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Gender differences in self-reported drinking-induced disinhibition of sexual behaviors

Sex and drinking go hand-in-hand in Western societies. Men also tend to report more sexual disinhibition under the influence of alcohol and drugs than women. At a vacation resort, we conducted a survey of young men and women regarding self-reported alcohol-related sexual disinhibition (ARSD), and we administered the Drinking-Induced Disinhibition Scale (DIDS). We made several comparisons of behavi

A numerical prediction on heat transfer characteristics from a circular tube in supercritical fluid crossflow

Studies on fluids at supercritical pressure have been developed in a rapid-growth manner so that geometries are not restricted to circular tube. This paper is devoted to conduct a brief review of the recent main experiments on supercritical fluids such as CO 2 , water, R134a and n-decane, and to comment the findings. In addition, this paper discusses the probability of supercritical fluids flowi

Pharmacokinetics of budesonide enema in patients with distal ulcerative colitis or proctitis

Pharmacokinetic data obtained after one dose of a 2-mg budesonide enema were compared with data obtained after the last dose of four weeks of daily treatment in 24 patients with active distal ulcerative colitis or proctitis. This open multicentre study involved 28 eligible patients. Sigmoidoscopy and biopsy scores improved significantly (P < 0.002) during the four-week treatment period. Maximal plPharmacokinetic data obtained after one dose of a 2-mg budesonide enema were compared with data obtained after the last dose of four weeks of daily treatment in 24 patients with active distal ulcerative colitis or proctitis. This open multicentre study involved 28 eligible patients. Sigmoidoscopy and biopsy scores improved significantly (P < 0.002) during the four-week treatment period. Maximal pl

A controlled randomized trial of budesonide versus prednisolone retention enemas in active distal ulcerative colitis

Sixty-four patients with active distal ulcerative colitis participated in a multicentre, randomized, investigator-blind trial to compare the effect of budesonide enema, 2 mg/100 ml, with prednisolone disodium phosphate enema, 31.25 mg/100 ml. Budesonide is a new potent corticosteroid with a rapid first-pass elimination. The patients were treated for 4 weeks, and the efficacy of the drugs were evalSixty-four patients with active distal ulcerative colitis participated in a multicentre, randomized, investigator-blind trial to compare the effect of budesonide enema, 2 mg/100 ml, with prednisolone disodium phosphate enema, 31.25 mg/100 ml. Budesonide is a new potent corticosteroid with a rapid first-pass elimination. The patients were treated for 4 weeks, and the efficacy of the drugs were eval

Absorption and lymphatic transport of exogenous and endogenous arachidonic and linoleic acid in the rat

[3H]Arachidonic (20:4) and [14C]linoleic acid (18:2) were fed to thoracic duct-cannulated rats in test meals of either tracers alone, cream, Intralipid, pure arachidonic acid, or pure linoleic acid. Less [3H]20:4 than [14C]18:2 was recovered in chyle during the first 5 h. After cream feeding, the proportion of radioactivity found in phospholipids was high and increased during the first 3 h. After [3H]Arachidonic (20:4) and [14C]linoleic acid (18:2) were fed to thoracic duct-cannulated rats in test meals of either tracers alone, cream, Intralipid, pure arachidonic acid, or pure linoleic acid. Less [3H]20:4 than [14C]18:2 was recovered in chyle during the first 5 h. After cream feeding, the proportion of radioactivity found in phospholipids was high and increased during the first 3 h. After

Hydrolysis och chylomicron arachidonate and linoleate ester bonds by lipoprotein lipase and heaptic lipase

Chylomicrons labeled with [3H]arachidonic and [14C]linoleic acid were incubated with bovine milk lipoprotein lipase or rat postheparin plasma, containing both lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase. During incubation with bovine lipoprotein lipase, [3H]arachidonic acid was released from chylomicron triacylglycerols at a slower rate than [14C]linoleic acid. Only small amounts of [14C]linoleic acid w

Longitudinal enumeration and cluster evaluation of circulating tumor cells improve prognostication for patients with newly diagnosed metastatic breast cancer in a prospective observational trial

Background: Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) carry independent prognostic information in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) on different lines of therapy. Moreover, CTC clusters are suggested to add prognostic information to CTC enumeration alone but their significance is unknown in patients with newly diagnosed MBC. We aimed to evaluate whether longitudinal enumeration of circulating tumo

Magnesium status in Crohns disease as evaluated by intracellular analysis and intravenous magnesium infusion

The magnesium status was evaluated in 30 subjects with Crohn's disease and in 30 controls. Subjects with Crohn's disease had lower concentrations of magnesium in muscle biopsy specimens (p less than 0.001), mononuclear cells (p less than 0.05), and in urine collected during 24 h (p less than 0.001) as compared with controls. After intravenous infusion of 60 mmol magnesium and 80 mmol potassium to

Djurparkens inneboende mörker

Fotografen Julia Lindemalm frågar sig i boken Zoo World vilken rätt vi har att ställa ut levande varelser. I artikeln presenteras Julia Lindemalms fotoprojekt.

Origins of superstructure ordering and incommensurability in stuffed CoSn-type phases

The CoSn structure type contains large interstitial void spaces that frequently host electropositive guest atoms, such as rare earth elements. In this stuffing process, an intriguing ordering occurs between the neighboring void spaces leading to a family of long-period superstructures comprising intergrowths of the ScFe6Ge6 and ScFe6Ga 6 structure types. This superstucture ordering culminates in i

The structure of α-Zn4Sb3 : Ordering of the phonon-glass thermoelectric material β-Zn4Sb3

β-Zn4Sb3 is an outstanding thermoelectric material mainly due to its extraordinarily low thermal conductivity, which is similar to that of glasses. Recently it was proposed that interstitial Zn atoms are responsible for this peculiar behavior. Here we report on the crystal and electronic stucture of the low-temperature polymorph α-Zn4Sb3. During the reversible phase transition the intricate disord

LaSeTe2 - Temperature Dependent Structure Investigation and Electron Holography on a Charge-Density-Wave-Hosting Compound

Single crystals of LaSeTe2 have been prepared by reaction of the elements in a LiCl/RbCl flux at 970 K for seven days. Satellite reflections observed in diffraction experiments indicate the presence of an incommensurate lattice distortion, which is of the charge-density-wave (CDW) type. The modulated structure has been solved from X-ray data at 173, 293, and 373 K. LaSeTe2 crystallizes in the 3+1-

Mental health literacy among vocational rehabilitation professionals and their perception of employers in the return-to-work process

BACKGROUND: Individuals with mental health problems often need support from vocational rehabilitation professionals in their return-To-work (RTW) process. Research has shown that this support can be deficient, with vocational rehabilitation professionals lacking relevant knowledge and an underlying belief in the individual's ability to resume a working life. More understanding is therefore needed

Artificial night lighting affects dawn song, extra-pair siring success, and lay date in songbirds

Associated with a continued global increase in urbanization[1], anthropogenic light pollution is an important problem[2]. However, our understanding of the ecological conse-quences of light pollution is limited [2–4]. We investigatedeffects of artificial night lighting on dawn song in fivecommon forest-breeding songbirds. In four species, malesnear street lights started singing significantly earli