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Unified formula for the field synergy principle
The field synergy principle has three criteria to qualitatively describe the essence of single-phase convective heat transfer enhancement. However, in practice these criteria are difficult to be applied to convective heat transfer analysis, because there are no corresponding indicators available to quantitatively describe them. Therefore, a unified formula for the field synergy principle was devel
Noncanonical immunomodulatory activity of complement regulator C4BP(β-) limits the development of lupus nephritis
Lupus nephritis is a chronic autoimmune-inflammatory condition that can lead to end-stage kidney disease. Presently available immunosuppressive treatments for lupus nephritis are suboptimal and can induce significant side effects. Recently, we characterized a novel immunomodulatory activity of the minor isoform of the classical pathway complement inhibitor, C4BP(β-). We show here that C4BP(β-) tre
Making the Repository a Researcher Resource
Institutional repositories are now available at many academic institutions world-wide. Researchers are urged to contribute full-text documents to increase their visibility and accessibility on the web. Recently, a focus on research evaluation has increased the interest in the bibliographic portion of the data as well and an increasing number of institutions have now made it mandatory for their fac
Osäkerheter vid brandteknisk dimensionering av ventilationssystem
This masters thesis deals with smoke spread via ventilation systems. One aim of the thesis is to investigate and explain the differences in efforts to prevent smoke spread via ventilation systems in different countries. A second aim of this thesis is to investigate how frequently occurring smoke spread via ventilation systems in Swedish buildings are. A third aim is to investigate how uncertaintieThis masters thesis deals with smoke spread via ventilation systems. One aim of the thesis is to investigate and explain the differences in efforts to prevent smoke spread via ventilation systems in different countries. A second aim of this thesis is to investigate how frequently occurring smoke spread via ventilation systems in Swedish buildings are. A third aim is to investigate how uncertaintie
Domstolsprövning av förvaltningsbeslut. Svensk, dansk och österrikisk rätt i komparativ belysning.
Denna avhandling omfattar en komparativ studie av systemen för domstolsprövning av förvaltningsbeslut enligt svensk, dansk och österrikisk rätt. Framställningen omfattar en rättslig analys av de regler och principer som styr dels när en domstolsprövning av förvaltningsbeslut kan komma till stånd (vilka sakprövningsförutsättningar som gäller), dels vad en sådan prövning omfattar och kan leda till (This thesis contains a comparative study of the systems of judicial review of administrative decisions in Swedish, Danish, and Austrian law. The main aim of the study is to explore how the three legal systems balance certain interests and functions that are related to the phenomenon of judicial review of administrative acts: on the one hand, the principle of effective judicial protection as well a
Polar amplification of Pliocene climate by elevated trace gas radiative forcing
Warm periods in Earth's history offer opportunities to understand the dynamics of the Earth system under conditions that are similar to those expected in the near future. The Middle Pliocene warm period (MPWP), from 3.3 to 3.0 My B.P, is the most recent time when atmospheric CO2levels were as high as today. However, climate model simulations of the Pliocene underestimate highlatitude warming that
Extraordinary Stability of IrO2(110) Ultrathin Films Supported on TiO2(110) under Cathodic Polarization
Down to a cathodic potentials of -1.20 V versus the reversible hydrogen electrode, the structure of IrO2(110) electrodes supported by TiO2(110) is found to be stable by in situ synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction. Such high cathodic potentials should lead to reduction to metallic Ir (Pourbaix diagram). From the IrO2 lattice parameters, determined during cathodic polarization in a H2SO4 electrolyte
Improvement of computational fluid dynamics simulations of flow in patients with total cavo pulmonary connection and predicting interventional outcomes
Chlamydial contribution to anaerobic metabolism during eukaryotic evolution
The origin of eukaryotes is a major open question in evolutionary biology. Multiple hypotheses posit that eukaryotes likely evolved from a syntrophic relationship between an archaeon and an alphaproteobacterium based on H2 exchange. However, there are no strong indications that modern eukaryotic H2 metabolism originated from archaea or alphaproteobacteria. Here, we present evidence for the origin
Implications of land use on the carbon cycle - Impacts of long-term human activities on terrestrial organic matter input to aquatic ecosystems in southern Sweden
Human activities have a huge impact on the carbon cycle by modifying the landscape. Vegetation cover changes attributed to forest clearance and the expansion of agricultural land increases soil erosion, organic matter and other nutrient delivery from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems. Long-term records of environmental variation at centennial to millennial time scales are essential for the assessm
Opportunities for Seaweed Biorefinery
This introductory chapter provides an overview of seaweed biorefinery opportunities, providing basis for multiple value chains, contributing to nutrition and health of a growing global population, to local job generation and development, to ecosystem services, and not the least to climate change mitigation and adaptation. A unique and rich diversity of the seaweed components provides the basis for
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The Pupillary Response of the Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris)
Cephalopods have very conspicuous eyes that are often compared to fish eyes. However, in contrast to many fish, the eyes of cephalopods possess mobile pupils. To increase the knowledge of pupillary and thus visual function in cephalopods, the dynamics of the pupil of one of the model species among cephalopods, the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris), was determined in this study. We measured pupilla
Foreign language learning and its impact on wider academic outcomes : A rapid evidence assessment
Background to the report:The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) commissioned this Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) with a view to understanding what is known from the research literature concerning learning a foreign language (FL) and its impact on students’ wider academic outcomes. The key questions addressed examine: i) the research identifyingwhat approaches to teaching FLs are being used and
Evaluation of Platelet Responses in Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI)
Platelets are versatile cells which are capable of eliciting nonhemostatic immune functions, especially under inflammatory conditions. Depending on the specific setting, platelets may be either protective or pathogenic in acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Their role in transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is less well defined; however, it has been hypothesi
Biocatalytic refining of polysaccharides from brown seaweeds
Brown macroalgae constitute 40% of the global production of seaweed, corresponding to approximately 10 million tonnes annually. Traditionally, seaweeds have been the source of hydrocolloids, food, and feed products. Due to possibilities for large-scale farming, brown macroalgae are a biomass with considerable potential for increased utilization. The main constituent polysaccharides, being alginate
Circular Economy Policy at a Crossroads: Encouraging Durable Products or Enabling Faster Cycling of Short-lived Products?
Non-ownership models, where firms rather than consumers remain product owners, are advocated as a way for firms to prolong product lifetimes and contribute to a more Circular Economy. However, it has been suggested that such models could actually encourage ‘faster cycling’, meaning earlier product replacement and shorter product lifetimes. Within recent policy discussions, product durability to pr
Mordet som skakade folkhemsidyllen
Recension av Peter Englund: Söndagsvägen. Berättelsen om ett mord
Vision i rörelse : Filmform 1950 - 2020: Från lokal filmklubb till nationellt arkiv och distributör
Brief account of the history of Filmform foundation, that began as a club for cinephiles and amateur filmmakers and now is a nationwide distribution agency and archive for experimental film and video art.