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Your search for "*" yielded 533866 hits

Centennial-long trends of lake browning show major effect of afforestation

Observations of increasing water color and organic carbon concentrations in lakes are widespread across the Northern Hemisphere. The drivers of these trends are debated. Declining atmospheric sulfur deposition has been put forward as an important underlying factor, since recovery from acidification enhances mobility of organic matter from surrounding soils. This would suggest that the current brow

Fracture of laminated bamboo and the influence of preservative treatments

Treated bamboo can be made into large, durable structural elements which have the potential to become a transformative large-scale building material, but the fracture behaviour which determines their ultimate strength in various loading scenarios has not been studied. Laminated bamboo is a promising structural engineered bamboo material, and is generally made from bamboo treated to improve its dur

Den svenska supply chain-panelen : Supply Chain Risk Management

Den sjätte studien är fokuserad på Supply chain risk management (SCRM), d.v.s. vi försöker förstå hur företag identifierar, analyserar och hanterar risker i sin försörjningskedja. Det gäller både i Risk Management i interna logistikflöden (egna lager, egna fabriker, transporter mellan egna anläggningar etc) men framför allt Supply Chain Risk Management i externa försörjningskedjor (leverantörer, u

Manganese transporter genetics and sex modify the association between environmental manganese exposure and neurobehavioral outcomes in children

There is increasing evidence that environmental manganese (Mn) exposure early in life can have negative effects on children's neurodevelopment and increase the risk of behavioral problems, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Factors that may contribute to differences in sensitivity to Mn exposure are sex and genetic variation of proteins involved in the regulation of Mn conc

Geographic proximity is associated with transmission of suicidal behaviour among siblings

Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify the role of ‘contagion’, or social transmission, in risk of suicidal behaviour (SB) among siblings. Methods: We followed Swedish sibling pairs until one of them (S1; N = 111,848) was registered for a suicide attempt or completion. We tested the effect of geographic proximity between siblings on risk of a first SB registration of S1's sibling (S2). To

Position representation of effective electron-electron interactions in solids

An essential ingredient in many model Hamiltonians, such as the Hubbard model, is the effective electron-electron interaction U, which enters as matrix elements in some localized basis. These matrix elements provide the necessary information in the model, but the localized basis is incomplete for describing U. We present a systematic scheme for computing the manifestly basis-independent dynamical

Patients' and physicians' disagreement on patients' understanding of clinical cancer trial information : A pairwise pilot study of mirroring subjective assessments compared with objective measurements

Background: Informed consent is a prerequisite for patients included in clinical trials. Trial design, inclusion criteria and legal requirements are increasingly complex. This complexity challenges design and delivery of written and oral trial information to ensure understandable information. To evaluate the level of concordance between patients' and informing physicians' assessments regarding pat

Albumin infusion rate and plasma volume expansion : A randomized clinical trial in postoperative patients after major surgery

Background: Optimal infusion rate of colloids in patients with suspected hypovolemia is unknown, and the primary objective of the present study was to test if plasma volume expansion by 5% albumin is greater if fluid is administered slowly rather than rapidly. Methods: Patients with signs of hypoperfusion after major abdominal surgery were randomized to intravenous infusion of 5% albumin at a dose

An open multi-physics framework for modelling wildland-urban interface fire evacuations

Fire evacuations at wildland-urban interfaces (WUI) pose a serious challenge to the emergency services, and are a global issue affecting thousands of communities around the world. This paper presents a multi-physics framework for the simulation of evacuation in WUI wildfire incidents, including three main modelling layers: wildfire, pedestrians, and traffic. Currently, these layers have been mostl

Risk of subsequent primary leukaemias among 69,460 five-year survivors of childhood cancer diagnosed from 1940 to 2008 in Europe: A cohort study within PanCareSurFup

Background: Survivors of childhood cancers are at risk of developing subsequent primary leukaemias (SPLs), but the long-term risks beyond 20 years of treatment are still unclear. We investigated the risk of SPLs in five-year childhood cancer survivors using a large-scale pan-European (PanCareSurFup) cohort and evaluated variations in the risk by cancer and demographic factors. Methods: This larges

Strategic communication management in the non-profit adult literacy sector

In 2007 more than a quarter (26%) of the South African adult population was functionally illiterate. As a result many non-profit organisations (NPOs) in South Africa strive to raise adult literacy levels. Adult illiteracy leads to problems such as, amongst others, high levels of unemployment, poverty and crime.Most NPOs do not practice strategic communication management to build strong, lasting an

Early recognition and treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms to improve quality of life in early Alzheimer's disease : Protocol of the BEAT-IT study

Background: Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are very common in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia and are associated with various disadvantageous clinical outcomes including a negative impact on quality of life, caregiver burden, and accelerated disease progression. Despite growing evidence of the efficacy of (non)pharmacological interventions to re

The importance of emotional distress, cognitive behavioural factors and pain for life impact at baseline and for outcomes after rehabilitation - A SQRP study of more than 20,000 chronic pain patients

Although literature concerning chronic pain patients indicates that cognitive behavioural variables, specifically acceptance and fear of movement/(re)injury, are related to life impact, the relative roles of these factors in relation to pain characteristics (e.g. intensity and spreading) and emotional distress are unclear. Moreover, how these variables affect rehabilitation outcomes in different s

Transition governance for energy efficiency - Insights from a systematic review of Swedish policy evaluation practices

Background: The transition towards a more sustainable energy system is urgent for addressing global environmental and social challenges, and will require transformative changes including improved energy efficiency in the built environment. To reach identified efficiency potentials, various policy instruments have been introduced but their effects are often unclear. In this paper, we argue that the

Serum biomarkers for prediction of response to methotrexate monotherapy in early rheumatoid arthritis : Results from the SWEFOT trial

Objective. To investigate baseline levels of 12 serum biomarkers that constitute a multibiomarker disease activity test, as predictors of response to methotrexate (MTX) in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (eRA). Methods. In 298 patients from the Swedish Pharmacotherapy (SWEFOT) clinical trial, baseline serum levels of 12 proteins were analyzed for association with disease activity based on