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Conclusions: Options for Effective Climate Governance beyond 2012

The diversity of the contributions to this volume illustrates the complexity of the challenge. Climate change is a governance problem that needs to be analysed, and addressed, at multiple levels, in multiple sectors, and with a view to multiple actors. In searching for policy options that go beyond current negotiations, the contributions thus addressed issues as diverse as international carbon mar

Inducible nitric oxide synthase in experimental urinary tract infection

Popular Abstract in Swedish Urinvägsinfektion är en av de vanligaste förekommande bakteriella infektioner hos människa och vid 30 års ålder har var femte kvinna någon gång varit drabbad. 80% av alla urinvägsinfektioner orsakas av bakterien Escherichia coli (E. coli). Urinväginfektion kan ge sig till känna i två former. Vid den vanligaste och inte fullt så allvarliga formen, cystit (blåskatarr), ärUrinary tract infection (UTI) is among the most common bacterial infections in humans and the majority are caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli). Abundant evidence indicates that nitric oxide (NO) produced by the inducible NO synthase (iNOS) plays an important role in host defense against infection. This thesis examines iNOS expression in experimental UTI models. The rat and pig bladder urothelium

The human cationic antimicrobial protein (hCAP-18) is expressed in the epithelium of human epididymis, is present in seminal plasma at high concentrations, and is attached to spermatozoa

Innate immunity is important for the integrity of the host against potentially invasive pathogenic microorganisms in the environment. Antibiotic peptides with broad antimicrobial activity are part of the innate immune system. We investigated the presence of the cathelicidin, human cationic antimicrobial protein (hCAP-18), in the male reproductive system. We found strong expression of the hCAP-18 g

Pyrolysis modelling within CFD codes

This chapter focuses on the description of a pyrolysis model which can be used for implementation within computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes. The pyrolysis model is available from the literature and includes both thermal heat transfer in the solid phase as well as chemical kinetics. Besides the description of the model, the way how to obtain input parameters is discussed in this chapter and t

Lung Transplantation: Clinical and experimental studies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Transplantation av lungor är ett relativt nytt behandlingsalternativ vid svår lung-sjukdom. Den första lungtransplantationen på människa gjordes 1963. Patienten dog efter 18 dagar i njursvikt. Mellan 1963 och 1980 gjordes ca 40 lungtransplantationer i världen med nedslående resultat. Medianöverlevnaden var enbart 8,5 dagar och den patient som levde längst levde bara 6 mDuring the past 15 years lung transplantation has been established as a therapeutic option for patients with end-stage pulmonary disease. The results have improved over time and some transplantation centers now show 1-year survival rates above 80%. The number of donors has remained relatively constant during later years but the demand is increasing resulting in longer waiting times and an increasi

Forskning om åldrande och boende

Under rubrikerna Åldrandet; Äldre mlänniskors livsmönster; Utevistelse och hälsa och Särskilt boende presenteras forskning om äldres miljö.

Bladder exstrophy : Clinical and experimental aspects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blåsexstrofi är en ovanlig och mångfasetterad missbildning. I hela Sverige föds cirka tre barn om året med blåsexstrofi. Bukvägg och urinblåsa är öppna nedanför naveln, så att man ser blåsans insida samt rinnande urin. Flickorna har en delad clitoris, framflyttad och trång slidöppning samt framflyttad ändtarmsöppning. Pojkarna har en kort, öppen penis, som ligger uppfälBladder exstrophy is a complex malformation seen in 1/30 000. Most children are subject to repeated operations, including pelvic osteotomy, genital and bladder neck reconstruction and sometimes bladder augmentation or a urinary reservoir, to achieve continence and a normal genital function. A retrospective study of all Swedish children born 1970-89 showed a low continence rate, 17% , and a high r

Technical Measures to Prevent and Mitigate the Consequences of Arson in School Buildings

Fires in school buildings caused by arson are a major problem in Sweden and in particular are the costs of these fires disproportionately high compared to the costs of fires in buildings in general. The Swedish Research Board initiated a multidisciplinary project in order to reduce the number and consequences of arson fires in schools. Both technical and social aspects have been dealt within this

Spaces of urbanity. From the village square to the boulevard

Urbanism is much more than simply an agglomeration of houses : it is a particular way of living space. Our considerations starts out from some of the historically prominent figures of urbanity, such as the market-place, the boulevard and the coffee house. Semiotics of space may either involve a certain number of elementary building-blocks being combined in particular ways, much as language is ; or

Yrkesutbildning för morgondagens arbetsliv

Det politiska intresset för gymnasial yrkesutbildning och framför allt för lärlingsutbildning fortsätter att vara högt. Sedan 1990-talet har yrkesutbildningen i Sverige genomgått flera omfattande reformer. År 2011 infördes reguljära lärlingsutbildningar. Hösten 2013 blev lärlingsutbildningen föremål för nya politiska initiativ. Ambitionen är att genomföra ett »systemskifte « och lägga upp lärling

System dynamics and goal-oriented measurement: a hybrid approach

Goal-oriented measurement following the Goal/Question/Metric (GQM) approach is a well-defined and powerful tool in software management and decision-support. This chapter proposes the integration of GQM with a mature software process simulation approach, System Dynamics, in order to further enhance software managers' analytic, explorative, and decision-making capability. The proposed hybrid approac