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Your search for "*" yielded 526148 hits

Visualising and scaling information in a flight operations schedule

Flygprestanda AB supplies IT services for airline operations, management and control. The system delivered to facilitate this is the Flight Operation Control System or FOCS. This thesis addresses the Schedule View service included in the FOCS system. The Schedule View is a tool where the user gets an overview of aircrafts and planned flights. In addition aircrafts and flights can be added and modi

Forecasting Model of Electricity Demand in the Nordic Countries

A model implemented in order to describe the electricity demand on hourly basis for the Nordic countries. The objective of this project is to use the demand data simulated from the model as input data in the price forecast model, EMPS model, at Vattenfall. The time horizon is 5 years, 6 years including the current year. After different models tried out, the final model is described by fundamental

Privat-offentlig samverkan kring risker och sårbarheter – En utvärdering av samverkan somverktyg för aggregering av information

The aim and purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the utilization of private-public collaboration of the exchange of information on risks and vulnerabilities concerning food supply in Sweden, with a view to provide the participants with recommendations on how to improve or how to initiate this collaboration. The study consists of interviews with respondents from Swedish municipalities, one Swedish

Phenotypic variability in Scrippsiella aff. hangoei (Dinophyceae) in response to salinity

Popular science summary Salinity has been identified as an important factor in governing both growth and distribution of phytoplankton in marine and brackish ecosystems. In my thesis work I investigated the salinity tolerance and growth rate of the cold-water dinoflagellate Scrippsiella aff. hangoei from an Antarctic population. The work was carried out at the Department of Biology at Lund Univer

Oxidative modifications of human S100A9

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Oxidativa modifieringar av S100A9 S100A9 är ett protein i kroppen som får en förändrad struktur och funktion när det reagerar med syre. De strukturella förändringarna kallas oxidativa modiferingar. För att förstå processen skulle man kunna jämföra S100A9 med järn. När järn kommer i kontakt med syre får det en rödaktig färg och strukturen går från att vara stark tThe aim of this project was to examine how S100A9 binding to target molecules was affected by structural modifications with oxidizing agent in vitro. S100A9 was cultivated, purified and oxidative modifications were induced. The oxidative modifications where characterized with tryptohan fluorescence, Surface Plasmon Resonance technique (SPR) and MALDITOF-MS. To get access to protein to study recomb

Functional diversity of evertebrates in different types of beech forest in southern Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: De skånska bokskogarna. Vad kan krypen säga? Det är mycket som påverkar våra skogar i dag. Vägar som delar upp dem i mindre delar och lantbruk och kvävenedfall som stör balansen för vad som ska växa i skogens utkanter med sin gödsling. Även trafiken påverkar genom att kväveoxiderna i avgaserna har en gödande effekt. Skogens hälsa påverkas självklart av detta, Abstract Deforestation, fragmentation and loss of biodiversity, all are elements that are common today. With this project I want to evaluate if there is a difference in functional diversity of evertebrates between beech stands of low herb and shrub type beech forest. I also want to test if there is a difference within tested areas between low herb and shrub type forests, but also if here is a dif

In Vitro Studies on the Uptake of Ion-X-Gel Precursor and SPIO by Various Cell Types

Popular science summary: The Battle Against Cancer Daily, people are diagnosed with cancer, a disease that brings suffering and despair. I'm sure you have heard about chemotherapy and radiation as a way of trying to treat cancer, but it is equally important to find an effective method to quickly and reliably detect a tumor at an early stage, before it is too late. In my master's thesis,

“We will be there soon. Sawa*? Sawa?” A study on increased ICT use among secondary school students in Mutomo

Africa stands on the doorstep of a global information revolution that presents a range of opportu-nities. ICT has enormous potential to contribute to the development of Africa, both on an indi-vidual and societal level. The purpose of this study is to examine what effect increased ICT use has on secondary school students in Mutomo, Kenya. Furthermore the study presents a mapping of the secondary s

Ett planeringsverktyg för urbana ekosystemtjänster - En länk mellan naturvetenskap och beslutsfattande

This master thesis explores the concept of ecosystem services, in the context of urban planning in Swedish municipalities, with the purpose of putting together a planning development tool for urban ecosystem services. The working process consisted of three steps: (1) to identify problems in the Swedish planning process, (2) to identify relevant aspects of ecosystem services and comprehensive plann

Optimization of paper pulp production using Artificial Neural Networks and Simulated Annealing

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibilities of optimizing the production of paper pulp in a Conical Disc (CD) refiner for different production rates, taking into account the variables that are thought to be the most important for the production. These include three separate dilution waters, conical disc gap and flat gap. Another task is to compare the values of these variables af

M-step Bootstrap Percolation on Z1

We study an extended bootstrap percolation process in several steps in dimension one, assuming noncyclic boundary conditions. We study the asymptotic behavior of the process as the size of the underlying graph goes to innity. We nd a phase transition with respect to the initial conditions. The phase diagram on the set of initial conditionals of the extended process is described completely. This pr

Does travelling foster international trade?

The world´s total expenditures regarding leisure travelling and related expenditures corresponded to approximately 3000 billions USD in 2010. This substantial value makes the travelling industry and related markets important in an economic aspect. Data posted by the WTO states that between the years of 1995-2005 the world’s amount of tourism arrivals increased by approximately 50 %, and additional

Entrepreneurial Malmö: A Study of Contemporary Urban Development in Västra Hamnen

Concepts as the entrepreneurial city and the creative class closely correlate with the ideas presented in the theory of neoliberalism and neoliberal urban planning policies. These concepts have spread widely throughout the modern world and effect the planning of almost every city today, from developed countries to developing countries. Typically seen as a stronghold for social democratic policies

Lesbian Life in Malawi : an Intersectional Study of Repressive and Constructive Power

This thesis identifies a set of power relations that complicates Western aid to African gay movements. It is a cultural analysis focusing on lesbians living in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, aiming to explore the tensions between discourses of power in play, from a post colonial and intersectional perspective. The use of queer theory makes similarities between traditional non-conforming sexualit

Assessment of the newly reintroduced beavers (Castor fiber) in Denmark and their habitat demands

Popular science summary: Beavers are back in Denmark The beaver Castor fiber is an animal which used to be common in most places all over Europe. The beaver has also been an important resource for humans, where especially the meat, the thick fur and the castoreum, a secretion that was used by humans in perfume, medicines and food, was wanted. Therefore, hunting by humans has been the main reason

Tre basisters fria basspel: Analys av baslinjer över fem stycken framförda på kontrabas

The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of three bass players play style. The method used consists of transcriptions of five pieces which been qualitatively analyzed. The chapter of theory brings up the history behind the bass players, Marc Johnson, Eddie Gomez and Scott Lafaro. It also contains a rhythmic chapter and a technical chapter. My conclusions are that the bass players are

Tillsammans: En kvalitativ studie av deltagande föräldra

This essay strives to find parent’s role both on group lessons for youths who play guitar, in which the parents too are active students, and in the children’s practice. Are there parents who are more or less involved in their child’s learning process outside the lessons? In what aspect and how have the parent been involved in its child’s learning process, outside the lessons? Have they been involv

Hur diabetes typ 2 kan påverka det dagliga livet - en litteraturstudie

Diabetes typ 2 är en sjukdom som ökar i hela världen. År 2013 hade ca 382 miljoner människor i världen diabetes. Diabetes typ 2 har ofta livsstilsrelaterade orsaker. Sjukdomen ställer stora krav på personens levnadsvanor, då diagnosen medför nya rutiner i vardagen. Syftet med litteraturstudien har varit att söka kunskap och förståelse för hur det dagliga livet kan påverkas hos personer med diabete

Vad är barnets bästa? En diskursanalytisk studie av principen i vårdnadsmål

Förevarande uppsats behandlar vårdnadsregleringen i 6 kap. föräldrabalken (1949:381) och huvudsakligen principen om barnets bästa. Den finns i 6 kap. 2 a § FB som stadgar att barnets bästa skall vara avgörande för alla beslut om vårdnad. Att objektivt fastställa vad som är barnets bästa är idag inte möjligt. Vissa riktlinjer för domstolens bedömning finns i lag och förarbeten. Men lagstiftaren harThis essay deals with the legal custody legislation in chapter 6 of the Parental Code (1949), and primarily the principle of the best interests of the child. The principle can be found in 6.2 a § in the Parental Code, which stipulates that the best interests of the child shall be decisive for all decisions concerning legal custody. To objectively determine what is in the best interests of the chil