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Fetthaltiga mjukdelstumörer i rörelseapparaten ofta godartade.
Most musculoskeletal soft tissue tumors are benign, lipoma being the most common. Malignant soft tissue tumors may be difficult to clinically distinguish from benign.Scandinavian recommendations are that all lesions suspicious for sarcoma be referred to a sarcoma center. This has led to improved tumor control and less post-operative functional deficits.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can reliably
Review of Bertrand Taithe, "The Killer Trail. A Colonial Scandal in the Heart of Africa"
Charge transfer dynamics in molecular solids and adsorbates driven by local and non-local excitations
Charge transfer pathways and charge transfer times in molecular films and in adsorbate layers depend both on the details of the electronic structure as well as on the degree of the initial localization of the propagating excited electronic state. For C6F6 molecular adsorbate films on the Cu(111) surface we determined the interplay between excited state localization and charge transfer pathways. In
Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the two photon decay channel with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
A search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the two photon decay channel is reported, using 1.08 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector. No significant excess is observed in the investigated mass range of 110-150 GeV. Upper limits on the cross-section,times branching ratio of between 2.0 and 5.8 times the Standard Model predicti
Potential environmental impacts of using refuse derived material for landfill capping
In this study, the potential impacts on leachate emissions of applying a pretreated refuse-derived material as a capping layer on top of a municipal solid waste landfill were researched. Leachate emissions and stability against degradation were investigated with reference to the untreated material. Results from percolation leaching tests were analysed by multivariate data analysis and chemical spe
Hereditary myopathy with early respiratory failure: occurrence in various populations
Objective Several families with characteristic features of hereditary myopathy with early respiratory failure (HMERF) have remained without genetic cause. This international study was initiated to clarify epidemiology and the genetic underlying cause in these families, and to characterise the phenotype in our large cohort. Methods DNA samples of all currently known families with HMERF without mole
High quality InAs and GaSb thin layers grown on Si (111)
We have investigated growth of thin epitaxial layers of InAs on Si (1 1 1) substrates by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) and successfully grown GaSb layers on InAs. Furthermore, we have studied the effect of growth temperature and material flow on the nucleation stage and also nucleated GaSb nanowires on the underlying GaSb layer. The InAs layers are grown by a standard two-step growth ap
Real-life use, and effects on lipid levels, of lipid lowering treatments after acute myocardial infarction in Sweden
Eye evolution and its functional basis
Eye evolution is driven by the evolution of visually guided behavior. Accumulation of gradually more demanding behaviors have continuously increased the performance requirements on the photoreceptor organs. Starting with nondirectional photoreception, I argue for an evolutionary sequence continuing with directional photoreception, low-resolution vision, and finally, high-resolution vision. Calcula
A pilot study : acoustic and articulatory data on tonal alignment in Swedish word accents
Getting Innovation Done
Creating innovations that successfully meet societal challenges on a grand scale involves great vision, great ideas and great execution. While coming up with a plethora of ideas is undoubtedly critical to innovation, many individuals, teams and organizations are lacking insight into how to practically move forward beyond the great idea without losing touch with the overall vision. This article des
Dalarnas skogs-, hag- och krattfibblor
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Analytical model of beach erosion and overwash during storms
During severe storms high waves and water levels may greatly impact the sub-aerial portion of the beach inducing significant morphological change at elevations that the waves can not reach under normal conditions. Morphological formations such as dunes and barrier islands may suffer from direct wave impact and erode. Overwash occurs if the wave run-up and/or the mean water level are sufficiently h
Towards global consensus on outcome measures for atopic eczema research: results of the HOME II meeting
The use of nonstandardized and inadequately validated outcome measures in atopic eczema trials is a major obstacle to practising evidence-based dermatology. The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative is an international multiprofessional group dedicated to atopic eczema outcomes research. In June 2011, the HOME initiative conducted a consensus study involving 43 individuals from
Lipid emboli distribution in cardiac surgery is dependent on the state of emulsification
Objective. Lipid embolizations from retransfused shed blood during cardiac surgery have been shown to enter the circulation and end up in different organs. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate differences in the kinetics and deposition between emulsified and non-emulsified lipid emboli in a porcine model. Design. Twelve animals were anesthetized and put on cardiopulmonary bypass. A sh
Prognostic Markers and Mechanisms of Chemotherapy Resistance in Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma
Popular Abstract in Swedish Lymfom är en grupp tumörsjukdomar som uppkommer från de vita blodkropparna i vårt immunförsvar. Diffust storcelligt B-cellslymfom (DLBCL) är en av de mest aggressiva varianterna av lymfom och uppkommer från den typen av vita blodkroppar som kallas B-celler. Varje år drabbas ca 500 personer i Sverige av DLBCL. Typiska symtom är hastigt tillväxande lymfkörtlar samt viktneDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is an aggressive and heterogeneous disease. Identification of prognostic and predictive markers is important to design individualised and effective treatment strategies. This thesis describes different approaches to search for molecular prognostic markers and an attempt to overcome chemotherapy resistance in DLBCL. In the first study it was investigated whet
Separation of concerns on the orchestration of operations in flexible manufacturing
The growing complexity of industrial robot work-cells calls for the use of advanced orchestration techniques to promote flexibility and reusability. This paper presents a solution based on service-oriented platforms that endorses the separation of concerns, coordination and execution. The execution is kept inside each individual device and their functionality is exposed via automatic generation of
Single scattering detection in turbid media using single-phase structured illumination filtering
This work shows a unique possibility of visualizing the exponential intensity decay due to light extinction, when laser radiation propagates through a homogeneous scattering medium. This observation implies that the extracted intensity mostly originates from single scattering events. The filtering of this single light scattering intensity is performed by means of a single-phase structured illumina