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Health Literacy among patients with end-stage kidney disease and kidney transplant recipients

Main problem: Self-management is essential for patients both before and after kidney transplantation and requires an adequate level of health literacy (HL), that is the ability to comprehend and process health information. Low HL is associated with poor clinical outcome and an increased risk of death. In Europe, HL has been scarcely studied. The aim of this study was to investigate the levels of H

Explorations in Cognitive Robotics

We describe a number of research projects at Lund Univer- sity Cognitive Science. The first project focuses on visual attention. The second area is haptic perceptions by robots. The third area is anticipation in groups of robots. The final research area concerns building computa- tional tools that can be used to design large-scale cognitive models which will ultimately allow results from the diffe

Halo effects in the low-energy scattering of 15C with heavy targets

The neutron-rich carbon isotope 15C was postulated to be a halo nucleus (Sn = 1215 keV, S2n = 9395 keV) according to different high-energy experiments. If so, it would be the only halo nucleus exhibiting a "pure" s-wave structure of the ground state. At low collision energies, the effect of this halo structure should manifest as a strong absorption pattern in the angular distribution of the elasti

Systematic screening as a tool for individualized rehabilitation following primary breast cancer treatment : Study protocol for the ReScreen randomized controlled trial

Background: It is well known that women suffer from negative consequences following breast cancer (BC) treatment and that their largely varying needs for rehabilitation are often unmet. Up to 43% of these women are at risk of developing chronic distress requiring complex interventions; however, how to early identify and meet these women's needs is unknown, leaving them with suboptimal chances of r

Mirror, peephole and video - The role of contiguity in children's perception of reference in iconic signs

The present study looked at the extent to which 2-year-old children benefited from information conveyed by viewing a hiding event through an opening in a cardboard screen, seeing it as live video, as pre-recorded video, or by way of a mirror. Being encouraged to find the hidden object by selecting one out of two cups, the children successfully picked the baited cup significantly more often when th

Windows of opportunity for status attainment in Southern Europe: family impact and industrialization on the individual career in Catalonia (nineteenth and twentieth centuries)

Resum:The role of the family in both individual social status attainment and labor careers during industrialization was questioned by the Modernization theory. Accordingly, familial nuclearization was argued to be one of the causes. However, little has been said on this topic regarding societies in which stem or joint families were important as in the case of Southern Europe. This article studies

Biological interpretations of the biphasic model of ontogenetic brain-body allometry : A reply to Packard

Allometry is a description of organismal growth. Historically, a simple power law has been used most widely to describe the rate of growth in phenotypic traits relative to the rate of growth in overall size. However, the validity of this standard practice has repeatedly been criticized. In an accompanying opinion piece, Packard reanalysed data from a recent study on brain-body ontogenetic allometr

Hantverksbryggerinäringens samverkan och betydelse för små och medelstora företags tillväxt på Gotland

Abstrakt Hantverksbryggerinäringen på Gotland är särskilt vital och omtalad från ett nationellt perspektiv, men innehar inte desto mindre en betydande utvecklingspotential. Syftet med denna studie har varit att skapa en nulägesbild över samt identifiera och analysera nyckelaktörer i hantverksölens värdekedja på Gotland. Analysen stödjer sig på en internationell forskningsöversikt, Michael Porter’sAbstract The craft brewery industry on Gotland is particularly vital and well known in Sweden, but nonetheless holds significant development potential. The main purpose of this study has been to construct a situational awareness of the craft beer value chain on Gotland, and to identify its key actors. Furthermore, in order for the craft breweries to become a more prominent part of Gotland's busine

Software Evaluation of Grain-128AEAD for Embedded Platforms

Grain-128AEAD is a stream cipher supporting authenticated encryptionwith associated data, and it is currently in round 2 of the NIST lightweight cryptostandardization process. In this paper we present and benchmark software implementations of the cipher, targeting constrained processors. The processors chosen arethe 8-bit (AVR) and 16-bit (MSP) processors used in the FELICS-AEAD framework.Both hig

De obesuttnas arkeologi : människor, metoder och möjligheter

De förhållandevis sentida spåren efter de obesuttna – som torpare, backstugusittare, hantverkare och arbetare – finns överallt i jordbrukets, skogens och städernas landskap, men har sällan uppmärksammats av den traditionella arkeologin. Ändringen av kulturmiljölagen 2014 innebär att lämningar som etablerats före 1850 kan vara lagskyddade vilket ger nya möjligheter att även de obesuttnas kulturarv

Commercial infant cereals contain high concentrations of endotoxins and viable Bacillus spp.

Background: Endotoxin may cause inflammation and increased intestinal permeability in infants with immature immune systems and gut microbiota. This study analysed the presence of endotoxin together with other potentially hazardous agents in commercial infant cereals. Methods: Four porridges and six milk cereal drinks bought in Sweden were analysed for the presence of endotoxins using Endosafe MCS.