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From Cue to Recall : The Temporal Dynamics of Long-Term Memory Retrieval

Popular Abstract in Swedish En av de mest fundamentala funktionerna för vårt långtidsminne är funktionen att kunna plocka fram ett specifikt minne när vi stöter på en ledtråd som är relaterad till detta minne. Ett vardagsexempel på sådan ledtrådsstödd långtidsminnesframplockning är om en vän frågar dig hur långt ett maraton är (en ledtråd som sökningen i långtidsminnet kan baseras på) och du lyckaA fundamental function of long-term memory is the ability to retrieve a specific memory when encountering a retrieval cue. The purpose of this dissertation was to further our understanding of such cued recall by investigating the temporal dynamics from the presentation of the retrieval cue until the target memory is recalled. Retrieval cues are often related with several memories. When such a retr

Tibetan Refugees As Objects Of Development: Indian Development Philosophy And Refugee Resistance In The Establishment Of Lukzung Samdrupling, The First Tibetan Refugee Settlement In India.

The paper looks at the development philosophy behind the establishment of the Lukzum Samdrupling, the first Tibetan refugee settlement in India and how it was received by the refugees. After reviewing Chinese development concepts in the 1950’s and 1960’s with an emphasis on Tibet, the paper explores the central concepts of Indian development philosophy at that time, such as cooperative, scientific

Hail the Tattletale

In the US, whistle blowers who help uncover illegal offlabel promotion are usually awarded 15-25 percent of any recovered damages. Does incentivizing informants deter off-label drug marketing – and should other countries follow suit?