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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Review of methods for measuring societal resilience and how they address critical infrastructures

The review presented in this paper aims to describe the state-of-the art concerning methods for measuring societal resilience. A literature search is conducted where 36 recently published methods are selected. Then, various questions are explored concerning the methods, such as how resilience is operationalized, how data is collected, and about their normative foundation. Several methods exist wit

Conflict between the Electronic Factors and Structure-Directing Rules in the Intergrowth Structure of Ca4Ag2+xGe4-x with x = 1/2

Combined experimental and theoretical efforts to conceptually understand the structure directing forces in intergrowth structures have led to the discovery of the new ternary phase Ca4Ag2+xGe4-x (x = 0.5), obtained from high-temperature reaction of the elements. It crystallizes in a new structure type according to single-crystal diffraction methods: monoclinic space group C2/m-i10 with a = 10.7516

Fast Classification of Empty and Occupied Parking Spaces Using Integral Channel Features

In this paper we present a novel, fast and accurate system for detecting the presence of cars in parking lots. The system is based on fast integral channel features and machine learning. The methods are well suited for running embedded on low performance platforms. The methods are tested on a database of nearly 700,000 images of parking spaces, where 48.5% are occupied and the rest are free. The e

Motion förbättrar arbetsförmågan och muskelstyrkan vid kronisk njursvikt

Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) show a decline in maximal exercise capacity and muscle strength as renal function decreases. Renal anaemia, skeletal muscle dysfunction, tiredness and increasing inactivity are the major causes of this deterioration. Exercise training improves maximal exercise capacity, muscle strength and endurance in young, middle-aged and elderly patients at all stages

Preoperative treatment of anemic women with epoetin beta

Aim. To compare the effects of preoperative treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) and iron with iron only on hemoglobin levels (Hb) in anemic women prior to hysterectomy. Methods. The study was an open-labelled randomized parallel study. Fifteen women scheduled for hysterectomy due to uterine myoma were given oral iron and EPO (NeoRecormon®) 4 weeks prior to surgery (group I) and 1

Impaired myocardial function following chronic cobalt exposure in an isolated rat heart model

Objectives: The effects of chronic cobalt exposure were studied in an isolated working model in a modified Langendorff preparation. Methods: Thirty-six rats were given either a conventional (control group) or a cobalt supplemented diet (cobalt group; 40 mg CoSO4 x 7 H2O/kg body weight/day). Sixteen of the animals were sacrificed and their hearts were excised after 16 weeks and the remaining 20 aft

Central exclusive quark-antiquark dijet and standard model Higgs boson production in proton-(anti)proton collisions

We consider the central exclusive production of qq̄ pairs and Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions at LHC. The amplitude for the process is derived within the k -factorization approach and considered in different kinematical asymptotics, in particular, in the important high quark transverse momenta and massless quark limits. Quark helicity and spin-projection amplitudes in two different frames

Factorization effect and near-threshold boson production at linear colliders

We calculate cross-section of the near-threshold three-boson production at the ILC with an account of their instability and a principal part of NLO corrections. The calculations are fulfilled within the framework of the model of unstable particles with smeared mass. We show that the contribution of finite width (instability) is large in the resonance Higgs-mass range and should be taken into accou

Diffractive exclusive production of heavy quark pairs at high energy proton-proton collisions

We discuss exclusive double diffractive (EDD) production of heavy quark - heavy antiquark pairs at high energies. Differential distributions for cc̄ at √s = 1.96 GeV and for bb̄ at √s = 14 TeV are shown and discussed. Irreducible leading-order bb̄ background to Higgs production is calculated in several kinematical variables. The signal-to-background ratio is shown and several improvements are sugg

Central exclusive production of the scalar χc meson at the Fermilab Tevatron, BNL RHIC, and CERN LHC energies

We calculate several differential distributions for exclusive double-diffractive χc(0++) production in the proton-antiproton collisions at the Tevatron and in proton-proton collisions at RHIC and LHC. We use unintegrated gluon distributions (UGDFs) within the kt-factorization approach. The g*g*→χc(0++) transition vertex is calculated as a function of gluon virtualities via the standard perturbativ

Prevalence of Sudden Death in Palliative Care : Data From the Australian Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration

Context Advanced, life-limiting illnesses are likely to have a predictable functional decline through a terminal phase to death, but some patients may also die suddenly. To date, empirical evidence characterizing “sudden death” in hospice/palliative care is lacking. Objectives The aim of this study was to determine prevalence and clinicodemographic predictors of sudden death in hospice/palliative

Atmospheric Chemistry of Tetrahydrofuran, 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran, and 2,5-Dimethyltetrahydrofuran : Kinetics of Reactions with Chlorine Atoms, OD Radicals, and Ozone

FTIR smog chamber techniques were used to study the kinetics of the gas-phase reactions of Cl atoms, OD radicals, and O3 with the five-membered ring-structured compounds tetrahydrofuran (C4H8O, THF), 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (CH3C4H7O, 2-MTHF), 2,5-dimethyltetrahydrofuran ((CH3)2C4H5O, 2,5-DMTHF), and furan (C4H4O). The rate coefficients determined using relative rate methods were kTHF+Cl = (1.96 ±

Vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes

AIMS: Vitamin B12 deficiency could be associated with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) in diabetes patients. We aim to investigate the association between serum levels of vitamin B12 and CAN in type 2 diabetes patients.METHODS: 469 ambulatory type 2 diabetes patients (mean diabetes duration 10.0years (IQR 5.0;17.0), mean age 59.0years (SD 11.6), 63% men, mean B12 289.0pmol/l (IQR 217;390)

The tumor suppressor p53 and its response gene p21(WAF1/Cip1) are not markers of neuronal death following transient global cerebral ischemia

The tumor suppressor protein p53 is implicated in cell cycle arrest and DNA repair as well as in apoptosis. In the CNS, p53 has been associated with neuronal cell death following various insults, including cerebral ischemia. We investigated the expression of p53 messenger RNA and protein, and the messenger RNA expression of the p53-responsive gene p21(WAF1/Cip1), in specific hippocampal regions fo

'The Mumpreneur' : Intensive Motherhood, Maternal Identity and the Meaning of Educational Work in Singapore

This ethnographic study explores how Singaporean middle-class women who have opted out of the traditional labour market to support their children actively redefine their roles and responsibilities. How are investments of time, energy, emotional and economic resources in children’s education explained, and what bearing do they have on norms of motherhood? While involved or intensive parenting style