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A Comparative Risk Analysis of Bangladesh in the SAARC Region: A Study of Value at Risk

The aim of this study is to find out how much more risky the stock market of Bangladesh is compared to the other South Asian Association of Regional cooperation (SAARC) countries and investigate the role of it in this region from risk perspective. Bangladesh is one of the potential markets for investment among the eight countries of SAARC. It is therefore high time to study market risk associated

Formation of super-Earths via pebble accretion onto planetesimals

Sedan urminnes tider har man vetat om att det finns ljusa kroppar på himlen som rör sig ovanligt fort. Grekerna döpte dessa till vandrare, ett ord som på grekiska uttalas väldigt likt planet. Planeterna har studerats i århundraden och bara de senaste två decennierna har vi ökat från våra egna åtta planeter till flera tusen nya planeter kallade exoplaneter, planeter runt andra stjärnor än våran egeData from NASA's Kepler space telescope, which searches for exoplanets via the transit method, produced 1108 new planetary candidates in 2013 with a total of 91% being smaller than Neptune in size. These were mostly super-Earths, terrestial planets between Earth and Neptune in size, with orbits around 10 days. In order for any theory of planet formation to be valid it must be able to account

Magnetization dynamics in nanorings

This thesis investigates numerically the out of equilibrium properties of quantum rings with magnetic impurities, using the periodic Anderson model (PAM). The model is a simple template for the discussion of the physics of regular arrays of rare-earth impurities in metallic hosts. The system considered is a quantum ring consisting of up to six sites, each of whom are connected to an Anderson impur

Religion and Mortality in sub-Saharan Africa

The impact of socioeconomic factors on adult and under-five mortality is a subject which has been widely discussed. However, one cannot say the same when it comes to the impact of religion on mortality, and in fact, most of the existing literature has focused on the impact of religious participation on disease-specific mortality among adults. The purpose of this paper was to examine the impact of

Social Enterprises & Impact Investors - A Complicated Relationship

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka och förstå de bakomliggande anledningarna till det finansieringsgap som existerar mellan sociala företag och impact investors. Vi vill göra detta främst ur de sociala entreprenörernas perspektiv, genom att studera deras agerande samt attityder gentemot impact investors och de krav de ställer. Vidare vill vi även undersöka den nuvarande situationen för impPurpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine and understand the underlying reasons behind the existing funding gap between social enterprises and impact investors. We aim to do this mainly from the point of view of the social entrepreneurs by studying their actions and attitudes towards impact investment and how they relate to the demands set by impact investors. Furthermore, we want to bette

”Jag råkar lida av psykisk ohälsa, men nej, ni behöver inte vara rädda. Det smittar inte.” -en kvalitativ textanalys av unga kvinnors berättelser om psykisk ohälsa

The purpose of this study is to shed light on how, in personal blogs, young women with the diagnosis Bipolar and/or Borderline personality disorder express their views of themselves, how they feel society views them as well as how they describe their diagnosis. The method we have used to analyze this is a qualitative text analysis of open blogs written by women suffering from Borderline Personalit

Moistureproof energy efficiency of culture historic building - A case study of the E-building at LTH School of engineering

Buildings has both a cultural-historical and technical value. Buildings that were built in the 60's and 70's had relatively simple energy requirements compared to today. A large part of these buildings need to be renovated. Culture-marked buildings makes the process more difficult due to the cultural- historical value. This means no exterior work can be done, the retrofitting energy effici

Samverkansbjälklag av trä och betong - Infästning mellan två bjälklagselement

Timber-concrete composite floors have been used for many years outside Sweden, although this kind of floor has not reached its full potential in Sweden. An advantage of using a timber-concrete composite floor is that the concrete is primarily subjected to compressive stress while the wood is primarily subjected to tensile stress, for the case of vertical load. The purpose of this work is to examin

Upphandling av specialentreprenader på internationell marknad

The purpose of the study is to find out how construction companies are affected by the hiring of foreign subcontractors. The report investigates the potential risks and what advantages and disadvantages there are construction companies to procure contracts in the international market and especially in North Europe. The work will result in a report that will have the layout of a manual regarding th

Utvärdering av energianvändning och innemiljö efter 5 års drift i en förskola byggd efter passivhusteknik

Prästgårdsängens förskola i Kungsbacka byggdes år 2008 med passivhusteknik. På förskolan går barn i åldrarna mellan 1-3 och 4-5 år, där många aktiviteter bedrivs både utomhus och inomhus. Detta leder till att det blir mycket rörelse mellan inne och utemiljö. Förskolan består av ett plan och stor del av elförsörjningen kommer från de solceller som finns installerade på 220 m2 av skolans tak. Då intPrästgårdsängens preschool in Kungsbacka was built in 2008 with passive house technology. At the school there are children going aged between 1-3 and 4-5 years, where many activities are conducted both indoors and outdoors. This leads to that there will be a lot of movement between indoor and outdoor environment. The preschool consists of a flat and much of the electricity supply comes from the so

Making Reasonable Mutual Fund Investment Decisions in the Recovering German Equity Market - Gaining Insight into Active Share

This study investigates influences of certain fund characteristics as independent variables on a funds active share, as introduced by Cremers & Petajisto in 2009. Furthermore, along with active share, the potential use of these variables to predict future mutual fund returns is tested. The study is conducted for the recovering German equity mutual fund market between 2010 and 2015 as a recover

Prices and Bubbles: Factors Affecting the Chinese Real Estate Market

This paper aims at analyzing what factors that influence the Chinese real estate prices in different regions. It also contains an estimation of to what degree the Chinese real estate market is experiencing a bubble. In order to achieve the main goal, the following research questions are set. Initially, what factors can affect the real estate price in China? Secondly, how and to what extent do thes

IAS 36 upplysningskrav - sambandet med resultatutveckling och goodwillnedskrivningar - en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Storbritannien

Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka hur svenska företag uppfyller upplysningskraven enligt IAS 36 och sambandet med faktiska goodwillnedskrivningar och resultatutveckling. Testerna jämförs sedan med en tidigare studie som behandlar brittiska och italienska företag (D’Alauro, 2013) där vi tittar på resultaten från de brittiska företagen. Vi diskuterar även hur olikheter i bolagsstyrning avseenPurpose: The thesis aims to investigate how listed companies in Sweden apply and fulfill the disclosure requirements of the IAS 36, and if there is any connections between the level of disclosure with goodwill impairment and earnings performance. The tests are then compared with a previous study that deals with British and Italian companies (D'Alauro, 2013), where we look at the results from t

Illegala kombattanter- Guantánamo Bay fångarnas legala status enligt internationell humanitär rätt

Den 7 januari 2002 tillkännagav Vita huset att både Al-Qaida- och Talibanmedlemmar som tillfångatagits under konflikten i Afghanistan och fängslats på den amerikanska militärbasen på Guantánamo Bay på Kuba, inte hade rätt till krigsfångestatus utan ansågs vara "illegala kombattanter”. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilken legal status dessa Guantánamofångar bör ha. Borde de ha tilOn the 7th of January 2002 the White house announced that the Al Qaida and the Taliban members, that were captured during the conflict in Afghanistan and brought to the US Guantánamo Bay prison in Cuba, were not entitled to Prisoner of War (POW) status. They were rather to be considered as “unlawful combatants”. This thesis aims to explore the status of the Guantánamo Bay detainees. It will answ

Klimatanpassning, vad behöver vi veta? En kartläggning av befintliga och efterfrågade kunskaper hos medarbetare på Riksbyggen

Elin Sandell Klimatanpassning, vad behöver vi veta? Fram till idag har arbetet med att klimatanpassa samhället främst varit inriktat på det offentliga Sverige. I syfte att nå ett samhälle som står robust inför klimatförändringarna måste fler aktörer bidra. Denna studie ämnar underlätta implementeringen av arbete med klimatanpassning på Riksbyggen genom att, bland medarbetarna, kartlägga befintliClimate changes are already affecting multiple levels of both private and public sectors. The rate of climate change adaptation must therefore be increased by efficient and intelligent efforts of all actors in society. This study maps the existing and required resources in terms of knowledge in the area of climate change adaptation of employees at Riksbyggen in order to facilitate their efforts to

Läkarnas inflytande i rättsprocessen - en rättshistorisk studie om läkares inflytande stadgat i bestämmelserna om rättspsykiatriska undersökningar

The purpose of the essay is to study the influence given to doctors in the regulations about forensic psychiatry examinations. The essay compares the regulations and the current ideas that did exist during the regulations application. Thereafter the alterations in the influence will be presented and what impact the current ideas may have had. The charter from year 1826 demanded the court to obta

Störande av allmän ordning - helt klart oklart

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera paragraf 13 i den svenska polislagen, som reglerar hur polisen får ingripa mot störningar av den allmän ordning. Den metod som använts fokuserar på att analysera de enligt svensk rättsordning accepterade rättskällorna; lagtext, rättsfall, förarbeten och doktrin. En deskriptiv studie av regleringens innehåll och relaterade artiklar i Europakonventionen om dThe purpose of this academic paper is to analyze paragraph 13 in the Swedish police law, which regulates how the police may intervene against disturbances of the public peace, störande av allmän ordning. The method used focuses on analyzing the sources of law that within the Swedish legal system is considered to be the main sources of law; the written law, precedents, legislative history and doctr

Obligationsrättslig upphandlingsrätt? - i skärningslinjen mellan offentligrätt och civilrätt

Upphandlingsförfarandet befinner sig i gränslandet mellan den offentligrättsliga upphandlingsrätten och den civilrättsliga obligationsrätten. I denna skärningspunkt är det inte alltid helt klart vilket regelkomplex som bör tillämpas. Det har samtidigt visat sig att kontrollen av utförarnas kompetenser inte kontrolleras av beställarna. I sig kan det medföra ett opportunt agerande av anbudsgivarna s