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Regular column on theatre in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).
Collective Identity Formation among Professionals, Illustrated by the Case of Social Workers
Studies of nucleus-nucleus interactions at relativistic energies
[abstract missing]
Polymeric micro cantilevers with complementary micro channel system for biochemical analysis
A 65 nm CMOS varactorless mm-wave VCO
Building resilience to climate change – an alternative approach to reduce vulnerability of mountain communities
The sound of music in contemporary theological aesthetics : Listening to the proper range of art's contribution to religion
An Approach to Adaptive Control Using Real Time Identification
An adaptive controller consisting of a real time identifier and a minimum variance regulator is discussed. The identification is done by augmenting the state with the unknown parameters of the process. This usually leads to a non-linear filtering problem. By choosing a model of special structure the problem can, however, be reduced to a linear problem. The control law is derived using stochastic o
Remissvar: Offentliga valförberedelser - Anmälan av partier och kandidater
Premiär för en ny baltistansk tidning
High performance self compacting concrete, HPSCC
Ekonomiska brott och egendomsbrott
Planning for evaluation of low energy buildings´ performance after a few years of operating
Both within Europe and Sweden energy requirements gradually are becoming more stringent in order to increase the share of new buildings with low energy use. However, if the construction and property owners sectors shall make decisions, about larger investments within the field of low energy buildings, a complete evaluation of the buildings´ performance after a few years of operation is needed. Acc
Warnings/Wrath and promises/reward as pathos-appeals in Hebrews
ASEAN and the New North-East Asia
Den osynliga materien – Polhem och Swedenborg om materiens innersta struktur
Electrophysiological correlates of competitor activation predict individual differences in retrieval-induced forgetting
The development of NEXT STEP beyond Lean Production - The link between technology and economics with focus on sustainable developments
The paper provides a brief presentation of different production philosophies and their characteristics. How the one builds upon the other, and how those characteristics considered to be positive and of strong current interest are taken advantage of by developments underway in any given period are examined. Developmental trends that are evolving (NEXT STEP) or that can serve to complement the Lean