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The shaken baby syndrome report was not the result of a conspiracy. Response to Dr. Narang et al.
Clinical practice of BOTOX® treatment for overactive bladder syndrome in Sweden : an assessment of resource use and external validity
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the resource use of treating overactive bladder (OAB) patients in real-world clinical practice and to evaluate whether there is external validity in the treatment of OAB in clinical practice. Materials and methods: The study included 55 patients suffering from OAB and treated with BOTOX® at two Swedish clinics. The study was conducted as an anon
Inequality and the working class in Scandinavia 1800-1910 : Workers' share of growing incomes
One of the major ways in which economic inequality can increase is when the development of wages of ordinary workers trail productivity and GDP growth, meaning that the increasing riches fall in the hand of other social groups (top employees, owners of land and capital). This paper investigates the relationship between wages and GDP in Denmark, Norway and Sweden from 1800 to 1910, using wage serie
Academic output of 9 years of EU investment into health research
Difficulties of tracing health research funded by the European Union
OBJECTIVE: European Union (EU) information from research projects, including key findings, should be available on the European Commission's Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) database. We describe the results of the Health Research for Europe (HR4E) project which aimed to synthesize results of health research from the EU's Fifth and Sixth Framework Programmes (FP5 and
Routine coagulation tests on ICU admission are associated with mortality in sepsis : an observational study
Background: Low platelet count on admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) is associated with increased mortality and is thus included in some severity scoring systems such as the simplified acute physiologic score 3 (SAPS 3); however it is unclear whether other routine coagulation tests also predict mortality. The purpose of this retrospective single-centre study was to investigate whether activ
Activated protein C resistance due to a common factor V gene mutation is a major risk factor for venous thrombosis
Inherited resistance to activated protein C (APC) was recently discovered to be a cause of familial thrombophilia and is now known to be the most common genetic risk factor for venous thrombosis. It is caused by a single point mutation in the gene for factor V, which predicts substitution or arginine (R) at position 506 with a glutamine (Q). Accordingly, the activated form of mutated factor V (FVa
Factor V:Q506 mutation and anticardiolipin antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus
Inherited resistance to activated protein C (APC resistance) is an important risk factor of venous thrombosis. It is caused by a point mutation in the gene coding for coagulation factor V, called FV:Q506. Arterio-venous thrombosis is a common and serious medical problem in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We studied the prevalence of the factor V mutation associated with APC resis
Molecular mechanisms controlling phosphate-induced downregulation of the yeast Pho84 phosphate transporter
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, phosphate uptake is mainly dependent on the proton-coupled Pho84 permease under phosphate-limited growth conditions. Phosphate addition causes Pho84-mediated activation of the protein kinase A (PKA) pathway as well as rapid internalization and vacuolar breakdown of Pho84. We show that Pho84 undergoes phosphate-induced phosphorylation and subsequent ubiquitination on am
Det civila samhällets historia - begreppet, fenomenet och debatten
Kapitlet skärskådar begreppet ”det civila samhället”. Det beskriver hur det historiskt har tillskrivits olika betydelser, vilket naturligtvis vållat debatt! Kapitlet diskuterar hur civilsamhället och det sociala arbetet förhåller sig till varandra både historiskt och begreppsligt. Den svenska välfärdsstatens utveckling och det civila samhällets roll behandlas både genom att synliggöra hur utveckli
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Relation to EC Legislation
The first part of the article is an outline of the nature of sexual harassment, its extent and the growing awareness of it. The second part considers why there was a need for a community initiative and looks at the extent of sexual harassment in the Member States, the consequences of sexual harassment, legal remedies and the impact it has on the community's principles, including health and safety
Swirl influence on mixing and reactive flows
The interaction of two confined coaxial jets has been studied using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Annular jet flows over 8 flat blade swirl generator. Numerical simulation uses RNG k- ϵ turbulence model. These models are suitable for turbulent swirl dominated flows. Intermediate swirl injector has been simulated and the flow patterns for non-reactive and reactive cases are contrasted. Low swirling
Covalent attachment of actin filaments to Tween 80 coated polystyrene beads for cargo transportation
In this manuscript, a new strategy has been reported for circumscribed covalent attachment of barbed and pointed ends of actin filaments to polystyrene beads. A comparative study of attachment of actin filaments to polystyrene beads was performed by blocking functionally active sites on polystyrene beads with nonionic detergents such as Tween 20, Tween 80 and polyethylene glycol (PEG). Effective b
Protocol-driven neurological prognostication and withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy after cardiac arrest and targeted temperature management
Background Brain injury is reportedly the main cause of death for patients resuscitated after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). However, the majority may actually die following withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy (WLST) with a presumption of poor neurological recovery. We investigated how the protocol for neurological prognostication was used and how related treatment recommendations might
Comparison of citrated and fresh whole blood for viscoelastic coagulation testing during elective neurosurgery
Background Previous viscoelastic haemostatic tests studies have often indicated a hypercoagulative test signal with citrated blood, which could influence clinical decision makings. Purpose The aim of this study was to compare fresh and citrated whole blood using two non-automated viscoelastic ROTEM and Sonoclot tests. Our hypothesis was that citrated blood would demonstrate a hypercoagulative resp
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Methods for the quantification of lysosomal membrane permeabilization : A hallmark of lysosomal cell death
Lysosomal cell death is triggered by lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP) and subsequent release of lysosomal hydrolases from the lysosomal lumen into the cytosol. Once released into the cytosol, the lysosomal cathepsin proteases act as executioner proteases for the subsequent cell death-either autonomously without caspase activation or in concert with the classical apoptotic machinery. Lysos
Reading past landscapes : combining modern and historical records, maps, pollen-based vegetation reconstructions, and the socioeconomic background
Context: Anthropogenic and environmental changes are reshaping landscapes across the globe. In this context, understanding the patterns, drivers, and consequences of these changes is one of the central challenges of humankind. Purpose: We aim to test the possibilities of combining modern multidisciplinary approaches to reconstruct the land-cover and linking the changes in land-cover to socioeconom
Blood Perfusion in a Full-Thickness Eyelid Flap, Investigated by Laser Doppler Velocimetry, Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging, and Thermography
Purpose: The eyelid is commonly dissected and divided in the process of, for example, blepharotomy, entropion repair, or when preparing a full-thickness eyelid flap to reconstruct a tumor defect. No study has yet been conducted to examine how perfusion in an eyelid is affected by dissection, using modern imaging techniques. Methods: The eyelid was divided with a 10-mm vertical incision, 5 mm from