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Altered Sarcomeric Structure and Function in Woody Breast Myopathy of Avian Pectoralis Major Muscle

The “Woody” or “Wooden” breast disease is a severe myopathy of pectoralis major muscle recently identified within rapidly growing broiler lines all around the world with a prevalence rate around 20%, or even higher. Although of significant ethical and economic impact, little is known regarding the structural and functional aspects of the contractile apparatus in the woody breast muscle. The aim of

Energetics of the DNA-Filled Head

Mechanical changes within cells and viruses have been shown to be of great importance for various mechano-signaling processes. In phage and herpesviruses, strong confinement of double-stranded DNA inside the capsid generates tens of atmospheres of pressure. This confinement leads to electrostatic sliding friction between neighboring DNA strands. This affects the mobility of the encapsidated genome

Kenyan Community Currencies

The case is about grassroots monetary innovations carried out for social purposes. Through the case of the Kenyan community currencies the reader gets an insight into the social challenges these currencies aim to address, the effort that goes into designing these local monies as well as into organising the communities that use them. The reader is presented with the practical challenges faced by th

Endometrial destruction by hyperthermia - A possible treatment of menorrhagia : An experimental study

Background. Treatment of menorrhagia by heat-destruction of the endometrium, intended to be an alternative to hysterectomy, was investigated in an experimental study. Method. A specially designed catheter (Cavaterm™) with a silicone balloon containing a self-regulating heating element is inserted into the uterus, rilled with glycine to a pressure of around 180 mmHg and heated to about 75°C. We inv

A current injecting device for electrical impedance tomography

Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) has to be improved in order to become an accepted diagnostic technique in clinical use. The aim of this study is to improve the hardware of this technique and preferably upgrade the current injecting device. Instead of using a constant current generator the idea is to implement a voltage source and measure current accurately, in order to improve the resolution

Survey on Swedish Citizens Knowledge on Nuclear Waste Repository

The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) applied in 2011 for a permit to construct a disposal facility in the municipality of Östhammar. Given this is still an ongoing permit process the aim with this study is to nvestigate how informed the Swedish citizens are in these issues.Telephone interviews were conducted in December 2018 to January 2019. A majority of the citizens, 55%,

Modelling of the Mechanical Response in 304 Austenitic Steel during Laser Shock Peening and Conventional Shot Peening

Laser Shock Peening (LSP) and conventional Shot Peening (SP) are processes that aim to improve the surface properties of a workpiece by inducing compressive residual stresses. The peening processes also cause martensitic phase transformation in austenitic steels. Interestingly, experimental studies report significant differences in martensite content depending on the used peening process. This stuLaser Shock Peening (LSP) and conventional Shot Peening (SP) are processes that aim to improve the surface properties of a workpiece by inducing compressive residual stresses. The peening processes also cause martensitic phase transformation in austenitic steels. Interestingly, experimental studies report significant differences in martensite content depending on the used peening process. This stu

Interkulturell kompetens kan stärka medicinsk forskning

Samarbetet mellan forskare i Östersjöregionen har aldrig varit starkare. Ändå finns stora utmaningar, vilket blir tydligt i en aktuell debatt i Tyskland om digitaliseringar i vården där politiker lyfter fram Sverige som förebild.Samarbetet mellan forskare i Östersjöregionen har aldrig varit starkare. Ändå finns stora utmaningar, vilket blir tydligt i en aktuell debatt i Tyskland om digitaliseringar i vården där politiker lyfter fram Sverige som förebild.

Battle, Journey, Imprisonment and Burden : Patterns of metaphor use in blogs about living with advanced cancer

Background: The significance of metaphors for the experience of cancer has been the topic of extensive previous research, with "Battle" and "Journey" metaphors standing out as key. Adaptation to the patient's use of metaphor is generally believed to be an important aspect of person-centered care, especially in palliative care. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of metaphors in blogs

Odling av sällsynta växter i kulturmiljöer

Många växt- och djurarter har missgynnats av landskapsförändringar och riskerar att försvinna om de inte får hjälp. Länsstyrelsen upprättade därför 2017 en lista med förslag på kommunala ansvarsarter i Skåne. Varje kommun har tilldelats några hotade arter som har sin utbredningsmässiga tyngdpunkt i kommunen.

Meniscus tear; Knee arthroscopy; clinical practice and sick leave

Knäleden är kroppens största led och är påtagligt komplicerad. Den utsätts dagligen för stora krafter vid såväl böj och vridrörelser som stötkrafter vid stegisättning. För att den skall fungera optimalt måste flera olika komponenter samverka. Brosket som bekläder benändarna bidrar med stötdämpning och ger en mycket låg friktion vid rörelse. Flera olika ligament och muskler som löper över leden bid

Endometrial destruction by thermal coagulation : Evaluation of a new form of treatment for menorrhagia

Objective. To report the first clinical evaluation of a new balloon endometrial, thermal destruction system Cavaterm®, for outpatient treatment of menorrhagia. Design. To elucidate possible technical problems during treatment, to evaluate how the patients tolerated the treatment and to judge which patients were suitable for this form of treatment. Main outcome measures. Measurements of bleeding vo

Experimental studies of brain tumour development during exposure to continuous and pulsed 915 MHz radiofrequency radiation

It has been suggested that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) act as a promoter late in the carcinogenesis process. To date, however, noconvincing laboratory evidence has been obtained indicating that EMFs cause tumour promotion at non-thermal exposure levels. The effects of EMF exposure in a rat brain glioma model were investigated. The exposure consisted of 915 MHz microwaves, both as continuous wave

”Så länge icke någon olägenhet i sanitärt hänseende deraf förspörjes” : Historien om de sjöströmska avträdena

På nuvarande Kyrkogatans östra sida, strax söder om universitetshusets sydfasad där den gamle zoologen Sven Nilssons byst i dag reser sig på sin höga sockel, där låg i äldre tider ett numera helt försvunnet kvarter, tomten nr 21 i Krafts rote enligt staden Lunds dåvarande tomtindelning. Det var en tomt med en i många avseenden stolt akademisk och kulturell historia, men när den under 1800-talets s