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Physical performance, toxicity, and quality of life as assessed by the physician and the patient

The aim of this study was to study the relationship between physician-assessed quality of life parameters, i.e., toxicity and physical performance, and patients' self-reports of their quality of life (QoL). QoL was assessed at baseline and before each treatment. using the EORTC QLQ-C30. The WHO performance score (PS) and toxicity were assessed in physician interviews. The correlations between the

Thromboprophylactic effect of low molecular weight heparin started in the evening before elective general abdominal surgery: a comparison with low-dose heparin

A prospective randomized double-blind trial was performed comparing conventional low-dose heparin with a LMWH fragment (Kabi 2165, Fragmin) for thromboprophylaxis in elective general abdominal surgical patients. The first dose of the fragment was given in the evening before surgery, and thereafter every evening. There were 1002 analyzable patients, 826 having received correct prophylaxis. Sixty th

Can Economic Theory Explain Piracy Behavior?

This paper investigates if economic theory can explain variations in piracy behavior between individuals and between countries. It is demonstrated that economic theory explains a notable part of the individual variation in a survey study. Individuals with a low net valuation of an original when a copy is available are more prone to engage in piracy than individuals with a higher valuation. Individ

The Dirichlet problem for p-harmonic functions on metric spaces

We study the Dirichlet problem for p-harmonic functions (and p-energy minimizers) in bounded domains in proper, pathconnected metric measure spaces equipped with a doubling measure and supporting a Poincare inequality. The Dirichlet problem has previously been solved for Sobolev type boundary data, and we extend this result and solve the problem for all continuous boundary data. We study the regul

On the formation of the resonance lines of helium in the Sun

To investigate the cause of anomalously bright resonance lines of helium in the Sun, we have studied the magnitude of the enhancements and some proposals made to explain them. Calculations in new semiempirical solar models indicate that the resonance lines of helium are enhanced by factors of 2-5 for He I and between 2 and 9 for He II, depending on the elemental abundances assumed. These enhanceme

Multivariate analysis of chromosomal imbalances in breast cancer delineates cytogenetic pathways and reveals complex relationships among imbalances.

More than 550 breast adenocarcinomas with clonal chromosomal abnormalities have been reported. Although the aberration pattern is clearly nonrandom, no specific primary or secondary karyotypic abnormality has been identified, and furthermore the chronological order in which the aberrations appear during disease progression is not well known. The high degree of karyotypic complexity in epithelial t

Evolution of Shapes in 59Cu

High-spin states in Cu-59 were populated using the fusion-evaporation reaction Si-28 + Ca-40 at a beam energy of 122 MeV. The Gammasphere Ge-detector array in conjunction with the 4pi charged-particle detector array Microball allowed for the detection of gamma-rays in coincidence with evaporated light particles. The resulting extensive high-spin decay scheme of Cu-59 is presented, which comprises

Från Jernverk till Hjärnverk : Ungdomstidens omvandling i Ronneby under tre generationer

Popular AbstractAvsikten med denna avhandling är att utveckla en teori om de försvårade villkor som män ur arbetarklassen och den lägre medelklassen upplevt i Ronneby sedan början av 1900-talet; om hur traditionen att snabbt komma ut i arbetslivet — som bland män i Ronneby i det närmaste har varit likvärdigt med att bli vuxen — ersatts av ett behov att senarelägga vuxenblivandet. Bakgrunden är attThe place is Ronneby, a smallish town in southern Sweden. My subjects are working class and lower middle class men in Ronneby, men who — since the beginning of the century — have encountered changing conditions for reaching adulthood. In this dissertation, I will analyse these changing and increasingly difficult conditions and try to explain how the tradition of starting to work early in life, and

Basic helix-loop-helix proteins expressed during early embryonic organogenesis.

The basic helix–loop–helix proteins form a special group of transcription factors unique for the eukaryotic organisms. They are crucial for the embryonic development of many fundamental organ systems such as muscle, heart, central nervous system, hematopoiteic system, and many others. They are very flexible in terms of regulating transcription in that they can either promote or repress transcripti

Stadens struktur : varför och hur?

Popular Abstract in Swedish Varför ser staden ut som den gör? Vilka krafter ligger bakom bebyggelsens och transportsystemets utformning? Vad eller vilka aktörer har inflytande över hur staden utformas? Hur kan internationella olikheter i städers utformning förklaras? De krafter som formar staden är många och komplexa. Stadens struktur har under historiens gång påverkats av bland annat nya teknologWhy do cities appear the way they do? What are the underlying forces that contribute to its built environment and transport system? What/whom are the factors/actors that influence the ways in which the city is shaped? How can the international differences in the shape of cities be explained? The driving forces that shape the city are numerous and complex. City structure, has through the ages, been

Functional Adaptation of BabA, the H. pylori ABO Blood Group Antigen Binding Adhesin

Adherence by Helicobacter pylori increases the risk of gastric disease. Here, we report that more than 95% of strains that bind fucosylated blood group antigen bind A, B, and O antigens (generalists), whereas 60% of adherent South American Amerindian strains bind blood group O antigens best (specialists). This specialization coincides with the unique predominance of blood group O in these Amerindi