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Your search for "*" yielded 531899 hits

Roads to Emptiness

The phenomenon of empty labour gained considerable attention throughout the past years - mainly through its debate in public media and the introduction of the term by Roland Paulsen. We aim to contribute to the existing literature by adding alternative explanations to this phenomenon, as it is, up until now, mainly presented in a negative light. More specifically, we investigate how organisational

Public Childcare and Female Empowerment: Evidence from Mexico

Despite ample evidence on the importance of labor market opportunities for women’s bargaining power, the link between public childcare availability and female empowerment has so far been widely overlooked. Using detailed survey data on household dynamics, this paper investigates the impact of the Mexican childcare program Estancias Infantiles para Apoyar a Madres Trabajadoras on women’s decision-m

The influence of Sweden’s place image on the decision-making process of queer migrants

The queer experience has only become relatively recently a topic of study within migration scholarship. Despite it being seen as a ‘special interest’ field, a lot can be learned about processes of migration decision-making overall, by applying queer theory to it. Furthermore, the concept of place image, which is most often applied to research concerning tourist destinations and the ‘country of ori

Simulations of Astrocyte Induction by Transient Overexpression

Alla celler i samma kropp har samma genetiska information lagrad i DNA. Olika delar av den genetiska informationen är lagrade i en otillgänglig form. Vilken del av cellens DNA som är tillgänglig avgör sedan vilken specialisering cellen har. Genom att kontrollera vilken information som används kan man omprogrammera celler, till exempel kan en hudcell bli en hjärncell. En metod för att åstadkomma deAstrocytes are one of the most common types of cells found in the central nervous system, and they play an important supportive role for neurons and other brain cells. In order to obtain astrocytes for medical or experimental purposes, some protocols enable the production of astrocytes from stem cells, but it is of interest to be able to produce astrocytes from fibroblasts, a cell type found in th

Arbetsterapeuters upplevelser av rehabiliteringsmetoden “Tidig understödd utskrivning med fortsatt rehabilitering i hemmet” vid stroke

Bakgrund: 2018 publicerades nya riktlinjer för vård vid stroke i Sverige. Riktlinjerna har ökat prioriteringen av rehabiliteringsmetoden Tidig understödd utskrivning, även kallat Early Supported Discharge (ESD). ESD innebär att samma multidisciplinära team, där arbetsterapeuter utgör en väsentlig roll, både koordinerar utskrivning och utför hemrehabilitering. Tidigare studier har undersökt effekt Background: The rehabilitation method Early Supported Discharge (ESD) has gained in priority according to the new Swedish stroke-care guidelines that were published year 2018. ESD implies that the same multidisciplinary team, where occupational therapists constitutes an important role, both coordinates discharge and performs the home rehabilitation. Even though there are earlier studies examining

Examining German road supply chain triads with subcontractors - A sender’s perspective

Purpose – The road freight industry is becoming more and more complex. An increasing number of actors participating in the transport process has been highlighted. Simultaneously, transport constellations become more fragmented. With transport as feature of the product-offer, sending companies face new challenges. While transport has as part of the product offer influence on the customer satisfacti

"Äh sugardejting i sig det är ju alltså prostitution". En rättssociologisk studie om sugardejting

Sugar dating is a phenomenon in which peoples’ company and intimacy is traded for gifts and luxurious consumption. This study investigates what difficulties and possibilities exist for the regulation of sugar dating. In order to answer this question, the study also investigates how representatives of the Swedish police and the County Administrative Boards of Sweden(länsstyrelser) perceive the phen


Artistic freedom is recognised as a universal human right and a constitutional right in most national laws. Under the auspices of article 10 of the ECHR, the right to freedom of expression guarantees everyone a right to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority, subject to the limitation clauses outlined in Article 10(2). Whilst the text

Patienters upplevelser av overklighet under vårdtiden på en intensivvårdsavdelning - en systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Patienter kan drabbas av overkliga upplevelser i form av vanföreställningar, hallucinationer, paranoia, mardrömmar och drömmar inom intensivvården. Det är inte ovanligt att PTSD utvecklas av dessa upplevelser efter sjukhusvistelsen. Syftet: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av overklighet under vårdtiden på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: Systematisk litteraturöversikt där åtta artik

Understanding Credit Ratings and their Drivers: An Empirical Study of U.S.-based Corporations

This text sets out to examine what the general quantitative drivers of corporate credit ratings are. The result from an OLS regression identifies the following drivers: sales, the size of EBITDA in relation to debt, profitability, and interest coverage. When comparing the ratings from the agencies on a stand-alone basis, there are some differences. While interest coverage is a driving factor of S&

Framställningen av fängelsedömda kvinnor: en diskursanalys av könsskillnader i svensk offentlig debatt

The purpose of this dissertation is to examine and analyze the discourse on female prisoners in Sweden. To be sentenced to prison requires severe criminality and the lifetime sentence is the most severe conviction to criminal acts. Female prisoners are a small group (six percent of all convicted individuals in 2017) and for that reason there is limited research about these women. Therefore, this d

Den typiske missbrukaren : en jämförelsestudie av svensk medias rapportering om alkohol- och drogmissbruk

This study analysed 80 different articles from two Swedish newspapers: the evening paper Expressen and morning paper Dagens Nyheter, evenly divided between articles found with the search words drug addiction (drogmissbruk) and alcohol addiction (alkoholmissbruk). All of them published during 2018. By using a quantitative method to collect and code data and a social constructive and a political med

The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and The Critical Success Factors of Big Data Analytics

Over the past years, big data analytics (BDA) has gained more attention in both academic fields and business communities, and it was perceived as very beneficial for organizations. However, taking into consideration the quick and chaotic nature of its evolution, in addition to its high dependence on cutting edge technologies, BDA implementations were characterized as vague and risky projects with

The war is over, yet the bombs remain: A minor field study exploring how unexploded ordnance affect rural livelihoods in Houamoung district, Laos.

During the Secret War in Laos, 1964-1973, the United States dropped approximately 2 million tons of bombs in Laos. However, 30% of the employed bombs failed to detonate. It is estimated that 78 million unexploded ordance (UXO) still contaminate the land of Laos. This paper therefore aims to explore how UXO affect the possibilities for the rural population in Houamoung district to attain a sustaina

The social game of cohesion and differentiation in sustainable fashion consumption

The present study is grounded upon the traditional concepts of cohesion and differentiation in fashion by Simmel (1904) and Bourdieu (1984). The study reviewed these concepts in the social context of sustainable fashion consumption, with consideration of identity construction and expression. Furthermore, the study looked at the literature on certification labels and their value for consumers. Due

Development of Sliding Mechanism for IKEA Furniture

This Master Thesis cover a product development process based on an investigation of an existing product at IKEA. A study regarding potential improvements of the existing low-cost roller slide was performed. The roller slide enables opening and closing of drawers in some of today’s IKEA furniture. The existing product contains of four metal plates where each plate has a plastic wheel attached by a

Solid Waste Management in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Solid waste management has been topic of discussion in urban areas of many developing countries. Even though it is necessary to focus on institutional and technical factors when it comes to waste management, individual’s attitudes and perceptions are crucial to maintain proper practices to manage household waste. While the role and impact of individual’s attitudes and perceptions in household wast

Omregleringen av apoteksmarknaden och dess effekt på unga kvinnors reproduktiva hälsa. En studie av den ökade apotekstillgänglighetens påverkan på försäljningen av akut p-piller och abortsiffran.

Antalet aborter per 1000 svenska kvinnor i åldersgruppen 13 till 24 år har sjunkit konstant sedan 2009. Denna uppsats undersöker sambandet mellan abortantalet och omregleringen av apoteksmarknaden som påbörjades samma år. Vår hypotes om en koppling mellan dessa grundar sig i ökad tillgänglighet till akut p-piller som säljs receptfritt. Med hjälp av en Difference-in-Difference-analys jämförs anta

Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts in Hong Kong

This study investigates how civil society actors contribute to anti-human trafficking efforts in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), China, hereinafter referred to as Hong Kong. Thereby, the direct and indirect roles of NGOs and migrant domestic workers community leaders in such efforts are identified. In addition, differences and similarities between the respective actors’ roles are ex