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Metalepsis and Participation in Games of Make-Believe
2D and 3D Resistivity Imaging in an Investigation of Boulder Occurrence and Soil Depth in Glacial Till
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Directive 2001/23/EC on the approximation of laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of businesses: Sweden, Implementation report to the European Commission
Macroeconomic fluctuations as a source of luck in CEO compensation
Mating strategies and sexual conflicts in aquatic invertebrates: consequences for evolutionary differentiation
In this thesis I investigated how mating related strategies may differ among populations and how these strategies evolve in response to their local ecological environments. I have used two different study systems of aquatic invertebrates: diving beetles (Dytiscidae) and the fresh water isopod Asellus aquaticus. These systems have in common that they present distinct genetic variation within the sp
Carbon Cycle Model Linkage Project (CCMLP): Evaluating Biogeochemical Process Models with Atmospheric Measurements and Field Experiments
The Semantics of Word Combinations : Learners’ Processing of Collocations and Free Combinations
Optimizing the acquisition time for time domain spectral IP by measuring during the on-time
Remissyttrande: Promemoria om slopat underhållsstöd vid växelvis boende (S2004/4656/SF)
Neoliberalism and its discontents
Undersökning öfver byggnaden af grundämnenas liniespektra : Kortfattad öfversikt af hittills erhållna resultat.
I denna protokollbilaga från 1887 (reproducerad av Lunds Universitetsbibliotek och digitiserad av Fysik- och astronomibiblioteket) skriver Janne Rydberg för första gången själv den formel (se sidan 6) som ligger till grund för Rydbergs konstant.In this protocol appendix from 1887 (reproduced by the Lund University Library and digitized by the Physics and Astronomy Library), Janne Rydberg himself writes for the first time the formula (see page 6) that is the basis of Rydberg's constant.
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Bör inriktningen på makropolitiken ändras?
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ESS normal conducting linac status and plans
Deliberate self-harm in Swedish university students – onset and relationships with anxiety and mindfulness
Objective: Previous research has indicated that some forms of deliberate self-harm (DSH) are quite common in non-clinical samples and that these behaviours are associated with psychological variables such as anxiety and mindfulness. This study contributes information on the onset and the frequency of DSH in two samples of Swedish university students as well as its association with related construc
Microwave theory
Impact Assessment Methodology in InteractIVe.
This paper describes the safety impact assessment methodology that is developed and used for the evaluation of safety related Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in the interactIVe project. The used method builds on the assessment method that was developed in the projects eIMPACT and PReVAL, and is refined in interactIVe. With this method the safety effects of the developed functions on road