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Ovan regnbågen : inkluderande hbtq-arbete i Hallonbergen och på andra folkbibliotek

Our aim is to study if and how LGBTIQ has been made invisible in the public library context, and how this can be countered. In order to do this, we have studied the public library of Hallonbergen, located in Sundbyberg, Sweden. Hallonbergen is the first library in Sweden certificated by RFSL (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights). The certificate shows that they

Tax Planning with Holding Companies for US Investors in Europe - A Comparative Study of Holding Regimes in Sweden and Switzerland

In the wake of the globalization, international tax planning structures has become vital for US investors in order to meet economic challenges and to survive on the competitive market. This research indicates that countries in Europe, such as Sweden and Switzerland, provide a favourable environment for US multinational corporations to set up holding companies as a way to enjoy benefits of legal ta

(De)constructing the 'Third World Woman' in International Gender-Equality Development advocacy: a postcolonial feminist discourse analysis of identity constructions in RFSU´s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights advocacy

This thesis explores the causes and ramifications of representing women in gender-equality advocacy within the realm of International Development cooperation’s. This study shows that through representing the issues of development and the people for whom they are aimed - we risk constructing and reconstructing conceptions of what the postcolonial feminist field of studies calls ´third world differe

Arkivets konsekvenser vid utanförskap : en kommuns relation till Offentlighetsprincipen och legalisering av utbildning för papperslösa barn

The aim of this Master´s thesis is to study how the Swedish bill, "Education for children who are staying in the country without authorization", constructs a relationship between legal versus illegal status, and how this relationship affects undocumented children’s integrity in relation to the principle of public access to official records (“Offentlighetsprincipen”). The main hypothesis

Cruise Ship Passengers and Their Rights

The objective of this thesis is to provide a detailed introduction to the laws that affect cruise passenger rights when it comes to liabilities for passenger death and personal injury, and also to highlight some of the perils that can face passengers during a cruise vacation and provide a critical look at areas where there is room for the cruise industry and legislators to work together to insure

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Det är en extra utmaning att skriva för barn eftersom barnet som läser vet att det är en vuxen som skrivit texten. För att skapa trovärdighet och möjliggöra identifiering krävs ett ärligt uppsåt. I den här uppsatsen undersöker jag om det finns generella riktlinjer som en författare kan använda sig av för att nå läsare i åldern nio till tolv år, utan att anpassningen av texten medför en konstruerad

Jag väljer att gå i pappas fotspår - social reproduktion och utbildning i ett individualiserat samhälle

Studien har sin grund i ett statistiskt meddelande från Statistiska Centralbyrån, som visar på social reproduktion och snedrekrytering inom svenskt utbildningsväsende. I dagens samhällsdebatter menar många att vi lever i ett individualistiskt samhälle. Dessa två utgångspunkter står i en dikotomi till varandra, och det inspirerade till att studera hur tre läkarstudenter vid Lunds universitet såg på

Designing for Collaboration Using Social Network Analysis: Towards a Conceptual Method to Understand Organisational Interaction

The spreading of innovation within organisations is an area of interest for both academics and practitioners. Within information systems research collaboration issues are often addressed and solved through implementation of technology artefacts to meditate communication. With more and more resources being spent on collaborative technologies we argue that there can be cost advantages in looking at

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I have chosen in my Bachelor thesis to analyze how the two American TV-series, 24 (2001-2010) and Homeland (2011-), examine and explain terrorism and other aspects of the “War on Terror.” They were both created after the attacks on September 11th, 2001 and therefore affected by the political situation in the country. With the help of Noam Chomsky and his propaganda model I wish to find out what ki

Tiden är en illusion

Flann O´Briens The Third Policeman är skriven 1940 men publicerades 1967, efter författarens död. Några av de narrativa grepp som används i berättelsen undersöks. Tidsordningen i berättelsen jämförs med tidsordningen i den berättade storyn med utgångspunkt från teori i Gérard Genettes Narrative Discourse-An Essay in Method. Den totala tidens varaktighet (duration) i berättelsen jämförs med den tot

Polisvåld – enligt vem? En kritisk diskursanalys av det polisiära våldet och hur det kan förstås.

How is the police violence described and is it of any importance? The Parliamentary Ombudsman (JO) has to in the public interest watch over the constitutional protection, which each citizen in Sweden receives, by directing the attention at the authorities’ shortcomings in judicial practice. When complaint against Police authority with the claim that violence has been exercised by police comes to J

Ett enhetligt SAS - Samspelet mellan vision, kultur & image

Ett enhetligt SAS – samspelet mellan vision, kultur & image Den 12 november 2012 gick Scandinavian Airlines ut till allmänheten med en sparplan som skulle hindra bolaget från att gå i konkurs. En stor kris hade utveck-lats, anställningar skulle tas bort och tillgångar skulle säljas. Krisen medförde ett stort medieutrymme och diskussionerna kring krisen var många, på traditionella medier såväl

Evidence of epibenthic microbial mats in Early Jurassic (Sinemurian) tidal deposits, Kulla Gunnarstorp, southern Sweden

Skrynkelstrukturer, en typ av mikrobiellt inducerade sedimentstrukturer (MISS) har återfunnits i jurassiska tidalt avsatta heteroliter i skånska Kulla Gunnarstorp. Skrynkelstrukturer kännetecknas av små, ofta avlånga veck på överytan av finkorniga sandstenar. Dessa strukturer, liksom MISS i allmänhet, bildas i siliciklastiska sediment under inverkan av bakteriellt utsöndrad extracellulär polymerisWrinkle structures, a type of microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) were found in Jurassic tidally deposited heterolites of Kulla Gunnarstorp, southern Sweden. Wrinkle structures are characterizeded by minute, commonly elongate crinkles on the upper bedding planes of fine grained arenites. These structures, as well as MISS in general, form in siliciclastic sediments due to bacterial se

Bärförmåga hos aluminiumprofiler för glasfasader

The work presented in this thesis deals with investigation of methods to evaluate simultaneous moment and normal force capacity for symmetrical and unsymmetrical thin walled aluminium beams. The beams are supplied by Sapa Building System AB and is used in their glass facade system SFB 4150. The system is constructed in a way that makes it possible to make large glass facades. It is then of interes

Design of Foundations for Wind Turbines

The Swedish government has specified a goal for the Swedish wind power that in 2020 it will generate 30 TWh of energy per year. This should be compared with the present energy produced from wind power of 2.5 TWh / year. To meet these goals, several thousand new wind turbines have to be built. Today, we build the most land-based wind turbines on strong and stiff soils, but probably in the future

Intermediary filaments in the porcine lens and retina - an organotypic culture study

Ett ogenomskinligt öga? - Intermediära filament i vuxen näthinna och lins i odling En av de vanligaste orsakerna till synnedsättning att ögats lins blir grumlig, såkallad grå starr. Grå starr uppkommer när linsens proteiner hamnar i obalans och klumpar ihop sig. En viss grupp av dessa proteiner, som kallas intermediära filament, är i en frisk lins viktiga för genomskinligheten. Dessa proteiner fi


A big challenge in the Wind Power industry is the breakdown of gearboxes. To increase the knowledge about Wind Power and gearbox breakdowns Vattenfall has done measurements on both the mechanical and electrical system of a wind power turbine e.g. during full load and partial load. In this Master Thesis focus is on voltage and current measurements on the generator conductors and the measurements of

Konkurrens på sjukvårdsmarknaden - effekter på arbetsmarknaden för sjuksköterskor

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effects of competition at the market for healthcare. During the last 20 years the Swedish healthcare system has been subject to great changes in purpose to increase competition and the choice for the consumer at the market. An example of these changes is the implementation of two laws that aspire to increase the choice for the consumer and make it e