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k_S^0, Λ, and ͞Λ, pT spectra in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV, measured with the ALICE experiment at LHC

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Big Bang, Den Stora Smällen, är ett begrepp som de flesta av oss känner till; universums födelse som har gett upphov till galaxer, svarta hål, solsystem, planeter – och ja, indirekt till livet och mänskligheten själv. Långt innan allt detta skapades, bara några bråkdelar av en sekund efter Big Bang, fanns inte den vanliga materien som vi är vana vid idag; det faThis thesis presents a study of L, ¯L, and K0 s particle (generically referred to as V0 particles) production measured by the ALICE experiment located at LHC, CERN, in protonproton collisions at a center of mass collision energy of p s = 7 TeV. The particles are reconstructed via their V0 decay topology, which can be done due to the excellent tracking performance of the Time Projection Chamber det

Underrepresentation of women in the parliament of the Republic of Moldova. A gender perspective on democratic development in the country.

Women’s participation in politics is an interesting subject to study. The value of the study is even more meaningful if it considers the gender perspective. Of course, the representation of women in politics is not a new issue to make one’s research on, yet now it is very up to date when new democratic states emerge and higher numbers of women tend to become politically active. At the same time ju

The Perfect Gentleman: Exploring a Development of Masculine Ideals in Jane Austen's Heroes

The fact that Jane Austen composed and edited her novels during two eventful decades in Britain’s history excites an interest to investigate if this has affected the creation of her characters. This thesis explores whether Austen’s heroes develop in accordance with a shift in masculine ideals that can be discerned around the turn of the nineteenth century. The masculine ideal for gentlemen can be

Operation Barga: An Exercise in Legal Empowerment? (A qualitative study of sharecroppers (‘bargadar’) and landowners in a West Bengal village)

The central premise of this thesis is an analysis of one major land reform programme (Operation Barga) initiated in the Indian state of West Bengal, from the Legal Empowerment of the Poor (LEP) perspective. Specifically, the research question addressed is the role of Operation Barga as a tool in legally empowering the poor bargadar (sharecroppers) and its impact on the landowners, over a period of

Can the "Puppies of the Euro Stoxx" beat the European market?

This thesis examines if the investment strategy “Puppies of the Dow” is a working strategy applied to a European market setting during the years 2001-2010. The purpose was to determine whether the strategy could be successfully replicated in a different market with conditions differing from the once underlying the Dow Jones Industrial Average that the investment strategy originates from. By replic

Are Global Framework Agreements Changing Industrial Relations? - A critical study of labour regulation regimes

As the numbers of multinational corporations (MNCs) steadily increases production becomes more and more global. Today, production can easily be moved from one corner of the world to another if corporations find this to increase their profit. This puts trade unions in front of a new challenge as they now have to find strategies in order to promote and secure labour rights on a globalized labour mar

Acceptance test of a linear accelerator

When a new linear accelerator is installed at a department it is of great importance that it is carefully controlled and calibrated before being put into clinical use. This is done with the acceptance test (AT). The mechanical parameters, the beam performance and the reproducibility of the dose output are tested. For each test there is a requirement which must be fulfilled for the machine to pass

Radioactive waste dumping on the seafloor

210Pb dateringsstudie på 3000-4000 meters djup gjord på sediment från Marokanska och Arabiska havet för att undersöka om djuphavssediment är en stabil miljö. Tanken med examensarbetet är att undersöka konsekvenserna för dumpning av radioaktivt avfall i havet. Vilka regler gäller och vilka problem kan uppstå. Är det säkert eller ej? Vilka dumpplatser finns det och vad har man dumpat där? Ett av målThe earth surface consists of 71% of water and 29% land. 97% of that water is contained in saline seas. More than 90 per cent of the worlds living biomass can be found in the oceans. The sea has always been a possible dumpingsite for waste produced by man. Radioactive waste is the one of the most dangerous waste of all. Since the beginning of nuclear power research dumpsites around the world has b

A polymer gel prepared under normal levels of oxygen Basic studies and the potential for IMRT verifications

"The technology for planning and delivering radiotherapy has in the last decade undergone some revolutionary development and it is now possible to perform complex treatments such as stereotactic treatments and treatments using dynamic wedges, multileaf collimator and intensity modulation. The more precise limits surrounding the PTV have made it of utmost interest to be able to verify calculat

The Effect of Masking on the Evaluation of Clinical Radiographs

The evaluation of clinical radiographs with the European Image Criteria method has in previous work proven to be an easy and straightforward method. The main drawback with this method is the large inter-observer variation. It has been proposed that the reason for this is that the observers get “distracted” by the surrounding structures in the image and that a sort of “first impression” of the imag

Reduction of Patient Dose in CT Adjustment of Tube Current to Patient Size

Motivationen med studien var den alldeles för höga stråldosen som används vid CTundersökningar. I de allra flesta fallen anpassas man inte rörströmmen efter patientens storlek och därmed får smalare patienter en onödigt hög stråldos. Målet var att reducera stråldosen till patienter som undersöks med datortomografi utan att minska på bildkvalité, genom att anpassa rörströmmen efter patientens stoIn this study we have investigated the possibilities of dose reduction in CT at a constant level of image quality by adjustment of the tube current to the phantom size. The motivation with the study is the high radiation doses to the patients and the increasing frequency of CT examinations and the variety of examinations in CT, and that the same tube current is used for different patient sizes. Ac

Distortion in 3T clinical fMRI data

Funktionell magnetresonanstomografi (fMRI) är en teknik som gör det möjligt att kartlägga aktivering inom olika delar av hjärnan. Genom att samla in bilddata då patienten är i vila, och sedan jämföra dessa med data insamlade medan patienten är aktiv (t.ex. utför fingerrörelser), kan en bild skapas som visar var i hjärnan aktivering har skett. Dessa bilder kan t.ex. användas för att bedöma om det äFunctional MRI (fMRI) is a technique for determining which parts of the brain are activated when a subject experiences some type of physical sensation or performs an activity. This technique has during the past several years become a very useful tool for understanding functions of the nervous system, and the development of clinical applications is rapidly progressing. However, fMRI is not straight

Tensor Analysis of MRI Diffusion Data

Diffusionsviktad magnetiskresonanstomografi (MRT) är en metod där vi med hjälp av magnetfält kan märka in vattenmolekyler och följa de slumpmässiga rörelser som alla molekyler uppvisar. Den slumpmässiga rörelsen uppstår p.g.a. termisk energi (värmeenergi) och varierar med temperaturen och ämnet som omger molekylerna. Tensoranalys är ett matematiskt verktyg för att skapa modeller för hur den omgivaDiffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a modality that offers the possibility to measure molecular motion such as water self-diffusion which is in the order of 10-9 m2/s. The basic formalism has been known since the middle of the 20:th century, it is however, only during the last decade that it has been used for imaging. Through tensor analysis of diffusion weighted images, acquire

Design and evaluation of a patient positioning system for BNCT

A patient positioning system for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for treatment of brain tumours was designed, and its accuracy was evaluated. The system will be used at the BNCT facility under construction at Studsvik, Sweden. Recent studies have shown that the accuracy in the patient positioning procedure in BNCT is of more significance than generally perceived in the past. Therefore one obj

Jökulhlaups: their associated landforms and landscape impacts

Denna kandidatuppsats är en litteraturstudie som behandlar jökulhlaups och deras tillhörande landformer samt deras inverkan på landskapet. Jökulhlaup är den isländska termen för störtfloder från glaciärer och används internationellt för att beskriva detta fenomen. Vattnet som skapar dessa störtfloder kan ha många olika ursprung, såsom kraftig nederbörd, snabb avsmältning av glaciäris, tömning av eGlacial outburst floods also known as jökulhlaups are important features connected with glaciers globally. They may induce catastrophic floods as well as new landforms. This review describes and synthesizes jökulhlaup trigger mechanisms as well as associated landforms and landscape impacts of jökulhlaups with a special focus on Skeiðarársandur, south Iceland, and the 1996 jökulhlaup. Important sou

Weather induced variations in raptor migration : a study of raptor migration during one autumn season in Kazbegi, Georgia, 2010

När rovfåglar flyttar använder de antingen glid- och kretsflykt eller en kombination av glid och aktiv flykt. Energikonsumtionen vid aktiv flykt ökar snabbt med ökad kroppsvikt och används därför oftast av mindre rovfågelarter så som falkar, sparvhökar och kärrhökar. Glid- och kretsflykt används till mycket stor utsträckning av de större och tyngre arterna som vråkar, glador och örnar, som då är bRaptors migrate by using either soaring and gliding flight or a combination of gliding and powered flight. The energy consumption when using powered flight increases rapidly with body mass and is therefore mainly used by the smaller raptors, such as Falcons, Sparrowhawks and Harriers. Soaring and gliding flight are mainly used by the larger raptors such as Buzzards, Kites and Eagles. When using so

The effect of natural disturbances on the carbon balance of boreal forests

Den boreala skogen, mer känd som taigan, breder ut sig på de nordliga delarna av norra halvklotet innan den trädlösa tundran tar över. I detta enorma skogsområde som sträcker sig genom Skandinavien, Ryssland och Nordamerika är störningar i form av bränder, insektsangrepp och stormar vanliga och en naturlig del av ekosystemet. Dessa störningar påverkar skogens kolbalans genom deras inverkan på bådeNatural disturbances such as fires, insect outbreaks and windthrows are able to influence the balance between the ecosystem gain and loss of carbon in the boreal forest. This effect of natural disturbances on the ecosystem carbon balance has been proposed as one of the reasons why the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere varies between years. At present the boreal forest as a whole act to mitigate

Accepterad sexhandel- olika perspektiv på prostitution i Thailand

Abstract The aim of this study was to make a survey of different perspectives on “voluntary” prostitution in Thailand, which we tried to accomplish by semi structured interviews with people who, in some way, were connected with the field. Their occupations stretch from a student writing his thesis to a human rights lawyer. This study has centered around four areas concerning prostitution in Thaila

Patientskada då anmäld vårdgivare är tandläkare

Sedan 1975 har det funnits en utökad möjlighet för patienter att få ersättning vid felbehandling inom vården genom den frivilliga patientförsäkringen, utöver de möjligheter som skadeståndsrätten erbjuder. År 1997 var patient-försäkringen inte frivillig längre, då det lagstadgades att varje vårdgivare är skyldig att ha en patientförsäkring och förutsättningarna för ersättning fastställdes. FörutsätSince 1975, the possibility for remedy when Swedish healthcare is performed incorrectly and causes personal injury is extended by the voluntary patient injury insurance. Since 1997, the patient injury insurance is statutory in the Patient Injury Act and thereby mandatory for all health care institutions. The conditions for compensation through the patient injury insurance are the same regardless o