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A component-based approach to the design of networked control systems

Component-based techniques revolve around composable, reusable software objects that shield the application level software from the details of the hardware and low-level software implementation and vice versa. Components provide many benefits that have led to their wide adoption in software and middleware developed for embedded systems: They are well-defined entities that can be replaced without a

Interference Suppression in Non-coherent Time-Hopping IR-UWB Ranging

Ranging requires detection of the first arriving signal component. The accuracy of time-of-arrival-based range estimation is greatly degraded in the presence of multi-user interference (MUI). We develop a method that applies a nonlinear filter on received signal energy to suppress multiuser interference. Then, leading signal path is tracked via an iterative searchback algorithm. The method is test

A note on Isomorphism and Identity

This note argues that, insofar as contemporary mathematics is concerned, there is overwhelming evidence that if mathematical objects are structures, then isomorphism should not be taken as their identity condition. This goes against a common version of structuralism in the philosophical literature. Four areas are presented in which identifying isomorphic structures or objects leads to contradictio

From Cue to Recall : The Temporal Dynamics of Long-Term Memory Retrieval

Popular Abstract in Swedish En av de mest fundamentala funktionerna för vårt långtidsminne är funktionen att kunna plocka fram ett specifikt minne när vi stöter på en ledtråd som är relaterad till detta minne. Ett vardagsexempel på sådan ledtrådsstödd långtidsminnesframplockning är om en vän frågar dig hur långt ett maraton är (en ledtråd som sökningen i långtidsminnet kan baseras på) och du lyckaA fundamental function of long-term memory is the ability to retrieve a specific memory when encountering a retrieval cue. The purpose of this dissertation was to further our understanding of such cued recall by investigating the temporal dynamics from the presentation of the retrieval cue until the target memory is recalled. Retrieval cues are often related with several memories. When such a retr