants were ranked according to reading ability. The to
Induction Generator Stability Simulations
A component-based approach to the design of networked control systems
Component-based techniques revolve around composable, reusable software objects that shield the application level software from the details of the hardware and low-level software implementation and vice versa. Components provide many benefits that have led to their wide adoption in software and middleware developed for embedded systems: They are well-defined entities that can be replaced without a